属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:直切正题
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:直切正题
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:直切正题
1 | “我要在萨哈兰普尔下车,”少女说,“我的姑妈在那里接我。您到哪儿去?” | "I ’m getting down at Saharanpur, the girl said."My aunt is meeting me there. Where are you going? | |
2 | 财政大臣把工党政府为了减少通货膨胀而辛辛苦苦工作了五年的成果全部付之一炬。 | The Chancellor threw away the results of five years of painstaking effort by the Labour Government in getting down inflation. | |
3 | 她回避谈基本问题 | She avoided getting down to Brass tacks. | |
4 | 在开始做生意前的寒喧 | exchanged pleasantries before getting down to business. | |
5 | ||1:今天我们要谈到的表达是“getting down to brass tacks(直切正题)”。||2:它的意思是直接切入事物的重点。||3:例如,一个男人可能会说,“我想为你工作,但你能给我开多少薪水?”他直接切入了正题。||4:或者一个女人可能会问,“你说爱我,那你会娶我吗?”她也直接切入了正题。 | ||1:Our expression today is "getting down to brass tacks."||2:It means to get serious about something, to get to the bottom of the situation.||3:For example, a man may say, " I want to work for you. But how much will you pay me?" He is getting down to brass tacks.||4:Or a woman may ask, "You say you love me. Will you marry me?" She, too, is getting down to brass tacks. | |
6 | ||1:这种情况发生在一位评论家身上,他在阅读一位近友写的剧本时犯了一个错误。||2:这位评论家一点也不喜欢这个剧本,他认为他的朋友不该写剧本,但他什么也没说。||3:这种沉默让这位写剧本的作家朋友很是困扰,他非让评论家就剧本说些什么。||4:这个作家最终听到了评论家的观点。||5:而这种直切正题的观点也让这段长久的友谊画上了一个句号。 | ||1:This happened in the case of a critic who made the mistake of reading a play written by a close friend.||2:The critic disliked the play a lot. He felt his friend should not be writing plays. But he said nothing.||3:This silence troubled the writer. He demanded that his friend the critic say something about the play.||4:The writer finally heard the critic’s opinion.||5:And this getting down to brass tacks ended a long friendship. | |
7 | 此外,这周末戈麦斯在菲律宾时,被拍摄到参与比伯和Major Lazer的新歌“Cold Water”的制作。 | Also this weekend, Gomez was filmed getting down to Bieber and Major Lazer’s new song "Cold Water" while out in the Philippines. | |
8 | ||今天我们要谈到的表达是“getting down to brass tacks(直切正题)”。||它的意思是直接切入事物的重点。例如,一个男人可能会说,“我想为你工作,但你能给我开多少薪水?”他直接切入了正题。或者一个女人可能会问,“你说爱我,那你会娶我吗?”她也直接切入了正题。 | ||Our expression today is "getting down to brass tacks.||" It means to get serious about something, to get to the bottom of the situation. For example, a man may say, " I want to work for you. But how much will you pay me?" He is getting down to brass tacks. Or a woman may ask, "You say you love me. Will you marry me?" She, too, is getting down to brass tacks. | |
9 | 全球来袭。 | Getting down globally. | |
10 | 但是我们能否凭一己之力下去到达那农舍,我们连想都没想;我们坐在那里,开始大声喊叫。 | But as for getting down there on our own, we couldn’t even consider it; we sat there and started shouting. | |
11 | 当大家纷纷落座,威尔·鲍温建议:“查理,把你的小提琴和琴弓拿出来,给大伙来点儿音乐怎么样?” | When everyone had found seats, Will Bowen suggested, "Charley, how about getting down your fiddle and bow and giving us a little music? " | |
12 | 你可以在OSX上做很多事而不需要深入到Mach层。 | You can do a lot on OS X without getting down to the Mach layer. | |
13 | 如果您已经阅读了本系列第2部分(探讨核心),您将对这些xml标记的名字非常熟悉。 | If you’ve read Part 2 of this series ( Getting down to the core) then the names of these xml tags will be familiar. | |
14 | 他会想尽办法逃避数学(课)。 | He’ll do anything to avoid getting down to math lessons. | |
15 | 我一整天都故意拖着不去工作。 | I’ve been avoiding getting down to work all day. | |
16 | 我真想像教皇约翰.鲍尔二世做过的那样,来跪地亲吻柏油路面。 | I feel like getting down on my hands and knees, like Pope John Paul II used to do, and kissing the tarmac. | |
17 | 一进门,我们就把对方扒了个干净,着手干起了正事,一分钟都没有浪费。 | Sure enough, once we’d got to his place we wasted no time in pulling each other’s clothes off and getting down to it. | |
18 | 因此,佛陀又从他的手上割下一块肉,但是已经快切到骨头了,肉更少了。 | so the Buddha sliced off another piece from his arm, but he was getting down to the bone where there’s not much meat. | |
19 | 在开始动手打造自己的LiveCD之前,需要理解Fedora版本是如何装配、发行和维护的。 | Before getting down to making your own Live CD, you need to understand how a Fedora release is assembled, distributed, and maintained. | |
20 | 这对夫妻曾在因灾难而无家可归的人们面前鞠躬,此举曾一度打动了他们国民的心。 | The couple once touched their countrymen’s hearts by getting down on the ground to bow to those made homeless by a disaster. | |
21 | 这个领域内的工作组和研究组致力于研究为实现网格环境中的应用程序开发而需要相互配合的问题。 | The working and research groups in this area are getting down to the nuts and bolts of application development in a grid environment. | |
22 | 做好直属工程建设管理全面发挥治淮效益 | Getting down with the construction management of directly under project and exerting the benefit of harnessing huaihe river |