属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-特斯拉公司宣称将接受比特币购买汽车
1 | “我不知道你是否愿意跟我们回到伦敦去?”他问道,使出了一场战役的第一招。自从在那小屋子里知道了谁是这个小野蛮人的“父亲”之后,他就秘密地精心制订了战略。 | “I wonder if you’d like to come back to London with us?” he asked, making the first move in a campaign whose strategy he had been secretly elaborating ever since, in the little house, he had realized who the “father” of this young savage must be. | |
2 | 1990年,拉斯·兰科维斯特先生成为L.M.爱立信公司CEO后的第一件事是,连着整整六周把自己关在自己的办公室里。 | Last Ramqvist’s first move as CEO of L.M.Ericsson in 1990 was to shut himself in his office for six straight weeks. | |
3 | 她第一步是想买一件仿男式衬衫。在选购衬衫时,她发现她的钱能买的东西太少了--要是全部的钱都归她用,那样就能买很多东西了。 | Her first move was to buy a shirt waist, and in studying these she found how little her money would buy--how much, if she could only use all. | |
4 | 我出而不利,彼出而不利,曰支。 | When the position is such that neither side will gain by making the first move , it is called temporizing ground. | |
5 | 这个由Bruce Collins(壳牌产品应用专家)领导的专家组所采取的第一个措施是开展一项润滑油控制点稽查,其目的在于发现潜在的危害,包括可能发生润滑油喷溅的区域。 | The first move made by the team, headed up by Bruce Collins (Shell Product Application Specialist)was to conduct a lubrication Critical Control Point Audit to help identify potential hazards, including areas where lubrication spillage could occur. | |
6 | 埃里克·特纳是梅萨里研究公司的市场情报副总裁。他说,自从特斯拉迈出第一步以来,现在有更多公司将使用比特币。 | Eric Turner is a vice president of market intelligence at the research company Messari. He says more companies will use bitcoin now since “Tesla has made the first move .” | |
7 | 不是等别人和他交朋友,Lee在工作开始时就采取主动。 | Rather than wait for someone to befriend him, Lee makes the first move when he’s new on the job. | |
8 | 采取主动,向对方道歉。 | Make the first move and apologize. | |
9 | 但似乎没有人准备踏出第一步。 | But nobody seems ready to make the first move . | |
10 | 当你被激怒,你所要做的第一步非常简单:深吸一口气,然后慢慢把它呼出来。 | The first move when you’ve been triggered is the simplest: take a deep breath and exhale slowly. | |
11 | 杜库知道Lorian深信蓝队会首先发起进攻——这是杜库在光剑格斗中时常采用的手段。 | They were waiting for Dooku to strike. Dooku knew that Lorian believed the Blue Team would make an aggressive first move . | |
12 | 对于男人来说,等待别人率先采取行动是不合适的。 | Waiting for someone else to make the first move is unbecoming of him. | |
13 | 对泽霍费尔来说,做为年长者,他几乎就和威斯特威勒先生一起迈出了第一步。 | In Mr Seehofer’s case, as the older man, he almost certainly made the first move with Mr Westerwelle. | |
14 | 积极主动,迈出第一步。 | Take initiative and make the first move . | |
15 | 没人有能力始作俑者,真正的出路应该是打造一个更强的品牌,或提供更新更好的产品来满足庞大的需求。 | No business can afford to make the first move . The way out is stronger brands or new and better products that stand out. | |
16 | 女孩们常常会主动出击,并协调恋爱关系的步伐,流畅性,以及方向。 | Women have always made the first move and orchestrated the pace, flow and direction of romantic relationships. | |
17 | 其次,酒精会使你勇气百倍,信心十足,促使你踏出勇敢的一步。 | Second, alcohol gives you enough courage and confidence to make the first move . | |
18 | 然而,就象吵架或谈恋爱那样,某个人必须迈出第一步。 | However, as with arguments and romance, somebody has to make the first move . | |
19 | 然而,有证据表明,如果公司率先行动,这两个专业人士团体都将准备接受没有业绩指引的情况。 | Yet there is evidence that both groups would be prepared to live without guidance if companies made the first move . | |
20 | 如果你和你的配偶陷入了性生活的僵局,你们中的一个必须首先行动。 | Make the first move . If you and your partner have reached a sexual stalemate, one of you will have to make a move. | |
21 | 如果你喜欢某人,但是不知道如何更进一步,让Videojug帮你迈出第一步,得到那个吻。 | If you like someone, but don’t know how to take it further, let VideoJug help you make the first move and get that kiss. | |
22 | 如果双方都不愿意和解的话,一只雌性的猩猩便会出来主持大局。 | If no one makes the first move , a female chimp will make it for them. | |
23 | 他还表示,联储还有可能提高初始购债规模,然后减少之后逐步购债的规模.(完) | One possibility would be to launch the Fed’s first move with a larger purchase and scale back the increments after that, he said. | |
24 | 塔塔接手后第一个动作就是宣布一个十年计划用以发展这两个英国品牌,它们最终的前景看起来一片光明。 | Tata’s first move was to proclaim a ten-year plan to develop the two British brands; their outlook is at last looking brighter. | |
25 | 为了配合特定的总统行程,白宫头一次作出让步拿出一些实质性举措。 | For together with the peculiar presidential itinerary, the White House made a first move to put some substance on the table. | |
26 | 星期六,以色列对哈马斯高效的空中打击正是是他的第一次行动。 | Israel’s highly efficient air assault on Hamas, which began on Saturday, was his first move . | |
27 | 也许上一步的下撤还记忆犹新,可你需要深呼吸并且把注意力放在终点上。 | The first move back down is probably fresh in your memory, but take a deep breath and set your mental sights on your destination, as well. | |
28 | 一年后,当萨拉在一次派对会上看到汤姆时,她决定采取主动。 | A year later when Sara spotted Tom at a party, she decided to make the first move . | |
29 | 以色列的第一步行动是对黎巴嫩进行空中和海上的封锁。 | Israel’s first move was to impose an air and naval blockade on Lebanon. | |
30 | 又帅又好又有点钱而且又是个异性恋的男人偏偏又害羞而且从不采取主动。 | The men who are somewhat handsome , somewhat nice and some money amd thank god are beterosexual are shy and never make the first move . |