属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-暴风雪袭击芝加哥 Winter strikes C
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-暴风雪袭击芝加哥 Winter strikes C
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-流感研究 让禽流感飞起来
1 | 动弹动弹(活动起来;找点事干)! | Stir yourself! ie Get moving ! Get busy! | |
2 | 度了这么一个愉快的假日后,难以收心投入工作。 | It’s hard to get moving after such a pleasant holiday | |
3 | 他们主观上也要大家动手动脚去做,但是不让大家知道要做的是怎么一回事,应当怎样做法,这样,大家怎么能动起来,事情怎么能够办好? | subjectively, they too want everyone to take a hand in the work, but they do not let other people know what is to be done or how to do it. That being the case, how can everyone be expected to get moving and how can anything be done well? | |
4 | 天晚了,咱们快走吧 | It’s late; we’d better get moving | |
5 | ||1:美国政府还没有跟上形势。因为担心现在的财政状况,联邦住房管理局抬高了担保按揭贷款的费用,大约占新的银行贷款的三分之一。||2:一个典型的贷款者每月需要还的房贷可能会上涨5美元,不过,金融类日报《美国银行家》称,还贷量增加可缩减数十亿美元的借贷。||3:联邦住房金融署磨磨蹭蹭地把止赎房屋收回并卖给投资商,让他们转租出去。||4:多亏那些租房者,最困难的坎儿似乎度过去了,但是想让按揭市场完全好转过来还需要很长时间。 | ||1: Washington remains behind the curve. Fearing for its finances, the Federal Housing Administration is increasing fees on mortgages it insures, which account for roughly a third of all new bank loans. ||2: A typical borrower’s loan costs may rise by just $5 a month, yet American Banker, a financial-services daily, suggests the rise could cut lending by billions of dollars. ||3: The Federal Housing Finance Agency is moving only slowly to pack foreclosed-on homes into bunches to be sold to investors for renting out. ||4: Thanks to those renters, the worst may be over. But it will be years before the mortgage market fully recovers. | |
6 | ||1:幸运的是,芝加哥现在已经做好准备应对过去四年里出现过的最厚50英寸(127厘米)的降雪量。||2:在西麦迪逊街上一个名叫“暴风雪指挥部”的安全机构收藏了一些令人印象深刻的小玩意。||3:在一面墙上挂着巨大的展示屏,揭示你所需要了解的关于这座城市的天气情况:500个装载着GPS导航仪的运雪车队行至哪里了;全市1000部摄像机中的一些所照的照片;十二个路况传感器的读数(他们能监测到冷空气的来临);还有地区天气系统的即时信息。 | ||1:Fortunately, Chicago is well prepared for snowfall which, for the past four winters, has been over 50 inches (127cm).||2:A secure facility on West Madison Street known as “Snow Command” houses some impressive toys.||3:On one wall vast display-screens reveal everything you might need to know about the city’s weather conditions: the whereabouts of the fleet of up to 500 GPS-equipped snow-moving trucks; views from some of the city’s 1,000 cameras; the readings from a dozen road sensors (which pick up icy conditions); and a live feed of the regional weather system. | |
7 | ||1:与此同时,塔纳资本愈发重视投资日益繁荣的消费品和农产品行业。同时,也在慢慢涉足建筑材料领域、健康领域和教育界。||2:娜塔丽珍,这位家族的发言人声称,家族获得的资金会投资到这些行业中。||3:除此之外,基础设施和能源领域是作为撒哈拉沙漠南部最热门的行业,海默家族也在考量着对这两个领域进行投资。||4:据说,尼克四处打探消息,寻找可以投钱的最佳场所。 | ||1: At the moment, Tana is focused on fast-moving consumer goods and agriculture, and to a lesser extent on building materials, health and education. ||2: The new money could go into any or all of these areas, says James Teeger, a family spokesman. ||3: And the Oppenheimers may also look at infrastructure and energy, two of the hottest businesses south of the Sahara. ||4: Nicky Oppenheimer is said to be furiously jetting around looking for shrewd places to inject his cash. | |
8 | ||1:芝加哥市以坚毅的决心使整个城市即使在这个国家最恶劣的天气下也能保持正常运转,芝加哥人以此为傲。||2:那些能让伦敦或华盛顿瘫痪的暴雪在芝加哥人眼里就像一层薄灰。||3:而今年,一些人还特别希望会出现坏天气,因为这是对新市长拉姆?伊曼纽尔的考验。||4:他必须使这座城市撑过冬天,要不然就要忍受到市民的怒气。 | ||1:Ready, steady, snowTHE city of Chicago is proud of its ability to keep going, with gritty determination, through the worst of the nation’s weather.||2:Snow that would bring London or Washington, DC, to a halt is laughed off as little more than a light dusting.||3:This year some are expecting particularly bad weather, a test for the new mayor, Rahm Emanuel.||4:He must keep the city moving throughout the winter, or face the wrath of the locals. | |
