属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:不要对礼物挑三拣四
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小本生意的旺市与淡市 繁文缛节让人忧郁
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-如何应对多动症
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:敲木头求好运
1 | [谚] 人笨怪刀钝; 拙匠常怨工具差。 | A bad [ill] workman quarrels with [always blames] his tools.(=Bad workmen find fault with their tools.) | |
2 | 别动辄就挑别人的错. | Don`t be so ready to find fault . | |
3 | 不要动不动就挑毛病. | Don’t be so ready to find fault . | |
4 | 吹毛求疵,找碴常在细枝末节处找错误 | To find fault constantly and trivially;carp. | |
5 | 吹毛求疵的癖性. | a predisposition to find fault | |
6 | 吹毛求疵以令人不快的方式挑刺;苦恼地抱怨 | To find fault in a disagreeable way;complain fretfully. | |
7 | 对她品头论足是不礼貌的。 | It would be rude to find fault with her appearance. | |
8 | 非难;挑剔;批评 | Find fault with; find something wrong with | |
9 | 很快就找出错误 | Quick to find fault . | |
10 | 你又来这一套,老是想找我的岔。 | There you go, trying to find fault with me. | |
11 | 甚至对十全十美的东西,我们也都好挑剔。--帕斯卡 | We find fault with perfection itself.--Blaise Pascal | |
12 | 他为什么老是找麻烦? | Why did he find fault so much? | |
13 | 挑毛剔刺,挑毛剔刺儿 | find fault ;pick holes;be captious | |
14 | 挑某事物的毛病;找某事物的漏洞 | Find fault with sth;pick holes in sth | |
15 | 挑剔不必要地寻找错误;提出琐碎的反对意见 | To find fault unnecessarily;raise trivial objections. | |
16 | 我可不是你那种人,整天唠唠叨叨的,总爱挑别人的不是。 | I’m not your sort, who is always keeping harping on things and trying to find fault with others. | |
17 | 我们不应批评别人。 | We oughtn’t find fault with one another. | |
18 | 我批评你,是因为要你改进。 | If I find fault ,it is that I want you to improve. | |
19 | 我无法对那家新餐馆吹毛求疵:食品很好,服务也是一流的。 | I can’t find fault with the new restaurant: the food is good and the service is excellent. | |
20 | 找出作文中的毛病. | find fault in a composition | |
21 | ||1:今天,“不要对礼物挑三拣四”意思是不要对收到的礼物或恩惠挑毛病。||2:收到礼物时别不领情,即使它不是你想要的。||3:如果你抱怨别人送给你的礼物或是对你的恩惠,你可能会被指责“对礼物挑三拣四。” | ||1:Today "don’t (or never) look a gift horse in the mouth" means don’t find fault with something that has been received as a gift or favor.||2:Don’t be ungrateful when you receive a present, even if it’s not exactly what you wanted.||3:If you complain about a gift someone has given you or a favor someone has done for you, you could be accused of looking a gift horse in the mouth. | |
22 | ||1:这件事的可能性,令几位法官对庭上的案子有所忧虑,他们有过几番辩论。||2:比如,根据这项法律,史蒂芬·拜耳就担心某位从新墨西哥州过来,身上只带驾照的慢跑者的命运,因为新墨西哥州毗邻亚利桑那州,而且曾经给非法移民发放过驾照。||3:但是副检察长则说道,他反对这项法律并不是基于该法律会歧视拉美裔美国人这一点。||4:相对的他说这项法律夺取了联邦政府制定移民政策的权力。||5:它的辩护者们则反驳,这项法律只是为了帮助联邦政府履行制定移民政策的义务,并且只有故意忽视他们的政府才会发现这项法律有问题. | ||1: That prospect seemed to concern several justices during the oral arguments on the law before the Supreme Court. ||2: Stephen Breyer, for example, fretted about the possible fate under the law of a jogger carrying only a driver’s licence from New Mexico, a state that borders Arizona and used to issue licences to illegal immigrants. ||3: But the solicitor-general said he was not challenging the law on the grounds that it would discriminate against Latinos. ||4: Instead he argued that the law pre-empts the federal government’s power to set immigration policy. ||5: Its defenders retort that it aims only to help the federal government fulfil its obligations on immigration, and that only an administration that was deliberately neglecting them could find fault with it. | |
23 | 企业为了许多不属于他们的东西四处游说:纳税人的救济金,给对手造成的障碍。然而,我们很难去指责他们想要简单条例、更迅速的官僚决策、普通人可以使用的政府网站以及可以接通电话的官员。 | Businesses lobby for lots of things they should not have: handouts from the taxpayer, handicaps imposed on their rivals. But it is hard to find fault in their plea for simpler rules, swifter bureaucratic decisions, government websites that a normal person can navigate and officials who actually answer the phone. | |
24 | 他还表示,他人也对这些父母指手画脚。 | And, he says others find fault with these parents, too. | |
25 | 它也意味着批评。如果你批评什么,肯定是对它不满。所以,如果有人批评你的职业选择,你可以说:“你为什么批评我的工作?我做什么是我的事,跟你何干?” | It also means to criticize. If you knock something you find fault with it. So, if someone criticizes your career choice, you can say, "Why are you knocking my job? It’s my business what I do. Not yours." | |
26 | 柏林的街景画和餐厅也没有巴黎、伦敦的那么炫目多姿,但除此之外,也找不出柏林什么毛病了。 | Berlin’s streetscapes and restaurants dazzle less than those of Paris or London. Apart from that, it is hard to find fault with the city. | |
27 | 别挑她的毛病,她还是个18岁的女孩。对她要一分为二嘛。 | Don’t find fault with her, she is still just an 18-year-old girl. Every coin has two sides. | |
28 | 但是,教条的共和党人仍然能在这些成就中挑出毛病来。 | But doctrinaire Democrats can find fault with all these achievements. | |
29 | 但是,我们绝不应该变成一个负面的政党,急着找替罪羊,或者是不愿在国家目前处于危难之际,主动做贡献。 | But let us resolve not to become the negative party, too eager to find fault or unwilling to help in this time of crisis and war. | |
30 | 但是批评你的人也不一定是别人,就像上一个故事中的史蒂夫那样,一些青少年会有“内在批评”,就是那种自己做的什么事情都要找茬的发自内心的声音。 | Like Steve in the story above, some teens also have an "inner critic, " a voice inside that seems to find fault with everything they do. |