属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱的代价 The price of love
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社交媒体数据的市场 细品弱水三千
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老主题 新故事
1 | R2,开动电门 | Artoo, fire up the converters | |
2 | 炉里有足够的热量使新加进的煤燃烧起来。 | The oven holds sufficient heat to fire up a fresh charge of coal | |
3 | 这个新厂计划在几天内点火开工。 | The new factory is planning to fire up in a few days | |
4 | ||1:故事在女主角迷茫的声音中继续上演,浪漫情事随之展开,书中人物逐渐加入到小镇“疯子”的行列。||2:对于女主角和各位情人之间发生的各种故事,作者给予了同等的笔墨,从描写马厩的热火到冲泡马黛茶的情节,整个故事寓意隐晦,充满黑色喜剧味道。||3:一个疑似UFO的物体原来是为商业广告设置的聚光灯。||4:在没有围墙的精神病院,“可以无限幻想绝对自由”;当人民不再感到压迫,即是统治的最高境界。||5:小说巧妙地暗示了整个社会都在一种自由的假象下劳作,而操纵这一切的是外围的势力。 | ||1: As sexual encounters unfold in the woman’s alienated voice, the characters merge with the village “loonies”. ||2: Events, like interchangeable lovers, have equal weight, from a stable fire to the brewing of maté tea, in an ambiguous tale that verges on dark comedy. ||3: A suspected UFO turns out to be the spotlit film set for a commercial. ||4: In an asylum without walls, there is “nothing to limit the illusion of absolute liberty”; ultimate control is when people no longer feel they are being coerced. ||5: With skill and subtlety, the novel hints that a whole society might labour under an illusion of liberty, manipulated by forces outside the frame. | |
5 | ||1:哈奇不是唯一一位向右急转弯的共和党大牌。||2:来自印第安纳的迪克-卢加最近也在鼓吹与其立场不符的保守政见。他江湖地位与哈奇平起平坐,同日就任,战况却更是四面楚歌。||3:就连缅因的温和派参议员奥林匹亚-斯诺也在2010年以后渐渐向右靠拢。她早前已经宣布由于受不了国会的两极分化而不会竞逐连任。 | ||1: Mr Hatch is not the only Republican grandee to have shifted nimbly rightward. ||2: Dick Lugar, a Republican senator from Indiana who is equally venerable (he and Mr Hatch joined the Senate on the same day) and even more embattled, is breathing an unaccustomed amount of fire these days. ||3: Even Olympia Snowe, a moderate Republican senator from Maine who recently declared herself so disgusted with the polarisation of Congress that she is not running for re-election this year, has been inching to the right since 2010. | |
6 | 但是那些从推特的数据洪流中"细细品味"的人,可以从中得到更多的信息,包括发送者的所在位置,从个人介绍页面得到的档案信息,以及有多少人订阅了他的信息(见博文:一条推的组成)。 | But those who sip from Twitter’s fire hose can get much more information, including a sender’s location, the biography on his profile page and how many people have subscribed to his messages (see blog post on the map of a tweet). | |
7 | 但书中自有智慧存,令人兴奋的故事就像是由一名疤面汉子坐在火堆旁向我们娓娓道来一样,火光让人安详。 | But there is also wisdom here, and the momentum of a thrilling yarn, delivered as if by a scarred man by the consoling light of a fire. | |
8 | 在福岛核电站之前,阿海珐的经理们进行了大规模的招聘,期望其业务能同时在发达国家市场和新兴市场上都迅速增长。而现在,在这家公司将要削减成本和投资,裁员以及出售资产了。 | Before Fukushima, Areva’s managers went on a hiring binge, expecting rapid growth in sales to rich and emerging markets alike. Now the firm will cut costs and investment, fire workers and sell assets. | |
9 | 除了提高团队意识,还能激发团队个人的能量。 | Apart from increasing the level of awareness across the team, it will fire up high-energy individuals. | |
10 | 当你得到了面试通知,就发动Parkingspots.com为自己找个地方停车吧。 | When you get to the interview, fire up Parkingspots. com to find the best place to put your car. | |
11 | 调研公司Zokem发现,这两个平台的软件使用频率每月比黑莓多两倍。 | Users of those devices fire up twice as many apps a month as BlackBerry users do, according to Zokem, a research firm. | |
