属类:社会文化-习 俗-
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-智能手机应用软件 反社会网络
1 | 《扫帚舞》,由三、四男女手持竹制扫帚,在死者家内边扫边跳。据说,"跳《扫帚舞》能清除邪恶,把鬼赶走"。 | The "Saozhou (Broom)Dance", with three to four men and women holding brooms to clean the house of the dead while dancing, is said to clear the evils and drive away demons. | |
2 | 曹植及随行人员站在渡河的楼船上凝目远送,天各一方,最后不得不乘车缓缓离去。 | At last, Cao Zhi and his entourage reluctantly mount their horses and carriages and slowly drive away | |
3 | 从这里驾车到机场有一个小时的路程. | The airport is an hour`s drive away . | |
4 | 驱离,使散开 | To drive away ;disperse. | |
5 | 人们相信婴儿的摇篮能够驱走死神 | The people believe that the cradle of a baby can drive away the God of Death. | |
6 | 骚乱者朝天开枪驱散新闻摄影记者。 | The rioters fired shots in the air to drive away news photographers | |
7 | 我该怎样做才能驱散忧伤感? | How can I drive away these feelings of sadness? | |
8 | 我决定由此着手,只要搬得动的,都从船上扔下去。在把这些木头扔下水之前,先都用绳子绑好,以免被海水冲走。 | I resolv’d to fall to work with these, and I flung as many of them over board as I could manage for their weight, tying every one with a rope that they might not drive away | |
9 | 小两口儿开车离开教堂时,朋友们常常开车追赶他们,不停地按喇叭,引起他们注意。 | When the couple drive away from the church, friends often chase them in cars, honking and drawing attention to them. | |
10 | 于是,每到岁末年首,人们就争着燃放鞭炮,用来驱赶"山臊"和恶鬼。 | People therefore played fireworks in order to drive away Shan Sao and evil spirits at the end of one year and the beginning of a year. | |
11 | 在古代,人们制造噪声以便把邪魔鬼怪驱逐出家门。而在今天,制造响声与其说是一种宗教仪式,不如说是一种风俗习惯。 | People made noise in ancient times to drive away the evil spirits from the home. Today, making noise is more of a custom than a religious ritual. | |
12 | 在回家的路上,我看见一个人驱车从你家走了。 | On my way home I saw a man drive away from your house in a car | |
13 | 在那阴沉沉的,有回音的车道里,她放过了四辆出租汽车。 | In the solemn echoing drive she let four taxicabs drive away | |
14 | 早晨的清新空气仿佛驱散了所有那些阴郁的念头。 | The fresh morning air seemed to drive away all his sombre passions. | |
15 | ||1:停车可以激发强烈的热情,特别是在公共空间供不应求的旧金山。||2:因此强烈抗议的应用软件使得街道上停车位的占用者通过向其他司机发出他们正要离开的提醒信息而赚钱。||3:在本文发表时,其中一个应用软件,MonkeyParking,正寻求旧金山市府的律师Dennis Herrera的理解,他已经责令其6月11日前停止操控城市街道否则将面临起诉。||4:另一个应用软件,ParkModo,也引起了Herrera的注意,这一软件目前还不能在旧金山应用,虽然它声称它打算在将来席卷全国。 | ||1:PARKING can stir intense passions, especially inSan Francisco, where demand for public spaces often exceeds supply.||2:Hence the outcry over apps that let occupants of slots on streets make money by alerting other drivers that they are about to drive away .||3:As we went to press, one of the apps, MonkeyParking, was seeking an understanding withSan Francisco’s city attorney, Dennis Herrera, who had given it until July 11th to cease operating on the city’s streets or face a lawsuit.||4:Another app, ParkModo, which also attracted Mr Herrera’s attention, is not currently operating inSan Francisco, though it says it intends to roll out nationwide in future. | |
16 | “我也是。”她笑着握了握他手,然后走出来站在走廊上看着他们离开。 | "Likewise. " She smiles, shakes his hand and stays out on the porch ’til they drive away . | |
17 | 大幅涨价让人感到羞耻,因为那样会赶跑年轻人,而他们是斯特拉福德最具吸引力的顾客。 | It would be a shame to raise prices too much because it would drive away the young people who are Stratford’s most attractive clientele. | |
18 | 而这时首先印入我脑海的是,从家里走路来上班要占用我多少游戏时间。 | My first thought as I watched the tow truck drive away was how many hours walking to and from work would take from my EverQuest time. | |
19 | 房屋署加强驱赶家鸦以防禽流感扩散 | Housing Department steps up measures to drive away house crows | |
20 | 接着重大的时刻来临了:我的女儿会迈着大步走向司机座位那边,拉开车门,溜到座位上把车开走。 | Then came the big moment: my daughter would stride to the driver’s side of the car, pull the door open, slide in, and drive away . | |
21 | 进到车里开走,别指望能骗得过我,你们知道我是谁,没用的.下一步,可以不要拿枪指着我了 | Then get into the car and drive away . Don’t try to trick me, you know who I am, it doesn’t work. Next, you can stop pointing that gun at me. | |
22 | 看见他们把车开走的丹尼尔的父亲丹尼·斯莫利说,在两人开进向雾一样的阴影中之后车动弹不了了。 | The truck stalled after the couple drove into a fog-like cloud, says Danielle’s father, Danny Smalley, who watched them drive away . | |
23 | 离造船厂仅仅10分钟车程的距离,却是另一种声音的世界:孩子们在课间大声笑着打篮球。 | Ten minutes’ drive away there is noise of another kind: children laughing as they play basketball during a break from lessons. | |
24 | 日本的“婴儿啼哭大赛”已有四百年历史,每年在全国各地都会举行。人们认为,孩子的啼哭声能够驱走妖魔鬼怪。 | The babies’ cries during the 400-year-old festival, which is celebrated across Japan, are supposed to drive away evil spirits. | |
25 | 如果他们在短期内为获取收益用力过猛,就可能慢慢损害社交网,赶走用户。 | If they push too hard for revenue in the short term, they might drive away users, undermining a network. | |
26 | 虽然滑稽有趣,但是不要开车、停下,然后假装没看见她又开走这一幕。 | While amusing, avoid that bit where you go and then stop and pretend to drive away without her. | |
27 | 随意扔掉这个硬盘并不是最安全的选择,因为硬盘里的数据可以被身份盗贼或类似的人通过某种方式恢复过来。 | Tossing a drive away is not the safest option, since recovery of the data may be within the means of identity thieves or such like. | |
28 | 它绝大多数主要市场距离维也纳总部也就是几个小时的车程。 | Most of its main markets are just a few hours’ drive away from the head office in Vienna. | |
29 | 我们需要有才能的年轻领袖人才帮助美国在21世纪的经济中保持核心地位,我们再也无力承受将他们赶走的政策了。 | We can no longer afford policies that drive away the talented young leaders we need to keep the US at the heart of the 21st-century economy. | |
30 | 我要谈论让你感兴趣的东西赶走你的孤独。 | I will drive away your loneliness by talking about things that interest you. |