属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加勒个油 The New Grease?
1 | 导轨直通到升降井顶部。钢丝绳在顶部绕过一个滑轮。滑轮由电动机驱动可向任一方向转动。 | The rails pass up to the top of the shaft, where they are taken over a pulley which can be driven in either direction by an electric motor. | |
2 | 第三十四条 机动车辆在城市市区范围内行驶,机动船舶在城市市区的内河航道航行,铁路机车驶经或者进入城市市区、疗养区时,必须按照规定使用声响装置。 | Article 34 When motor vehicles are driven in urban areas, motor vessels are navigated along inland rivers in urban areas, and locomotives are running through or entering urban areas or sanatorium areas, their sound-making apparatus must be used in compliance with regulations. | |
3 | 负磁剪切等离子体中离子温度梯度驱动不稳定性分析 | The Instability Analysis of Ion Temperature Gradient Driven in a Tokamak Plasma with Negative Magnetic Shear | |
4 | 货柜车司机艾滋病相关知识、态度及行为调查 | Investigation on AIDS Related KAP among Truck Driven in Shenzhen | |
5 | 如果汽车按直线行驶,就不需要差速器了。然而,当汽车转弯时,外侧的车轮一定比内侧的车轮行驶更长的距离。 | If the car were to be driven in a straight line without having to make turns, then no differential would be necessary. However, when the car rounds a turn, the outer wheel must travel farther than the inner wheel. | |
6 | 上海软土地基超长打入PHC桩工程性状研究 | Behavior of Long PHC Piles Driven in Shanghai Soft Clay | |
7 | 我们的前哨被迫撤回,预示敌人即将大举进攻。 | Our piquet’s were driven in as a prelude to the main enemy attack | |
8 | 我们的前哨被迫撤回,预示着敌人主力的进攻即将开始。 | Our pickets were driven in as a prelude to the main enemy attack. | |
9 | 游行花车在一个可移动的平台上布置好的游行时可拉动或推动的展览或场景 | A decorated exhibit or scene mounted on a mobile platform and pulled or driven in a parade. | |
10 | 这些元素,在种种气流吹送之下,从我们身外向四面八方传播:人的诞生,人的姿态,人的死亡,以及在人的坟头上生长出紫罗兰--这不过是成千上成化合结果的点滴例子而已。 | For out on every side of us those elements are broadcast, driven in many currents; and birth and gesture and death and the springing of violets from the grave are but a few out of ten thousand resultant combinations. | |
11 | 总统乘车威严地驶过北京的街道. | The president was driven in state through the streets of Beijing. | |
12 | 总统在盛大的仪式中乘车从街上通过. | The President was driven in state through the streets. | |
13 | ||1:富人收入重新上涨并不奇怪。||2:大衰退时期其收入降低是由于受到股市暴跌的影响,而自那以后,股价一路飙升回危机前的水平。||3:相比之下,工薪阶层的收入却几乎没改变过。||4:除了资本所得,10%富人的工资占全国总工资的比例也在2010年达到新高,未来可能还会继续上涨。 | ||1: Renewed gains at the top are not surprising. ||2: Declines in high incomes during the recession were driven by a collapse in stock prices, which have since roared back to their levels of before the crisis. ||3: By contrast, salary income has scarcely budged. ||4: Excluding capital gains, the top 10% of earners captured a near-record share of income in 2010. More increases may follow. | |
14 | ||1:高油价的源头至关重要。||2:比如,像供应异动对全球经济造成的危害就比需求走强型油价攀升大。||3:对于目前的上涨,一个常被用到的解释就是央行的慷慨救助推升了油价。||4:在近几个月里,全球各大央行不是在注入流动性,增加量化宽松(印钱买国债),就是在保证延长保持低利率的期限。||5:就像争论的那样,廉价资金(不只是低息贷款,还有货币的贬值等)的涌入早把投资者推到了硬资产那边,特别是石油那里。||6:不过因为市场是有预测性的,所以是量化宽松的宣布提升了油价,而不是实施。确实,上个月美联储主席本伯南克宣布没有下一轮量化宽松,是让市场很失望的。||7:另外,如果价格上涨是由投机者造成的,你将会看到原油库存的增加——这完全与事实背道而驰。 | ||1: The origins of higher prices matter. ||2: Supply shocks, for instance, do more damage to global growth than higher prices that are the consequence of stronger demand. ||3: One frequent explanation of the current rise is that central-bank largesse has sent oil prices higher. ||4: In recent months the world’s big central banks have all either injected liquidity, expanded quantitative easing (printing money to buy bonds) or promised to keep rates low for longer. ||5: This flood of cheap money, so the argument goes, has sent investors into hard assets, especially oil. ||6: But since markets are forward-looking, the announcement rather than the enactment of QE should move oil prices; indeed, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, disappointed markets last month by not signalling another round of QE (see Buttonwood). ||7: Moreover, if rising prices are being driven by speculators you should see a rise in oil inventories—exactly the opposite of what has happened. | |
15 | ||1:更多诸如此类的阻碍仍像噩梦般笼罩在美国经济周围。||2:欧债危机尚未解决。||3:伊朗与西方社会的紧张局势使每加仑汽油价自十二月中旬以来上涨了二十五美分。||4:联邦政府的财政紧缩政策仍是一个威胁:针对本月到期的工资税减免政策,国会再一次陷入僵局。除非国会加以干涉,有关增加税收和削减开支的一系列规定将自行生效。||5:总之,在复苏经济的过程中,正如橄榄球比赛一样,什么也无法担保下半场能比上半场轻松,抑或出现好兆头就意味着胜利。 | ||1: The threat of more such setbacks still hangs over the economy. ||2: Europe’s crisis has not been solved. ||3: The intensifying confrontation between Iran and the west has driven petrol prices up 25 cents per gallon since mid-December. ||4: Federal austerity remains a threat: Congress is once again locked in confrontation over a payroll-tax break that expires at the end of this month and a raft of other tax increases and spending cuts will kick in next year unless it intervenes. ||5: In the economy, as in football, there is no guarantee that the second half will be easier than the first. | |
