属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-专家称朝鲜不具备打击美国本土的导弹技术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 保罗瑞恩拒绝参加总统选举 叙利亚和平协议之后
1 | 安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。 | Anne did what she could to keep the marriage from falling apart | |
2 | 那个腐朽的傀儡政权正在土崩瓦解。 | The decadent puppet regime was falling apart | |
3 | 我不明白迈克是怎样使车跑了这么长的路。到最后,车几乎要散架了。 | I don’t know how Mike managed to keep the car on the road for so long. at the end, it was practically falling apart | |
4 | 我的汽车要散架了. | My car is falling apart . | |
5 | 我们的关系破裂了。 | Our relationship is falling apart at the seams. | |
6 | 我吓死了。 | I am falling apart . | |
7 | 我吓死了。 | I’m falling apart . | |
8 | 一切都乱了,整个系统有待整顿 | Everything’s falling apart ; the whole system needs jacking up | |
9 | 有时候我感到几乎支撑不住了。 | Sometimes I feel like I’m falling apart | |
10 | 这个国家在分裂。 | The nation is falling apart | |
11 | 这是件值得做的事,它使你不至于精神崩溃。 | It was something to do, it kept you from falling apart | |
12 | ||1:电影院的老板们敦促电影公司不断制作电影。||2:投资银行B. Riley的艾瑞克·伍得表示,好莱坞可能需要“自断其臂以养活行业”,防止整个行业“彻底分崩离析”。||3:华纳兄弟在今年夏天发行了《信条》,这部科幻惊悚片在美国的票房收入只有4500万美元,可能无法实现收支平衡。||4:制片公司可不会行善积德。||5:受疫情影响,迪士尼最近解雇了旗下主题公园的2.8万名员工。 | ||1:Cinema bosses have urged studios to keep the films coming.||2:Eric Wold of B. Riley, an investment bank, says Hollywood may need to “take a hit to feed the industry” and keep it from “completely falling apart ”.||3:Warner Bros took one by releasing “Tenet” in the summer; with takings of just $45m at the American box office, the sci-fi thriller may not break even.||4:And studios cannot afford charity.||5:Disney recently laid off 28,000 workers from its covid-hit theme parks. | |
13 | ||1:服务于人道主义机构的“无国界译员组织”(TWB)的语言学研究员A.K.拉希姆表示,最大的实际问题是健康。||2:在吉大港语中,健康术语来自孟加拉语和英语;科学知识和词汇已经从受过良好教育的精英阶层中逐渐流传下来。||3:但在相对受到教育较少的罗兴亚人当中,健康术语来自缅甸语。||4:大多数人——尤其是与外界隔绝无法接受教育的女性——还没有接触到这种健康术语。||5:而他们开发了自己的词汇。||6:他们避免说haiz(穆斯林用语,意为“月经”)而是说gusol(穆斯林用语,意为“淋浴”)。||7:腹泻是一种常见的营地疾病,在患病初期几个月经常被误诊。||8:很多罗兴亚人这样陈述,“我的身体正分崩离析”(“Gaa-lamani biaram”),这让很多医护人员很迷惑。 | ||1:The biggest practical issues concern health, says A.K. Rahim, a linguistics researcher working with Translators Without Borders (TWB), a group that helps humanitarian agencies.||2:In Chittagonian, health terms come from Bengali and English; scientific knowledge and vocabulary have trickled down from educated elites.||3:But among the relatively few educated Rohingyas, health terms come from Burmese.||4:Most—especially women, who tend to be cut off from the outside world and denied education—have not been touched by that learning.||5:Instead they have developed their own lexicon.||6:They avoid haiz (menstruation) and say gusol (shower).||7:Diarrhoea, a common camp ailment, was routinely misdiagnosed in the first few months.||8:Many Rohingyas reported, “My body is falling apart ” (“Gaa-lamani biaram”), baffling health-care workers. | |
14 | 还有人对朝鲜的导弹计划存有疑问。这些疑问出自日本公共新闻机构NHK的短片。该短片显示,火星14型导弹在坠入北海道水域时可能已经解体。 | There are additional doubts about North Korea’s missile technology. They come from video by the Japanese public news agency NHK. The video showed the Hwasong-14 possibly falling apart as it landed in the waters off Hokkaido. | |
15 | 在俄罗斯空袭协助下,随着新一轮地面交战的展开,叛军控制的阿勒波(Aleppo)地区将再起硝烟,2月份达成的地区停火协议再次面临瓦解。 | But with a new ground offensive, supported by Russian air strikes, poised to start against rebel-held parts of Aleppo, the partial ceasefire struck in February risks falling apart . | |
16 | 阻止萨赫勒地区分崩离析要比重建容易得多。 | Stopping the Sahel from falling apart would be easier than putting it back together. | |
17 | “我们现在面临更多急迫的问题,”杜库说,“飞船要崩溃了,你自己的身体看起来也不行。” | "We have more immediate problems, " Dooku said. "The ship is falling apart . And you don’t look so well yourself. " | |
18 | “细胞在崩解”,Corriher女士在她的剖析烹饪科学的书籍《烹饪与烘烤的智慧》中这样说道。 | "The cells are falling apart and leaking, " said Ms. Corriher, who dissected the science of recipes in her books "Cookwise" and "Bakewise. " | |
19 | “这家公司终于开始朝着正确的方向前进,可现在一切又乱了。” | "Finally, this company was starting to move in the right direction, and now everything is falling apart again, " | |
20 | 4月,为了不使和平进程瓦解,我会见了侯赛因国王和内塔尼亚胡总理。 | In April, I saw King Hussein and Prime Minister Netanyahu in an attempt to keep the peace process from falling apart . | |
21 | 但这些基建正在溃败,外国资助机构又只对纾缓贫困感兴趣。 | But it is falling apart , and foreign-aid agencies are only really interested in helping alleviate poverty. | |
22 | 当胶水开始溶解时,传统民族本体的观念就开始瓦解了。 | With that glue now dissolving, the traditional concept of national identity is falling apart . | |
23 | 当如此重要的美国梦之柱轰然倒塌之时,气愤地父母们都不知道怎么去思考了。 | When such a central pillar of the American story is falling apart , frantic moms and dads hardly know what to think. | |
24 | 到18世纪,文艺复兴时期的宫殿早已经开始破裂了。 | By the 18th century, Renaissance palaces had plenty of time to start falling apart . | |
25 | 地球是摇摇欲坠,分崩离析的状态中,但是没有一个人意识到这个发展着的悲剧。 | The earth is crumbling and falling apart , but no one is aware of it. | |
26 | 或许你知道这些分崩离析的感觉(崩溃的感觉)不是你自身的感受,而是你的一些想法。 | Perhaps you knew that what was falling apart was not your sense of self but some of your ideas. | |
27 | 例如,上周埃及政权摇摇欲坠时,国务卿希拉里却说它很稳定。 | Last week, for example, Secretary of State Hillary Clintondeclared that the Egyptian regime was stable, just as it was falling apart . | |
28 | 罗马帝国不仅在字面上分崩离析,这座城市也正在从世界国内生产总值排名榜上迅速下滑。 | Showing its age, Rome is not only literally falling apart but the city is quickly sliding down the world GDP rankings. | |
29 | 没有修葺或者没被取代的老房子渐渐被隔离开来。 | Old dwellings are gradually falling apart not to be repaired or replaced. | |
30 | 美国国务院发言人RobertWood称,他“不知道”之前的原则协议有破裂的危险。 | State Department spokesman Robert Wood said he was "not aware" that the agreement in principle was in danger of falling apart . |