属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-航海家 Mau piailug
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-餐饮业 The restaurant business
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-餐饮业 The restaurant business
1 | 把饭吃光。 | Eat (up)your dinner. | |
2 | 把你的土豆吃完吧,别那么挑挑拣拣的. | Eat up your potatoes and don`t be so finical . | |
3 | 把你的午餐吃光。 | Eat up your lunch. | |
4 | 把你的鱼吃完,别太挑剔了。 | Eat up your fish and don’t be so finicky. | |
5 | 趁饭还热,快把它吃完。 | Eat up the dinner while it is still warm. | |
6 | 吃光. | eat up | |
7 | 吃完饭碗里的每一粒米粒. | eat up every grain of rice in one`s bowl | |
8 | 津津有味地听取耸人听闻的证词 | Eat up lurid testimony | |
9 | 可是这新的运费率把他的利润全一古脑儿吞掉啦。 | The new rate eat up every cent of his gains | |
10 | 快趁热把饭吃完。 | Eat up your dinner before it gets cold | |
11 | 狼吞虎咽地吃 | To eat up greedily. | |
12 | 你把饭吃(完)了. | Eat(up)your dinner. | |
13 | 你必须把你的早点吃光。 | You must eat up your breakfast . | |
14 | 你可以把剩余的食物吃光。 | You can eat up the rest of the food. | |
15 | 弱肉强食。 | The great fish eat up the small. | |
16 | 他们把所有的棒棒糖都吃光了,真贪吃。 | It was greedy of them to eat up all the bonbons. | |
17 | 一口吃光. | eat up at a mouthful | |
18 | ||1:2007年,夏威夷人民送给他一个礼物,一艘双船身小船,Alingano Maisu,Maisu在当地语言指"在风暴中长出的面包果",每个人都能吃。||2:面包果树也是Mau最喜欢的树,高大,轻爽,卷曲的果实适合造船,粘稠的乳胶适合堵缝蛇,富含淀粉的果实经过发酵,最适于做航海的食物。||3:Maisu还指公司平易地分享好东西,比如不用地图,而利用星星在太平洋航行几个星期的知识。 | ||1:In 2007 the people of Hawaii gave him a present of a double-hulled canoe, the Alingano Maisu.Maisu means “ripe breadfruit blown from a tree in a storm”, which anyone may eat.||2:The breadfruit was Mau’s favourite tree anyway: tall and light, with a twisty grain excellent for boat-building, sticky latex for caulking, and big starchy fruit which, fermented, made the ideal food for an ocean voyage.||3:But maisu also referred to easy, communal sharing of something good: like the knowledge of how to sail for weeks out on the Pacific, without maps, going by the stars. | |
19 | ||1:酒吧和饭店经常被严格的配额制度所限制,随着犹他州人口数量的不断增长他们不得不重新申请领的经销许可证。||2:十月份将有很多地方的酒类经营许可证将会被收回,因为人口增长量低于许可证的颁发量。||3:这些地方(被取消许可证)后现在只能出售度数不高于3.2的酒(那里销售的啤酒只占其他地区的3.2%),白酒甚至更低。||4:最糟的是,这些酒吧和餐厅必须和在国营商店里购买酒类的消费者一样支付比原价高80%到90%的金额(为了达到销售的上限,这些酒吧餐馆不得不像在国营商店里购买酒类的消费者们那样拿出涨价额的80%到90%用于酒馆的运营)。||5:有这么多的“火圈”要钻,有这么多的额外支出需要去支付,难怪酒类运营商纷纷放慢了他们在犹他州扩展的步伐转而投资其他地区。||6: 就像是一个纪念杯子上镌刻的文字一样“尽情吃喝, 开怀畅饮吧——明天到了犹他州,就没机会了” | ||1: Bars and restaurants are regularly tripped up by a strict quota system for new licences, which is based on Utah’s population growth. ||2: A number of places that had been awarded permits for all types of alcohol had them taken away in October because the increase in headcount was below projections. ||3: These can now serve only beer that is 3.2% or less alcohol. ||4: To cap it all, pubs and eateries have to pay the same 80-90% markup for their booze as consumers do in the state-run stores. ||5: With so many hoops to jump through and extra costs to absorb, it is no wonder that some chains are slowing their expansion in the state or choosing to focus elsewhere. ||6: As the souvenir shot glasses say: “Eat, drink and be merry—tomorrow you may be in Utah.” | |