12 | 共和党全国委员会新主席有两项当务之急:一是点燃基地州的热情,二是吸引新选民。 | The RNC chair has two main tasks besides raising money: to fire up the base and woo new voters; and the two are in tension. | |
13 | 记住解压的位置,需要编写一个简单的批处理文件启动服务器。 | Take a note of that location, because you will make use of it to create a simple batch file that will fire up the server. | |
14 | 她继续说道,“书把你带入头脑中的人物,而那里他们的希望和梦想会真真切切地激发你自己的想象。” | Books take you into the minds of all the characters, where their hopes and dreams will really fire up your own imagination. | |
15 | 就在感恩节前,该公司刚公布了一款升级版的零售应用程序。顾客只要一踏入苹果公司的专营店,这一程序便会自动开启。 | Just before Thanksgiving, the company released an updated version of its retail app, which you can fire up when you enter an Apple Store. | |
16 | 具备了默认的规则集,并且对MacOSX(如果使用该平台的话)进行了调整,就可以开始启动Snort了。 | With a default set of rules, and the tweaks required for Mac OS X implemented if you’re using that platform, you’re ready to fire up Snort. | |
17 | 开启烤肉炊具来烤干肉上的热量。用金属烤架烤肉可以去除多余的脂肪。 | Fire up the BBQ to grill the calories in your meat. Barbecuing meat lets extra fat escape while it cooks. | |
18 | 看几页书或浏览一下博客---按下遥控器的静音键拿起书看几页或者和浏览一下你的网络阅读器。 | Read a few pages of your book or a blog post - Hit the mute button grab your book or fire up your feed-reader. | |
19 | 扩大他们的视野以激发他们对生活的好奇心和兴奋点。 | Fire up their curiosity and excitement about life by extending their horizons. | |
20 | 利用那些3DSDL库,可以将绘制表面映射到一个平面,并让运动视频成为3D环境中的一个面。 | Fire up those 3-D SDL libraries, map the drawing surface onto a plane, and you can have full-motion video as an aspect of your 3-D world. | |
21 | 脑部扫描就会显示出不同的气味如何刺激脑部的愉悦中枢使之变得兴奋。 | Brain scans, for instance, can show how different smells fire up the brain’s pleasure centres. | |
22 | 您可能会本能地运行自己所喜爱的编辑器,然后手工执行一组烦琐、重复和耗时的编辑任务。 | You could instinctively fire up your favorite editor and perform a bunch of mundane, repetitive, and time-consuming edits by hand. | |
23 | 您可能急于立即体验FrontPage,但是在开始之前先做出一些决策是明智的。 | You may be tempted to fire up FrontPage right away, but it’s wise to make a few decisions before you do. | |
24 | 七月就要到了,到时候我们应该去烧烤,去海滩看烟火,绝对不是呆在医院的好时候。 | July is coming. It’s a time to fire up the barbecue, hit the beaches and watch the fireworks. | |
25 | 启动TheGimp或您选用的图像处理工具,并与下载的您所在地区的覆盖图结合。 | Fire up The Gimp or your image manipulation tool of choice and combine the overlays you downloaded for your area. | |
26 | 启动内核配置选择程序,并在配置中包含HDAPS驱动程序。 | Fire up your kernel configurator of choice, and include the HDAPS drivers in your config. | |
27 | 启动一个xterm会话,让我们先创建一个空白的工作台,并开始对目标文件进行研究。 | Fire up an xterm session, and let’s begin to explore object files by creating a clean workbench. | |
28 | 如果大量好奇的人打开浏览器来查看服务器,那么当什么地方“出现问题”时,问题本身已经受到由此带来的额外工作负载的影响。 | When something "goes wrong" the problem is compounded when lots of inquisitive people fire up their browsers to look at the server. | |
29 | 如果你是一个Office2007用户,现在是时候启动windows更新管理器下载那290M的更新包了。 | If you’re an Office 2007 user, now’s the time to fire up Windows Update and get going on that 290MB download. | |
30 | 如果你通常只是准备能装两个冷冻室那么多的食物而且还需放进烤箱烘焙,那么也别慌张。 | Baking. If you normally bake enough to fill your freezer twice over but have yet to fire up the oven, don’t panic. |