属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-酒醉以酒解 A Hair of The Dog
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理学 怎样死才算死?
1 | ||1:在这种情况下,大量的事物将不会按照正常的轨道运行。||2:油价可能再次飙升;银行尤其在欧洲可能会收紧贷款标准,就像他们曾经对待一些商业贷款时做的那样。||3:到2012年末一个更大的威胁甚至会出现:除非国会推翻现存的立法,否则税金将会自动的增长并且消费将会缩水。||4:国会预算局认为那将会使赤字减半,但要以刺激经济为代价。||5:为了个人的资金杠杆得以运行,公共的资金杠杆必须的拖后。 | ||1:Plenty could go wrong with this scenario.||2:Oil prices could spike again; banks, worried about Europe, could tighten their lending standards, as they already have done for some business loans.||3:And at the end of 2012 an even bigger threat looms: taxes will automatically rise and spending shrink unless Congress votes to override existing legislation.||4:The CBO reckons that would slice the deficit in half, but at the cost of pummeling the economy.||5:For private deleveraging to proceed, public deleveraging may have to wait. | |
2 | Oehrle先生说,律师也可通过电脑学习东西(例如移情、对错的区别这些都有可能)。 | Mr Oehrle says the lawyers also learn from the computers (presumably such things as empathy and the difference between right and wrong). | |
3 | 保障工作权利的倡导者认为强制他人给工会捐钱的做法是不可取的。工会反驳道,他们面临着“无本获利”的难题,在这样的背景下,非直属工会的员工,就可以从工会谈判获取利益,而不掏一分钱。同时州长丹尼尔斯说新法只会让印州吸引更多的企业。 | Proponents argue that it is wrong to force anyone to contribute money to a union. Unions counter they face a “free rider” problem whereby non-affiliated workers receive the benefits of union negotiations without contributing financially. The governor, meanwhile, says the new laws will simply make the state more attractive to business. | |
4 | 随机阅读一个小故事后,每位被试都被要求对大卫的心智能力作出评价,评价内容包括:他能否影响外界发生的事物,能否判断是非和记忆过去的事,能否对他所在的环境有所意识,是否拥有个性和情感。 | After reading one of these stories, chosen at random, each participant was asked to rate David’s mental capacities, including whether he could influence the outcome of events, know right from wrong, remember incidents from his life, be aware of his environment, possess a personality and have emotions. | |
5 | 这并不是说功利主义不正确。 | That does not make utilitarianism wrong. | |
6 | “它只不过意味着当你出错时,你所受的惩罚要比投资其他市场更重。” | "It just means that you’ll be punished more if you get it wrong compared to other markets. " | |
7 | 当我们需要快速的时候,是否意味着我们愿意出错并在学习中前进? | If we need something fast, are we willing to get it wrong and learn as we go? | |
8 | 而且,一家纽约艺术品画廊Salander-O’Reilly的顾客们发现,即使老练的收藏者也会看走眼。 | And even sophisticated collectors get it wrong , as the clients of Salander-O’Reilly, a New York art gallery, discovered. | |
9 | 很多男性都喜欢将头埋入,或者爱抚女性乳房。但这样的行为却是十分冒险的,这很有可能会使伴侣失去兴趣。 | Most men love to dive in and fondle a woman’s breasts, but you risk turning your partner off if you get it wrong . | |
10 | 绩效管理:如果有人会把事情搞糟糕的话,他们就一定会。 | Performance Management: If someone can get it wrong , they will. | |
11 | 结果是,他们常常判断错误。 | They often get it wrong . | |
12 | 那件事我做错了吗? | Did I get it wrong ? | |
13 | 弄错了,那你不得不伴随着你耳中响起的猪猡们笑声重新开始这一关。 | Get it wrong and you are forced to start the level again with the sound of porcine laughter ringing in your ears. | |
14 | 千万不要误解我的意思 | Please don’t get it wrong | |
15 | 如果你不知道这些,那你很容易搞错,很容易出于错误的理由对错误的对象实施报复。 | When you don’t know, it’s easy to get it wrong ; and to retaliate against the wrong target, or for the wrong reason. | |
16 | 为什么米尔格拉姆搞错了? | Why did Milgram get it wrong ? | |
17 | 无论是哪种方式,问题在于主流的实践将其误解了! | The problem is that either way, the prevailing practices get it wrong ! | |
18 | 有实实在在的理由保持乐观。但如果政策制定者稍有差错,复苏将转瞬即逝。 | The reasons for optimism are real. But if policymakers get it wrong again, the recovery could yet turn to dust. | |
19 | 这对高盛来说是危险的,因为到头来他们还是错的.他们不是万能的。 | It’s dangerous for Goldman Sachs, because eventually, they’re going to get it wrong . | |
20 | 这可能看起来微不足道,但做错就会给人留下不可磨灭的坏印象。 | It may seem trivial, but get it wrong and it will leave a lasting negative impression. |