16 | ||1:哈佛经济学家马丁·费尔德斯坦指出,1986年美国将税率上限由50%下调至28%,与之相应的富人应税收入也作出等额调整,总税收与往年持平。||2:这就意味着提高税率上限可能不会带来多少额外收益,反倒进一步扭曲经济行为。||3:但是,还有一些经济学家认为,对应税收入的调整主要是应富人的需求--他们通过调整获取收入的时间与方式,使赋税达到最低。||4:举例来说,1993年税率上升后,应税收入大幅下降;这很大程度上是因为一些富人此前赶着在税率调高前兑现股票期权。 | ||1:Martin Feldstein, a Harvard economist, found that the taxable income of the rich adjusted dollar-for-dollar with tax rates when America cut its highest tax rate from 50% to 28% in 1986, so that tax revenues stayed the same.||2:This would suggest that raising top tax rates is likely to produce little extra revenue, while distorting economic behaviour further.||3:But others have found that this adjustment in taxable income is driven largely by people altering when and how they take their income in order to minimise their tax burden.||4:For instance, there was a big fall in taxable income after tax rates rose in 1993; but most of this seems to have come from a few rich people hurrying to cash in their stock options before taxes rose. | |
17 | ||1:快速放电并不是超级电容器的唯一特长,它还能够快速充电,这一点使得它们在生制动系统中尤其出色,因为它们能够吸收汽车减速时产生的更多电力。||2:不过,它们能够储存的能量只有电池的一小部分,过不了多久便会气喘吁吁。||3:于是乎,工程师们一段时间以来一直在尝试将超级电容器的最佳性能和电池最有用的特性相结合,制造一种兼具速度和持久性的存储设备。他们目前取得了一些成功。||4:其实,位于法国艾克斯-普罗旺斯附近的NAWATechnologies公司声称,其类似于超级电容的电池可以使电动汽车的续航里程增加一倍以上,充电一次可行驶1000公里,另外这种新设备还可以在五分钟内充80%的电量。 | ||1: Speedy discharge is not the only advantage supercapacitors bring. They can be recharged more quickly, too. That makes them particularly useful in regenerative-braking systems, since they are able to absorb more of the electricity that is produced as a vehicle slows down. ||2: They can, though, store only a fraction of the amount of energy which a battery stuffs away. They therefore soon run out of puff. ||3: Because of this, engineers have been trying for a while to hybridise the best bits of a supercapacitor with the most useful features of a battery, to make a storage device with both speed and endurance. They are now having some success. ||4: Indeed, NAWATechnologies, near Aix-en-Provence, France, claims its supercapacitor-like battery could more than double the range of an electric car, allowing it to be driven for 1,000km on a single charge. This new device could also, NAWA says, be recharged to 80% of its capacity in as little as five minutes. | |
18 | 表面约束下的沉桩挤土效应数值模拟研究 | Numerical simulation research of the effect of squeezing soil due to pile driven in soft clay restrained on surface | |
19 | 部分分析师表示,科技股反弹回升的部份原因在于遭到超卖,此前投资人对下半年的不确定因素做出反应。 | Some analysts said the tech rebound was driven in part by over-selling, as investors reacted to second-half uncertainty. | |
20 | 沉管灌注桩在软弱土层缩径的原因分析及防治措施 | Cause Analyses and Countermeasure for Diameter Shrink of Grouted Pile by Driven in Weak Soil | |
21 | 打入式钢筋混凝土预制桩承载力时间效应研究 | Research on Time Effect of Bearing Capacity of Driven-in Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Piles | |
22 | 当日夏初就在这同一条路上,他们驾车走的是相反的方向,当时他曾坚持要吻她,而现在他已经全忘光了。 | He had quite forgotten his struggle to kiss her when, in the early summer, they had driven in the opposite direction along the same road. | |
23 | 东海大桥打入桩基础耐久性研究与应用 | Research and Application of Durability of Driven-in Pile Foundations of Donghai Bridge | |
24 | 而国际价格低,是推动购买热潮,努力建立库存的一部分,经济学家说。 | Economists say the buying binge has been driven in part by a Chinese effort to build up stockpiles while global prices are low. | |
25 | 而所有这些改变又受到了自由化、技术创新、以及金融经济学发展的推动。 | All this change was driven, in turn, by liberalisation, by technological innovation and by developments in financial economics. | |
26 | 非洲拥有丰富的原材料资源,而原材料需求及价格的反弹,将在很大程度上受到这些金砖四国(Brics)新兴经济体的推动。 | Recovery in demand and prices for the raw materials Africa has in abundance will be driven in large part by these emerging Bric economies. | |
27 | 分析师们估计,目前有60%的股市交易以这种方式进行。 | Analysts estimate that up to 60 per cent of trading in equity markets is driven in this way. | |
28 | 佛教徒感到宇宙间的能量充满了他,像狂风扫过一般地带着他在云间穿行。 | The Buddhist feels the energy rushing into him from the Universe and lets himself be driven in great sweeping movements through the clouds. | |
29 | 该国经济的动力主要源自于国内需求,因此被列为在对外部冲击面前最为抗跌的经济体之一。 | Driven in large part by domestic demand, it is reckoned to be among the most resilient economies to external shock. | |
30 | 金价在过去一年上涨了56%,一定程度上是由对未来财政忧心忡忡的亚洲各国推动的。 | This is up 56 per cent over the past year, driven, in part, by fears of Asians over their financial future. |