属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-埃弗里1959年的研究发现拯救无数早产儿
1 | 今天就是今天,明天我们就消失于永恒之中。 | Today’s today. Tomorrow, we may be ourselves gone down the drain of eternity.--Euripides ancient Creek playwright | |
2 | 如果我们打出封锁那地区这张“得分牌”,最高级会谈肯定会告吹。 | The summit was sure to go down the drain if we played our "hole card" of blockade against the area | |
3 | 试图维修这辆旧车的困难在于,总要花大本钱才能使它开得动。 | The trouble with trying to maintain an old car is that you’re always pouring money down the drain to keep it roadworthy. | |
4 | 他把凉茶倒进下水道。 | He poured the cold tea down the drain . | |
5 | 他本来是一位很好的学生,但最近越来越落后了。 | He used to be a every good student, but he seems to have gone down the drain recently | |
6 | 天一下雨,我们去游泳的计划就全落空了. | Our plans to go swimming went down the drain when it rained. | |
7 | 我们的意见或是被人摈弃或是已成为人们自己的信念。 | Our opinions will have either gone down the drain or become every man’s private conviction | |
8 | 一次错误的投资使他的积蓄化为乌有。 | His savings went down the drain on a bad investment | |
9 | 只要发生一个错误,全部的时间和金钱就将尽付东流. | A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain . | |
10 | ||1:埃弗里:“坚持是关键,我认为。||2:知道自己想做什么同时不要轻易气馁是关键,特别是在研究中。||3:你知道,你不断地会进入未知领域。||4:你花几个月时间试图证明一些东西,结果却发现自己犯了一些严重错误同时不得不说,‘我这六个月的辛勤工作全白搭了。’而你必须从头再来,这非常气馁。” | ||1:MARY ELLEN AVERY: "Hanging in there is key, I think.||2:Knowing what you want to do and not being easily discouraged is key, particularly in research.||3:You know, you’re always moving into the unknown.||4:And you can spend months trying to prove something, only to find that you made some terrible mistakes and you have to be willing to say ’six months of my life and my hard work went down the drain ,’ and you have to start over -- that’s terrible discouragement." | |
11 | 水将会被吸到下水道里。 | They are sucked down the drain . | |
12 | 它们被吸进了排水管。 | They are sucked down the drain . | |
13 | 把一茶匙1:99的稀释家用漂白水灌入排水口。 | Pour a teaspoonful of 1: 99 diluted household bleach solution down the drain outlet. | |
14 | 不过我可以欣慰地说,Sam对把裤衩放在马桶里冲掉已经失去兴趣了。但他还是喜欢把洗发液往水池里倒。 | Sam has lost interest in flushing underwear down the lavatory, I am pleased to say, but he still likes tipping shampoo down the drain . | |
15 | 大多数人感觉支付租金就像把钱扔进下水道,或是送到别人的口袋里。 | Most people feel that paying rent is like throwing money down the drain or lining someone else’s pockets. | |
16 | 大萧条时期大量的财富都化为无形。 | During the Depression huge fortunes went down the drain . | |
17 | 黛西在浴室里。那时她正在刷牙,但是水龙头开着。水流入水槽,消失在下水道中。 | Daisy was in the bathroom. She was brushing her teeth and the tap was on. Water was pouring into the washbasin and vanishing down the drain . | |
18 | 当废水进入排水系统后,它还需要被抽入污水处理中心进行处理,直到达到饮用水标准。 | As it swirls down the drain , remember it will need to be pumped to a treatment centre and treated to potable quality. | |
19 | 电一停,我们的努力全都付诸流水。现在我们的实验得整个重新来过。 | All our efforts went down the drain when the power went out. Now we have to do the whole experiment again. | |
20 | 而如果他们撤资,你所有的努力都将付之东流。 | And if they turn off the tap, all of your hard work may go down the drain . | |
21 | 肥皂分子包围并把细菌拉起来,双手的摩擦使细菌脱离皮肤,然后水把它们冲入下水道。 | Soap molecules surround and lift the germs, friction from rubbing your hands loosens them, and water rinses them down the drain . | |
22 | 干他这行的最难之处是,拍完照片后,看着自己的作品在水龙头下付之东流。 | The hardest part of his job is watching his creations disappear down the drain after they’re photographed. | |
23 | 还好,它们大多数都是良性的,就算是有害的细菌也可以被冲掉,不会感到不适。 | Thankfully, most of these are benign and even the unsavoury ones can usually be washed down the drain without causing any harm. | |
24 | 她把脏水倒入了下水道。 | She tipped the dirty water down the drain . | |
25 | 静静等上一个小时,然后倒些热水清理掉盐。 | Let it sit for an hour or so, then run hot water down the drain to clear out the salt. | |
26 | 咖啡师们不断地将数百万美元的剩余的牛奶倒入下水道中。 | The baristas were pouring millions of dollars of leftover milk down the drain . | |
27 | 恐怕你又让那些钱白白浪费掉,我们承受不起。 | A: I’m afraid that you will let the money go down the drain again. We can’t afford to throw away the money. | |
28 | 那么,如果你没有伤残保险,他们付诸东流。 | Well, they go down the drain if you don’t have disability insurance. | |
29 | 如果你相信一个高价的品牌洗发水来确保一整天秀发飘飘,那就是在白白浪费钱财。 | If you rely on a high-priced brand to ensure a good hair day, you could be sending money down the drain . | |
30 | 如果你真的要卖这种真正意义上“被冲下排水沟”的产品的话,也许银行业者们真该加把劲了。 | Perhaps you simply have to work harder if you sell a product that literally gets washed down the drain . |