9 | 通过将这些基因转移到易于在哺乳动物间传播的病毒中,河冈义裕证明了血凝素基因本身并不是阻止禽流感在人群中传播的障碍,而其他基因可能才是。可能富希耶的文章能在这个问题上给我们更多的启示。 | By transferring the genes into a virus that was known to be good at moving between mammals, Dr Kawaoka has shown that the HA gene is not itself an obstacle to bird flu gaining that ability, though its other genes may be. Perhaps Dr Fouchier’s paper will shed more light on the matter. | |
10 | 不管在整个任务构想中该子任务是如何小或者如何不显著,只要行动。 | No matter how small or how insignificant in the overall picture, just get moving . | |
11 | 不要再找借口!开始行动吧。 | No more excuses! Get moving . | |
12 | 创建能够工作的最简单标准,然后逐步发展。 | Create the simplest standard that could possibly work, then get moving . | |
13 | 但是存在一个小问题:你就是好像无法行动。 | But there’s one small problem: You can’t seem to get moving . | |
14 | 当然躺在沙发上更容易,但是一旦你起来了,穿上你的运动服,开始动起来,你就会很开心你做到了。 | Of course it’s easier to stay on the sofa. But once you get up, put on your workout gear and get moving , you’ll be glad that you did. | |
15 | 感受着面颊被冷水冲击的强烈快感,你不禁浑身一个激灵,整个人都精神起来了。 | The refreshing feeling you’ll get from the water hitting your face will act as a trigger that it’s time for your body to get moving . | |
16 | 核电若想东山再起,离不开总统的领导。 | Nuclear power requires presidential leadership to get moving again. | |
17 | 间隔性的高强度有氧运动使身体代谢率激增并持续数小时。 | Get moving . Interval training with bursts of high intensity cardio will stoke your metabolic rate and keep it humming for hours. | |
18 | 快点懒骨头是时候动起来了 | Come on, lazybones. Time to get moving ! | |
19 | 联合国秘书长潘基文昨晚告诉《卫报》,谈判停滞不前并需要各方“行动起来”。 | Ban Ki-moon, the UN general secretary, told the Guardian last night that negotiations had stalled and need to "get moving " . | |
20 | 美国财政部长盖特纳在电话会议上对记者们坦言.他一直都在敦促国会行动,通过立法设置一个过渡期,并表示两年是终极期限。 | He urged Capitol Hill to get moving and set a transition into law, suggesting a two-year deadline. | |
21 | 你们大伙动作起来,我们得加快速度了。 | Get moving , you guys We’d better hurry up. | |
22 | 你一直面临着一项让你并不期待并让自己畏惧的事情,最终你觉得是时候要行动起来。 | You’re facing a daunting task that you’re not really looking forward to, and finally decide it’s time to "get moving " . | |
23 | 让自己摆脱消沉,你需要寻找一种方式来继续前进。 | To get yourself out of the doldrums, you need to look for a way to get moving . | |
24 | 任何激发你去活动的,如到健身房,踩单车,参加舞蹈班,参加一个徒步旅行俱乐部。 | Join the gym, ride a bike, take a dance class, join a hiking club-whatever motivates you to get moving . | |
25 | 如何快速上路:雇佣一位自己的人生规划师,这样就可以获得关于指导人与客户关系更深刻的认知。 | How to get moving : Hire your own life coach so that you can gain an in-depth understanding of the coach-client relationship. | |
26 | 我个人只使用三个或四个战略袭击时Iget拖延和想要得到的事。 | I personally only use three or four strategies when Iget struck in procrastination and want to get moving again. | |
27 | 我想现在只有你我两个。你最好把你的枪拿出来,我们好行动。 | For now, I guess it’s just you and me. Better get your rifle outta your leg bag so we can get moving . | |
28 | 我这次来,也可以顺路去拜访其他厂商,所以我该走了。 | WE have some other suppliers I can visit on this trip, so I have to get moving . | |
29 | 沿着这个方向前进,一步一个脚印,你的问题就能解决。 | But get moving in that direction, one step at a time. | |
30 | 也或者你戴上黑眼豌豆演唱的“嘿妈妈”音乐耳机并开始摇动你的臀部想要动作动作。 | Or you put on ’Hey Mama’ by Black Eyed Peas and start shaking your booty and want to get moving . |