1 | 分析师指出,由于渣打银行可能提出还盘,所以如果花旗集团不能得到渣打银行和其他股东的支持,该宗交易将可能流产。 | Analysts said the deal could fall through if Citigroup failed to win support from Standard Chartered and other shareholders as the UK bank may come back with a counterbid. | |
2 | 所以,如果你想知道从空中坠落,乘坐火箭,驾驶直升飞机或者在外层空间与外星动物交战的滋味,就去参观当地的主题公园吧。 | So if you want to know what it feels like to fall through the air, take off in a rocket, fly a helicopter or fight alien creatures in outer space, visit one of the theme parks in your area. | |
3 | 他意志薄弱,很容易受诱惑而堕落。 | He is rather weak-willed and would easily fall through temptation | |
4 | 我已约好和他碰头,可是我怕他会失约。 | I have made an appointment with him but I’m afraid he will fall through | |
5 | 摇动(炉箅子等)使灰、煤渣等落下. | Shake(a grate,eg in a stove)in order to make ashes,cinders,etc fall through | |
6 | 以色列的骄傲当面见证自己。故此,以色列和以法莲必因自己的罪孽跌倒,犹大也必与他们一同跌倒。 | and the pride of Israel gives an answer to his face; and Ephraim will have a fall through his sins, and the fall of Judah will be the same as theirs. | |
7 | 有一些动感电影会圣诞卡你有自天而降的感觉:你坐在车中,从高高的塔上直跌下来,你一路尖叫,直到落到安全处。 | Some thrill rides will let you feel what it is like to fall through the air: you sit in a car that “falls” from a tall tower and you scream your way down to a safe landing. | |
8 | 这个计划再拖下去就黄了. | The plan will fall through if it is put off any more. | |
9 | ||1:一些多哈回合的怀疑人士称,自多哈回合开始以来,世界经济已经发展了。服务业的贸易变得重要得多,许多国家已经自行降低关税,这使谈判变得基本上无关紧要了。||2:但是报告的撰写者提供了一些令人信服的证据来推翻这种观点。||3:在谈判中已经提出来的意见将使新的贸易额每年增加3600亿美元。||4:它们将使所支付的关税大大减少。比如,进入美国的制造业商品所需的关税总额将减少近50%。 | ||1: Some Doha doubters argue that the world economy has moved on since the round began—trade in services has become far more important, and many countries have already cut tariffs on their own—making the talks largely irrelevant. ||2: But the authors provide some convincing evidence against this view. ||3: The proposals already on the table would add $360 billion in new trade each year. ||4: They would lead to a substantial reduction in the tariffs paid. For example, the total amount of tariffs paid on manufactured goods imported into America could fall by almost 50%. | |
10 | 或者审核交易员向某人发送邮件询问可能影响某只股票升(或跌)的交易数量。 | Or consider a broker who e-mails someone a question about the trading volume at which a certain stock would be likely to rise (or fall). | |
11 | 例如,用户们遇到的所谓的钓鱼式攻击——在浏览网页的时候会泄露密码等敏感信息,或者那些导致毁坏文件的代码被下载下来——信息技术的工作人们处理这些问题的能力会随着他们增加的重担和持续的疲倦而下降。 | For example, as users fall foul of so-called phishing attacks—giving away sensitive details such as passwords while browsing the internet, or allowing code that corrupts work files to be downloaded—the ability of IT staff to cope with the consequences diminishes as they become increasingly overwhelmed and tired. | |
12 | 这不只是一次性实现的"棒球击球率"效应(即平均分因得分最低的选手被淘汰而提升)。专家们认为这是一种依靠压榨产业工人在短时期内维持的经济增长模式。 | There was little of the fall in labour productivity that normally accompanies a recession, and this was not just a one-off "batting average" effect (in which average productivity rises because the worst performers are fired). | |
13 | 不要离开有人会经过的无防备设施的洞口,马上报告领班或管理人员马上报告领班或管理人员。 | Don’t leave unguarded hole that someone could fall through it. Report it to your supervisor or foreman. | |
14 | 春末和夏季,这里多雨而炎热;秋冬季节,这里凉爽而干燥。 | From late spring through summer, it is rainy and hot; from fall through winter, it is cooler and dry. | |
15 | 慈善机构和教堂也在努力帮助单薄的政府保障网络下的漏网之民。 | Charities and churches are also trying to catch people that fall through the flimsy government safety net. | |
16 | 从活动门跌落之后,你往往会失去对努力工作和攒钱等资本主义价值观的信仰。 | When you fall through the trapdoor you tend to lose your belief in capitalist values like hard work and saving. | |
17 | 而且设置好过滤器以后,重要的行程计划仍然会丢失。 | And once you have them set up, important plans still fall through the cracks. | |
18 | 富水流沙层条件斜井井筒冒顶事故原因分析 | Causation analyses of incline roof fall through aquiferous quicksand seam | |
19 | 几年后,有人提出将篮底去掉,这样球就直接掉落下来了。 | It was several years before someone came up with the idea of removing the bottom of the basket and letting the ball fall through . | |
20 | 两位哈佛教育学者认为我们最精心的计划之所以经常落空是因为聪明、自我保护(巧妙隐藏)的理由。 | A pair of Harvard educators argue that our best-laid plans often fall through for smart, self-protective (and ingeniously hidden) reasons. | |
21 | 洛伊尔还有个市场定位,这还可以用于救援人员快速安全的救出掉入薄冰中的人。 | Roering also markets a version that’s used by rescue personnel to safely and quickly retrieve people who fall through thin ice. | |
22 | 你通过倾斜屏幕在迷宫里去吃水晶来使自己变大(自己是一个正方体)并积累到一定程度进入更大的迷宫。 | As you fall through space, tilt the screen to add crystals to yourself (you are a cube) and bulk up into a larger mass. | |
23 | 欧盟和欧元区都不会是镜花水月,但二者都需要修正。 | Neither the union nor the eurozone will fall through the floor, but both will need running repairs. | |
24 | 人有不可靠的,买卖有化为泡影的,倒霉之事总要发生的。 | They usually don’t People can be unreliable, deals can fall through , and shit will always happen. | |
25 | 融资合同常常会在最后一刻谈崩。 | Deals often fall through at the last moment. | |
26 | 如果没有像你这样的猎头,很多机会就在谈笑间溜走了。 | Without recruiters like you, lots of great opportunities would fall through the cracks. | |
27 | 如果米塔尔在标购到期之前能够收购阿塞洛超过50%的股票,阿塞洛与谢韦尔的合并案就会化为泡影。 | If Mittal manages to buy more than 50% of Arcelor shares by the time the tender offer expires, the Severstal deal will fall through . | |
28 | 如果你没有在一个小集体里,那么,你的生活将会如履薄冰,你不知道何时会落入水中。 | If you are not in a small group, you are skating on thin ice and you don’t know when you might fall through . | |
29 | 试验一下,看看哪些能当作”漏网之鱼“而不被人发现。 | So experiment and see which things can fall through cracks without anyone noticing. |