属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-航海家 Mau piailug
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-联合国气候变化会谈 Climate-change
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-航空业 盛宴上的幽灵
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新英国小说 作家和间谍
1 | “我有话非说不可,”他说道。“我得说,对她说出来,感觉真是好极了。”他停下来擤鼻子。 | “I have to say something,” he said. “I have to say how good I feel about telling her.” He stopped to blow his nose. | |
2 | 弹性时间工作制影响你对工作的感受如何 | Has flextime affected the way you feel about your job? | |
3 | 当你对某人对某事的反应或感受有真正的兴趣时,恐怕你就不大可能感到气恼。 | When you are genuinely curious about the way someone reacts or the way they feel about something, it’s unlikely that you will also be annoyed. | |
4 | 对其持批评态度的人指出,情绪论主张道德品质不是由其内在特点,而是由人们对它们的感觉产生的,因此情绪论是伦理相对论的最终基础。 | Its critics observe that it is the ultimate foundation for ethical relativism, for it asserts that the moral qualities of things are created by the way we feel about them, not by their intrinsic character | |
5 | 今天晚上去看一场棒球赛怎么样? | How would you feel about going to a baseball game tonight? | |
6 | 劳方对这些改革有何想法 | How does the shop-floor feel about these changes? | |
7 | 那个房云一种安适的气氛。 | The room has a homey feel about it. | |
8 | 你觉得当一名店员怎么样 | What do you feel about working as a shop assistant ? | |
9 | 你觉得去乡村教书怎么样? | What do you feel about teaching in the countryside? | |
10 | 你是对的。我改一下。你觉得信的最后部分怎么样? | You’re right. I’ll change it. How do you feel about the last part of the letter? | |
11 | 如同人一样,道路也有自己的个性--在某些特定时刻也取决于我们如何去看待和感受,我丈夫冉迪这样跟我说的。 | Roads are like people; they have personalities--colored by how we see and feel about them at particular times. My husband taught me this about roads. | |
12 | 为了改进我们的服务质量,希望您对我们的工作提出意见和建议。请您填写下表,让我们知道您在我们宾馆的感受。我们将尽力设法满足您的要求。 | To improve the quality of our service, we sincerely hope that you will write your opinions and suggestions about our work. Will you please fill in the following form to let us know how you feel about our hotel? We shall do our best to meet your requirements. | |
13 | 我得在黑暗中摸索着找电灯开关 | I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch. | |
14 | 我得在黑暗中摸索着找电灯开关。 | I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch. | |
15 | 我很清楚你对这个问题的感受。 | I’m quite aware of how you feel about this problem. | |
16 | 我们的自我感觉越良好,我们就越用不着把别人打倒在地才觉得自己伟大。 | The better we feel about ourselves,the fewer times we have to knock somebody else down to feel tall. | |
17 | 要告诉Q12人类如何思想,人类之间的感情是何物,并尽力给出一些关爱和友谊的例子。 | Tell Q12 about how we think, how we feel about each other, and try to give examples of love and friendship. | |
18 | 在电视上接受采访你觉得怎么样 | How do you feel about being interviewed on TV? | |
19 | 这份报告指出:“多年以来,人们将电视看成信息和娱乐和源泉,在他们看来,电脑相对冷冷冰冰,不如电视友好。” | "People trust the television as a source of information and entertainment for generations, in a way that they do not feel about the comparatively cold computer", says the report | |
20 | 这个问题你怎么看? | How do you feel about the problem? | |
21 | 这是一般人的心理。 | This is how ordinary people feel about it. | |
22 | 最后他阴郁地说:“你知道我对这一切有什么感受吗?” | At length he said glumly "Do you know the way I feel about all this?" | |
