属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚历山大·黑格 Alexander Haig
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 移民的数字游戏
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-邮政银行 邮件在哪儿钱就在哪儿
1 | "在""安然事件""之后,人们已经对公司治理体系产生了质疑,而作为一个金融枢纽,我们严密的金融标准和信誉使我们有能力帮助中国企业进入国际市场。" | In the post-Enron era, where corporate governance has been called into question, our stringent financial standards and reputation as a financial hub can enable us to work with the Chinese companies in their foray into the international market. | |
2 | 该公司打入计算机市场的首次尝试. | The company’s first foray into the computer market | |
3 | 一演员对政治的尝试性介入 | An actor’s foray into politics. | |
4 | ||1:Verizon的发行规模可谓是前所未有的,但是这不是其首次尝试债券市场了。根据数据提供商Dealogic的数据,今年前8个月世界范围内有1.4万亿公司债券发行,2012年同期金额为1.3万亿。||2:各公司一直热衷于以低收益率参与长期融资,尤其是自从美联储五月暗示放缓其资产购买之后,借贷成本开始上升。 | ||1:The scale of Verizon’s offering may be unprecedented, but its foray into the bond markets is anything but. In the first eight months of this year $1.4 trillion of corporate bonds were issued worldwide, according to Dealogic, a data provider, compared with $1.3 trillion in the same period of 2012. ||2:Firms have been keen to lock in long-term financing at low yields, particularly since borrowing costs started rising after the Federal Reserve hinted in May at slowing its asset purchases. | |
5 | ||1:尽管他心中涌动雄心壮志,大多数时候却对总统办公室毫无兴趣。||2:1988年,他在新罕布什尔州投票前退出党内初选,就此远离政坛。||3:他没有政治家的龌龊嘴脸,并为此自豪。||4:他在西点军校养成了态度鲁莽、谈吐直率的品质,目光犀利,一向以轰炸进攻来对付美国敌手,不管是古巴、巴基斯坦还是左派支持的尼加拉瓜。||5:他曾在白宫担任亨利·基辛格的国家安全顾问,四年间从上校升至四星上将。||6:他在军事战斗和政治斗争中都伤痕累累。 | ||1:Most of the time, however, though ambition burned through him like a fire, he had no interest in the office of the presidency.||2:A disastrous foray in 1988, flaring out before New Hampshire, was as far as he went in that direction.||3:He had no politicians’ sleazy graces, and was proud of that.||4:The brusque attitude and tone had been instilled at West Point, together with the gimlet stare and the preference for dealing with America’s adversaries, whether Cubans, Palestinians or leftist Nicaraguans, with a bombing run or an invasion.||5:His duties at the White House, on Henry Kissinger’s National Security Council and for Nixon, had been carried out while still under military orders and earned him a dizzy ascent, from colonel to four-star general in four years.||6:His scar tissue came from battles both actual and political. | |
6 | ||1:有时候,最艰难的问题来自于热情的围观人群。||2:12月9日,奥巴马向腹地进军,向庇护数百万的非法移民免遭驱逐的计划又迈进了一步。||3:他选择在纳什维尔展开演讲。说得好听点,它是个一度沉睡的城市,它见证了其外国人口在十年间翻番的事实。||4:这反映出了这样一个普遍趋势:近年来,数以百万计的移民搬到美国南部和中西部地区,涌入小城镇和农村县城,在充满衬布裙、旅行袋和争吵的日子里最后一次见证了这场大迁徙,其中大部分人是拉美裔。 | ||1:SOMETIMES the hardest questions come from friendly crowds.||2:Barack Obama on December 9th made a foray into the heartland to promote his plan to shield millions of undocumented migrants from deportation.||3:He chose to speak inNashville, a once-sleepy (if tuneful) city that has seen its foreign-born population roughly double in a decade.||4:That reflects a broad trend: millions of migrants, most of them Hispanic, have moved to the South and Midwest in recent years, flocking to small towns and rural counties that last saw hefty in-migration in the days of crinolines, carpet-bags and spats. | |
7 | 从2005年末算起,该公司就与尼日利亚、印度尼西亚、阿根廷、英国及南非有贸易往来。 | This unit has led the foray overseas, with deals in Nigeria, Indonesia, Argentina, Britain and South Africa since late 2005. | |
8 | 美邮政业或将涉足金融业 | America’s postal service ponders a foray into financial services | |
