属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-卡拉马祖承诺计划承担公立高中毕业生的大学学费
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 脸书创始人扎克伯格的过人之处
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-日本富商给推特粉丝白送900万美元进行社会实验
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-马术在中国愈发热门
1 | Chaponda表示,无需支付全额学费意味着他不需要在空闲时间打工。这让他得以成立一家非营利性组织帮助学生进入需要志愿者的组织。 | Not having to pay full tuition, means he does not have to spend his free time working at a paid job, Chaponda said. It has freed him to set up a non-profit group to help place students with groups needing volunteers. | |
2 | 而扎克伯格最激励我们的是他依然能留出空闲时间去享受生活。 | The most inspiring thing about Zuckerberg is his ability to still allow himself free time to live and enjoy life. | |
3 | 前泽表示,由于他“有足够的资金以及空闲时间”来付款,因此他试图在日本引发一场对基本收入价值的辩论。 | Maezawa said that since he "has the money and free time " to make the payments, he is trying to fuel a debate in Japan over the value of a basic income. | |
4 | ||申格在市场营销创办了他的事业。他说他对马匹的热爱让他大部分空闲时间都在马厩里。他已经将这种兴趣传给了他的女儿申青。||他说,她代表了中国马术市场的未来。本月,申青将前往意大利参加另一场国际马术障碍赛的比赛。 | ||Shen Ge has built his career in business marketing. He says his love of horses keeps him in the stables during most of his free time .|| He has passed this interest to his daughter, Shen Qing. He says she represents the future of the Chinese equestrian market. This month Qing will travel to Italy for yet another international jumping competition. | |
5 | “公开的个人信息是个人在闲暇时间偶尔在非正式的环境中和他人交流的方式”他写到。 | "A public profile is a vehicle for casually interacting with others in an informal setting, on personal free time , " he wrote. | |
6 | “很多人选择在午餐时间锻炼时因为它不会占据你空闲时间,”职场心理学家迈克·克林顿说。 | "Many people choose to exercise at lunch because it doesn’t eat into their free time , " said workplace psychologist Mike Clinton. | |
7 | Milligan说,在你的空闲时间,参加一个职业认证或技能水平的班。 | In your free time , take a class that leads to professional credentials or technical proficiencies, Milligan says. | |
8 | 把大部分空闲的时间用在与信徒在一起。 | Spend the majority of your free time with believers. | |
9 | 白天的空闲时间我是一个记者,晚上的空闲时间我就是一个画图员! | I was working as a journalist in the day’s free time and a drawer in the night’s free time! | |
10 | 不妨多参加下学校里面的活动,这样就算有时间你也没空去花钱啦。 | Take an active part in college events so that you refrain from spending money when you have free time . | |
11 | 不是15分钟的闲暇,而是一整天的。 | not 15 minutes of free time , but 1 day. | |
12 | 不要列一堆要做的事,否则你的空闲时间都没了。 | Don’t make a laundry list of tasks, or you’ll fill up all your free time . | |
13 | 不要再将你的“空闲时光”用在保养、清洗、储藏、大扫除等这些琐事上 | Stop spending your "free time " maintaining, cleaning, storing, battling through, and tripping over your stuff. | |
14 | 不用上班以后,我以为每天会有好几个小时属于自己的空闲时间。 | When I left work, I expected to have hours of free time to myself. | |
15 | 除了微不足道的国家最低工资,她们没有自由时间、健康保险、节假日或退休金。 | They have no free time , health insurance, holidays or pension provision beyond the paltry state minimum. | |
16 | 从电视开始控制美国人的闲暇时间算起也不过是才25年。 | It has been only twenty-five years since television came to control Americans free time . | |
17 | 但是,大多数国人并不把他们大量的空闲时间发费在闲逛于脱衣舞俱乐部。 | But most Americans do not spend the majority of their free time hanging out at strip clubs. | |
18 | 但是在业余时间,我会为了“玩”而写书而不是去研究案例。 | But in my free time , though, I was writing books "for fun, " not studying case law. | |
19 | 当她说“我知道你没办法闲得住”,她说的是事实。我很少有空下来的时候。 | I rarely had free time . When she said, I know you can’t keep still, she was telling the truth. | |
20 | 当我们拖延时,我们把空闲时间白白的学浪费掉了,并把我们应该做的重要事情推迟,直到一切为时已晚。 | When we procrastinate, we squander away our free time and put off important tasks we should be doing them till it’s too late. | |
21 | 当有一份中低收入的工作时,你有的时间就更多。 | When you have a low to middle-income paying job, you will have more free time . | |
22 | 赋闲时解决一些难题是一种活化你的大脑并使之保持工作状态的良好途径。 | Doing puzzles in your free time is a great way to activate your brain and keep it in good working condition. | |
23 | 给自己一点自由的话,他便阅读书籍,杂志,文章提升自我。 | When he allows himself a little free time , he reads books, journal articles and the like to improve himself. | |
24 | 很多人穷其一生都在寻找自由的时间。 | Free time is something that many people seek throughout their lives. | |
25 | 换句话说,别对志愿者要求太多,别忘了他们是奉献空余时间为您的组织服务。 | In other words, don’t ask for too much, and never forget thatthe person is donating their free time . | |
26 | 火星人们将他们的空余时间,偶尔工作一下,去逛逛艺术博物馆,或安静的琢磨在架构组织内的新发现。 | Martians spend their free time either working, or in art museums, soberly contemplating their newfound structural unity. | |
27 | 即使当你躺在游泳池边时,那也是休闲时间,而非空闲时间。 | Even when you’re lying by the swimming pool, that’s leisure time --but it isn’t free time . | |
28 | 即使你每天只有一两个小时空闲时间,你也可以通过有效利用时间来干很多事。 | Even if you only have one or two hours of free time every day, you can get a lot done by prioritizing your time. | |
29 | 简化我们复杂的生活包括减轻压力,增加更多自由的时间,把时间放在重要的事情上。 | Reducing complexity in my life has reduced stress, increased free time , and top priorities are actually top priorities. | |
30 | 建立上学期间的规则,大多数孩子上学时都有有限的休息时间。 | Set school day rules. Most children have limited free time during the school week. |