20 | ||1:尼古拉斯·兰德尔指出,过去30年是餐饮业发展的黄金时期。||2:各大小餐厅涌现在“各处出人意料的地方,提供各种不同凡响的美食,吸引了一批品味独特的饕客”。||3:(对于此),各大名厨居功最高。||4:但在兰德尔看来,他们被过度高捧了。||5:有了好的厨师并不一定能经营起一家好餐厅。||6:餐厅的氛围、装潢设计、地理位置以及管理方式等同样也是决定因素。||7:做法独特或卖相极好的食物也不一定是最合人们胃口的。||8:使顾客真正感到满意才是餐厅经营者的职责所在,但这常常被忽视。这些经营者把资金(有些甚至是健康,婚姻和理智)投入了餐饮业,而餐饮业是全球压力最大的行业之一。 | ||1: The past 30 years have been a golden age for restaurants, argues Nicholas Lander. ||2: They have emerged in the “most unlikely of locations, serving the most extraordinary food, and attracting the most exceptional following.” ||3: Celebrity chefs have received most of the credit for that. ||4: But their position is “overly lofty” in Mr Lander’s view. ||5: Great cooks do not necessarily make great restaurants. ||6: Atmosphere, design, location and organisation matter, too. ||7: Food that is interesting to cook or impressive to look at may not be what people actually want to eat. ||8: Making the customer truly happy is the job, often unsung, of the restaurateur, who risks his money (and sometimes health, marriage and sanity) in one of the most stressful jobs in the world. | |
21 | ||1:受众仅次于电视的地面电台没有受到数字电台的威胁,考虑到数字电台需要付出的高额版权使用费后尤其如此。||2:无线电台能够抓住听众,因为它们的节目依旧免费,而且特别方便驾车上下班的人。||3:尽管汽车制造商正开始在汽车收音机里添加数字无线电平台,但流式音频能击败大部分移动数据计划。||4:人们认为流式音频还不会很快抢走大量听众,但对艺术家来说,清晰频道的协议效果良好。 | ||1:Second only to television in its reach, terrestrial radio does not face much of a threat from digital, especially given the royalty burden on digital providers.||2:Air-wave radio has held on to listeners, because it remains free and convenient, particularly for car-bound commuters.||3:Though carmakers are starting to integrate digital-radio platforms, streaming audio can eat up most mobile data plans.||4:It is not expected to steal many listeners soon.But for artists, the Clear Channel deal has hit the right note. | |
22 | 文艺;书评;餐饮业;请尽情享用; | Books and Arts; Book Review;The restaurant business;Eat up ; | |
23 | BT今年的销量将下降4-5%,这将使它的计划存款的10亿多英镑被吞噬掉。 | Yet for BT, the expected decline in sales this year of 4-5% will eat up much of the £ 1 billion-plus it plans in savings. | |
24 | 不要害怕运行这些命令,因为它们并不会耗尽磁盘空间、或者影响性能。 | Don’t be afraid to run these commands, because they won’t eat up disk space or affect performance. | |
25 | 但债务负担如此之重,即便是利率的微幅增长也会将不可持续的国家收入消耗殆尽。 | But with a debt so large, even a small increase in interest rates would start to eat up an unsustainable amount of the country’s revenues. | |
26 | 当我心满意足的吃完所有东西,爷爷只是微笑着看着我 | I eat up all the food with a satisfactory look, he just watches me with a smile. | |
27 | 而在北京市中心,差不多大小的房间要花掉他大部分薪水。 | A similar room in a central area of Beijing would eat up most of his salary. | |
28 | 该公司的扩展计划将会侵吞11公顷的土地,矿井的墙壁将更加接近主要广场。 | Its expansion plan would eat up 11 hectares of the city, pushing the wall closer to the main square. | |
29 | 建造所有这些新的涡轮机,太阳能板和其他的基础建设将用掉大量的钢铁,混凝土和其他资源。 | Building all these new turbines, solar panels, and other infrastructure would eat up plenty of steel, concrete, and other resources. | |
30 | 接下来一天,进攻方向指向班加西,卡扎非似乎要在国际行动开始之前吃掉尽可能多的领土。 | The next day it was Benghazi’s turn, Qaddafi appearing to determined to eat up as much territory before international action began. |