9 | 1958年,肯尼迪首次尝试进军政界,那时他还是法学院学生,负责约翰的参议员连任竞选活动。 | Mr. Kennedy’s first foray into politics came in 1958, while still a law student, when he managed John’s Senate re-election campaign. | |
10 | Microsoft也开始提供基于开放标准的XML源代码格式,这打破了很多年来一直使用二进制格式的局面。 | Microsoft’s foray into providing open standards-based XML source formats is a departure from the many years of using binary formats. | |
11 | 此举是中海油首次进军海外生物燃料领域。 | The venture is CNOOC’s first foray into the overseas biofuel sector. | |
12 | 但今年,在老圣瓦伦丁突访中东之后,我对他倒多了些宽仁。 | But this year, I’m feeling a little more charitable towards old St Valentine after he made a foray into the Middle East. | |
13 | 但是这些公主们确实标志着我女儿对主流文化的第一次涉足:这是头一次她受到家庭以外更广泛地影响。 | But they did mark my daughter’s first foray into the mainstream culture, the first time the influences on her extended beyond the family. | |
14 | 到目前为止汇丰损失达422亿美元,大部分的亏损源于对美国次级贷市场的灾难性的投机。 | HSBC has lost $42. 2 billion to date, most of it thanks to its disastrous foray into America’s subprime-mortgage market. | |
15 | 到现在,我们对百事在新标潮流中的尝试已经颇为熟悉了。 | By now we’re all familiar with Pepsi’s foray into this trend. | |
16 | 俄罗斯的地中海计划在其大胆的挺进北冰洋计划前就相形见绌了。这次进军北冰洋也是最近俄罗斯媒体最重要的新闻。 | Russia’s Mediterranean plans pale in comparison with its audacious foray into the Arctic, the biggest recent story in the Russian media. | |
17 | 嘉信理财(CharlesSchwab)规模2.28亿美元的“全球房地产基金”于今年3月首度进军新兴市场。 | Charles Schwab’s $228m Global Real Estate Fund, made its first foray into emerging markets in March. | |
18 | 仅有AssuredGuaranty仍在开展承保业务,涉足住房抵押贷款担保业务也严重削弱了其实力。 | Only Assured Guaranty is still writing business and it too has been seriously weakened by its foray into insuring residential mortgages. | |
19 | 就在这一时期,詹姆斯有过一次尝试写科幻小说的经历。 | It was at around this time that James made her sole foray into science fiction. | |
20 | 例如Orkut,谷歌进军社交网络的产物,它能够收集并突出显示用户的性别和婚姻状态。 | Orkut, Google’s foray into social networks, collects and displays gender and marital state prominently. | |
21 | 美国进入中东的时间要比英国晚的多,而且显示出不同的一面。 | The U. S. foray into the Middle East came much later than the British involvement, and in markedly different fashion. | |
22 | 那些请得起男管家的人,与那些只是为了来这买一个古驰手袋的人之间,仿佛隔了一条很大的鸿沟。 | There is a big gap between those who can afford a butler and those whose only foray into the market is to buy a Gucci handbag. | |
23 | 皮克斯公司由一只简单的手开始首次涉足电脑绘图。 | Pixar’s first foray into computer graphics was, however, a simple hand. | |
24 | 去年12月,长江基建首次进军加拿大,完成了以6.29亿加元(合6.3亿美元)收购TransAltaPower公司的交易。 | In December, the company completed the C$629m (US$630m) takeover of Trans Alta Power in its first foray into Canada. | |
25 | 日本电子制造商索尼公司开始了进军平板电脑市场的第一次尝试,推出了两款产品。 | The Japanese electronics maker Sony has announced its first foray into the popular tablet PC market, unveiling two new devices. | |
26 | 随着谷歌进军浏览器领域,目前看来微软与谷歌的竞争极有可能逐步升级。 | The tensions between Microsoft and Google now seem likely to escalate with Google’s foray into Web browsing. | |
27 | 所以,麦当劳向冰冻咖啡领域的侵袭将可能给星巴克的销售带来重大不利影响。 | So McDonald’s’ foray into frozen coffee may have a greater negative impact on Starbucks’ sales. | |
28 | 我们也许会偶尔杀进一座公园,但这不过只是再次提醒自己:我们正是一群囚禁中的动物。 | We might make the occasional foray into a park, which only reminds us that we are animals in captivity. | |
29 | 下个月,我们将继续探索J2EE技术,对Web应用程序安全体系结构进行分析。 | Next month, we’ll continue our exploration of J2EE technology with a foray into J2EE’s Web application security architecture. | |
30 | 现在我们看到诺基亚公司的突袭进入上网笔记本市场作为一个很好的练习在它的宽泛的业务背景下。 | At present we see Nokia’s foray into the netbook market as a niche exercise in the context of its broader business. |