属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天鹅之歌 A swan’s song
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-高龄母亲的福音 45岁也能生娃
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-模仿 春天第一只雀鹰
1 | 大副揣摩着老板们的心理,开了慢车;甲板上平稳到简直可以竖立一个鸡蛋。 | The skipper, sensing the mood of the party on deck, had cut down the speed to please them, and the boat was now so steady that one could have balanced an egg on one end on the deck | |
2 | 她在他面前摆一份低胆固醇早餐--不涂牛油的烤面包片上搁着一分蛋白,外加西红柿片和软酪。 | She put a cholesterol-watcher’s breakfast in front of him-the white of an egg on dry toast, with sliced tomatoes and cottage cheese | |
3 | 烤面包片加荷包蛋 | A poached egg on toast | |
4 | 你衬衫上沾了些鸡蛋. | You’ve got some egg(ie a bit of cooked egg)on your shirt. | |
5 | 你的领带上沾了一点蛋。 | You’ve got some egg on your necktie. | |
6 | 你能把蛋竖起来吗? | Can you stand an egg on end? | |
7 | 软垫很厚,就算从二楼丢一只鸡蛋下来,鸡蛋也只会反跳一下,不会破。 | The padding was so thick that if you dropped an egg on it from a two-story building, the egg would bounce right off without breaking | |
8 | 他把鸡蛋拍在脸上,装扮成一个自由主义经济学家。 | He slapped some egg on his face and went as a liberal economist | |
9 | 他背心上的不清楚的鸡蛋印。 | A faint trace of egg on his vest | |
10 | 通过教授之口他们向全世界宣告我们是个躲在桃花心木桌台后面闹情绪、却鼓动更骁勇善战的民族冲锋陷阵的懦弱民族。 | They proclaim to the world through their professors that we are a non-heroic nation skulking behind our mahogany counters, whilst we egg on more gallant races to their destruction | |
11 | 我的表兄弟们每人在复活节都得到了一枚复活节彩蛋。 | Each of my cousins received an Easter egg on Easter Day | |
12 | 一天早晨,南希发现庭院里有一个鸡蛋。 | One morning, Nancy spied an egg on the patio | |
13 | 早饭吃的是罐头咸牛肉丁,烘烤得黄灿灿的,上面还配着一只煎鸡蛋,还有咖啡牛奶和一大杯清凉爽口的葡萄叶。 | Breakfast was corned-beef hash, browned, with an egg on top of it, coffee and milk, and a big glass of chilled grapefruit juice | |
14 | 早饭吃的是罐头咸牛肉丁,烘烤得黄灿灿的,上面还配着一只煎鸡蛋,还有咖啡牛奶和一大杯清凉爽口的葡萄汁。 | Breakfast was corned beef hash, browned, with an egg on top of it, coffee and milk, and a big glass of chilled grapefruit juice | |
15 | 这些年那些相信医学上的研究而向高胆固醇的东西说不的人被耍的团团转。 | This was the year the naysayers in the medical establishment got high-cholesterol egg on their faces. | |
16 | ||1:其中最离奇的一段故事来自一枚最后被带到了卡里阿里(Cariari)的“假蛋”,卡里阿里是一处距离被盗巢穴43公里的小镇。||2:令研究人员惊讶的是,他们从当地的海龟监测项目成员那里收到了该特殊装置的照片。||3:该海龟蛋买家已经联系了小组,他很乐意告诉大家自己在哪里买的鸡蛋,这表明他不知道这种交易是非法的,或者说他不在乎。 | ||1:The most curious tale, though, was told by a decoy that ended up in Cariari, a town 43km from the beach where it had been deployed.||2:To their surprise, the researchers were sent photographs of this particular device by members of a local turtle-monitoring project.||3:This group had been contacted by the egg’s purchaser, who was happy to volunteer where he had bought it—indicating either that he did not understand that the trade was illegal, or that he didn’t care. | |
17 | ||1:他还向世人发出警告,鳄鱼是多么的稀少。||2:1988年,即在他作为一名研究生起草一份拯救鳄鱼的行动计划而对鳄鱼进行登记分类之前,所有23种鳄鱼都受到威胁或濒危。||3:鳄鱼的数量由于人们对它们的憎恶和鳄鱼皮包交易而减少。||4:仅在几年前,在探险巴西亚马逊河的过程中,约翰?瑟布贾纳森先生发现了被像鱼类一样不分青红皂白地猎杀的美洲黑鳄(他说:“说老实话,它像一位非常漂亮的姑娘”)。||5:在1997年巡查长江入海口(这里已变成杂乱无章的城市拓展区或稻田)的过程中,他估摸仍在野外的仅有120只扬子鳄。||6:于是他在此开始了一项十分细致的扬子鳄蛋收集行动,然后在布朗克斯动物园人工饲养,再放归大自然。||7:令他高兴的是,布朗克斯的扬子鳄还记得如何在野外生存。 | ||1:He also warned the world how scarce they were.||2:Before he began to catalogue them as a postgraduate, drawing up in 1988 an action plan to save them, all 23 species of crocodilians were threatened or declining.||3:Their numbers had been destroyed by man’s hatred and the handbag trade.||4:Only a few years ago, exploring the Brazilian Amazon, Mr Thorbjarnarson found black cayman (“a very pretty creature, actually”) hunted indiscriminately, like fish.||5:Patrolling the mouth of the Yangzi in 1997, where swamps had been turned into urban sprawl or rice fields, he counted only 120 Chinese alligators still in the wild.||6:Here he began an intensive strategy of egg-collecting, captive rearing in the Bronx Zoo, and release.||7:To his delight, the alligators from the Bronx remembered what to do. | |