23 | ||1:出海时,葫芦里装着饮水,叶子上系着干粮,他让小船和风形成一个固定的角度,沿着一颗升起的星星,和对面一颗正落下的星星形成的直线航行。||2:白天有时候靠太阳指方向,有时候靠大海这生命的母亲指方向。||3:通过船身感受水流,判断海岸的方向和距离。||4:通过海水的颜色判断水深,通过天上云底的反光判断远方的礁湖。||5:如果鱼的味道比平常甜点,就意味着淡水河离这里不远,如果傍晚有鸟群回家,就指示陆地的方向。 | ||1: Setting out on an ocean voyage, with water in gourds and pounded tubers tied up in leaves, he would point his canoe into the right slant of wind, and then along a path between a rising star and an opposite, setting one. With his departure star astern and his destination star ahead, he could keep to his course. ||2: By day he was guided by the rising and setting sun but also by the ocean herself, the mother of life. ||3: He could read how far he was from shore, and its direction, by the feel of the swell against the hull. ||4: He could detect shallower water by colour, and see the light of invisible lagoons reflected in the undersides of clouds. ||5: Sweeter-tasting fish meant rivers in the offing; groups of birds, homing in the evening, showed him where land lay. | |
24 | ||1:签署《京都议定书》的发达国家觉得吃亏了。||2:日本和俄罗斯拒绝到2012年底他们的现行义务到期后在“减排”的赞助下进行第二轮减排。||3:据报道即将大幅超过京都排放量限定目标的加拿大“将考虑彻底放弃这一协定”。||4:加拿大环境保护部官员皮特?肯特在去德班之前就说“《京都议定书》已经是过去时了”。 | ||1: Developed countries that did ratify Kyoto feel cheated. ||2: Japan and Russia have rejected a second round of emission-cutting under its aegis, after their current commitments expire at the end of 2012. ||3: Canada, which will hugely overshoot its Kyoto target, is reported to be considering quitting the treaty altogether. ||4: “Kyoto is the past,” said its environment minister, Peter Kent, before setting out for Durban. | |
25 | ||1:让事情感觉更糟的是——2012本来应该是更为美好的一年。||2:最近国际油价已经回落。||3:全球客运量上涨6%,增速快于长期水平。||4:尽管2011年航空货运市场萎缩,但是很多市场正在复苏(亚洲市场不在此列)。||5:资产利用率从2009年的74%上升到79%。||6:飞机空座率也相当低,尤其是在美国。 | ||1:Things feel all the worse because 2012 might otherwise have been a good year.||2:Oil prices have moderated of late.||3:Global passenger traffic has risen by 6%, faster than the long-term trend.||4:Freight contracted in 2011, but is reviving in many markets (though not Asia).||5:Asset utilisation is 79%, up from 74% in 2009.||6:Planes are relatively full, especially in America. | |
26 | ||1:虽然抗议活动的目标可能是含糊不清,但是共同的思路是十分明确的。||2:过去一些天里,迅速出现在全球80多个国家里900多个城市的中的抗议活动所提出的实质性的要求甚少,在某些情况下抗议者们竟然闭口不谈。||3:比起具体目标,抗议者们更喜欢整体性的反抗。||4:他们认为自己的实际需要比贪得无厌更重要。||5:他们喜欢通过共识作出决定,不相信上层集团,认为自己更多地承受着资本主义的痛苦而非享受着它的甘甜。||6:除此之外便没有什么明确的说法了。 | ||1:THE aims may be incoherent, but the common threads are clear.||2:The protests that have mushroomed in over 900 cities in 80-plus countries over the past few days have voiced few practical demands, and in some cases they actually avoid making any.||3:Participants favour the general over the specific.||4:They think need matters more than greed.||5:They like decisions by consensus, distrust elites and feel that capitalism’s pains and gains are unfairly shared.||6:Beyond that, the horizon clouds. | |
27 | ||1:这两个成了恋人,他们享受着花天酒地,久久地讨论着当时知名的作家和出版商(如Martin Amis, Tom Maschler)。||2:这本书遵循着这条线索,跌宕起伏,一直到结束,这时麦克万写出了繁琐的结尾和一些顺理成章的伤感。||3:直到此刻我们也很难感受到这些英雄的什么事迹,虽然他们一直贯穿始终,但没有深度。 | ||1:The two become lovers.Their hedonistic affair is full of Chablis and long discussions about famous writers and publishers of the time (Martin Amis, Tom Maschler).||2:The book chugs along this way until the end, when Mr McEwan delivers an unwieldy denouement and some unearned sadness.||3:By then it is hard to feel much of anything for these heroes, who are all notions and no depth. | |
28 | (政府已经感受到了这些人的不满病,最近已经承诺会恢复一部分的福利系统)。 | The government has caught onto how angry people feel about this - and it recently promised to bring back parts of the old welfare system. | |
29 | “发现他人的长处,并告诉他们你的感觉,”坎特说。 | "Find the strength in somebody else, and tell them how you feel about them, " says Kanter. | |
30 | “明天(一年后,或五年后)我对此事会有何感想呢?”。 | How will I feel about it tomorrow (in a year, in 5 years)? |