18 | ||1:小说分两个故事面,有如两缕丝线般难解难分。一条,是追随着凯瑟琳的,定点在2010年。凯瑟琳,这个一头海藻般头发的女人,这个“奇妙而优雅的高挑女人”。||2:沉浸在爱人的命运中不可自拔,“那美丽的生命深陷在地底,如同化工厂一般制造着沼气、二氧化碳、硫化氢和氨气”。||3:她用伏特加麻醉自己,她为坏天气而暴怒,“冰雹夹着憎恨,整个后花园犹如石刑后的死寂。” | ||1: Two stories intertwine. One strand, set in 2010, follows Catherine, an “oddly elegant tall woman” with seaweed hair. ||2: She muses on her lover’s fate, “trapped beneath the earth, all his beauty turned into a factory, producing methane, carbon dioxide, rotten egg gas, ammonia.” ||3: She drinks vodka and rages at the weather, “hail and hate, the entire back garden stoned to death.” | |
19 | ||1:这项发现会是女性不育症治疗的一场革命。||2:一方面,老鼠体内衰老的卵巢里也有卵巢干细胞;将这些细胞移植到年轻的卵巢中后,它们能制造健康的卵子。||3:这意味着将来的某天,年龄较大的妇女也能拥有生物学意义上的自己的孩子。||4:目前,许多45岁以上的妇女只能凑合着用年轻女人的卵细胞进行体外受精(IVF)。 | ||1: The discovery could revolutionise infertility treatment for women in several ways. ||2: For one thing, research has shown that in mice, even aged ovaries contain ovarian stem cells. And when those stem cells are placed into a young ovary, they will develop healthy eggs. ||3: This raises the possibility that, one day, women of advanced age could have their own biologically related children. ||4: Currently, many women over 45 have to make do with in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) using the egg of a younger woman. | |
20 | 从杜鹃的角度来看,鹰状条纹所起的主要作用就是它所希望看到的:如果缺乏这种行为会则会影响到杜鹃的产卵任务。 | Hawk-like stripes do, then, provoke what is, from a cuckoo’s point of view, the desired reaction: less of the sort of behaviour that is likely to interfere with her egg-laying mission. | |
21 | Jim在比赛中输给了一个10岁的女孩,他感到很没面子。 | Jim really had egg on his face after he lost the bicycle race to a 10 year old girl. | |
22 | 把蛋放到烤好的面包片上,浇上西红柿泥,洒上奶酪、盐和黑胡椒。 | Put the egg on the toast , pour tomato mud and spread cheese , salt and black pepper onto it. | |
23 | 传说在端午节当天正午,如能把生鸡蛋立起来,会给下半年带来好运。 | It is said that if you can balance a raw egg on its end at exactly noon on the day, the rest of the year will be lucky. | |
24 | 蛋重对海兰褐种蛋孵化效果的影响 | Influence of Egg Weight of Hy-line Brown Breeding Egg on Hatching Effect | |
25 | 蛋重和蛋形指数对乌骨绿壳蛋鸡种蛋孵化率的影响 | Effect of the Weight and Type Index of Chicken Egg on its Hatching Rate | |
26 | 的确,您可能会出丑,但是您不会再客户面前出丑,因此这是一件非常有意义的事。 | Yes, perhaps you have egg on your face, but you have not failed in front of a paying customer, which is a far more significant matter. | |
27 | 卤虫卵中高级不饱和脂肪酸对河蟹幼苗生长的影响 | Effect of Unsaturated Fatty Acid in Artemia Egg on the Growth of River Juvenile Crab | |
28 | 美联储的措施旨在增加借贷和促进消费,以此来给急需增长的美国经济注入动力。 | The Fed’s pledge aimed to pump up borrowing and spending to egg on much-needed U. S. growth. | |
29 | 西尔莎•罗南看起来很虚弱并有呕吐症状。她的双耳的位置都肿起来了,在右边太阳穴处有一个鸡蛋大小的肿块。 | Saoirse was also cranky and vomiting. She had swelling in both her ears and a bulge the size of an egg on her right temple. | |
30 | 相同的侮辱曾经在1994年,被胡图族的极端分子拿来用来煽动对图西人和自己族人温和一派的屠杀中。 | the same insults that Hutu extremists used to egg on the massacre of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in 1994. |