属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-疯狂中的理智 Method in the madnes
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电子书 一笑泯恩仇
1 | “我们发现《泥泉晨声报》那个昏头昏脑的恶棍又照他撒谎的惯癖放出了谣言,说范维特没有当选。” | We observe that the besotted blackguard of the Mud Spring Morning Howl is giving out , with his usual propensity for lying, that Van Werter is not elected | |
2 | 不得在网络上散发恶意信息,冒用他人名义发出信息,侵犯他人隐私;不得制造、传播计算机病毒及从事其它侵犯网络和他人合法权益的活动。 | distributing malicious information, giving out information in other people’s names and violating others’ privacy through networks; developing and spreading computer viruses and engaging in other activities in violation of legitimate rights and interests of networks and individuals. | |
3 | 而且,它还可以降解,不会产生有毒的化学物质。 | Overtime it can also break down into the soil without giving out any toxic chemicals. | |
4 | 分发自由通行证 | Giving out free passes. | |
5 | 散热器释放出很多热量. | The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. | |
6 | 声钵是宽边大锣,用软槌击奏,音色浑圆纯厚。 | The shenbo is a large, broad gong tapped with a muffled stick, giving out a rounded and mellow sound. | |
7 | 说故事的人,把前面那句话又说了一遍,说那两个脏字的时候,脸上仍旧是以前那种不动声色的严肃态度。 | The narrator repeated, giving out the bad word with the same passionless severity of the face as before | |
8 | 他的两腮如香花畦,如香草台。他的嘴唇像百合花,且滴下没药汁。 | His face is as beds of spices, giving out perfumes of every sort; his lips like lilies, dropping liquid myrrh. | |
9 | 他的姨妈在分果冻给其他的小孩时,那位小朋友说“别忘了我!” | "Don’t forget me." said the little boy as his aunt was giving out jelly to the other children. | |
10 | 他看到一个人在街上散发传单。 | He saw a man giving out handbills in the street. | |
11 | 他有本事同时在所有地方忙,推推拉拉,敲敲打打,唠唠叨叨,浑身散发着取之不尽用之不竭的恶浊汗臭。 | He was everywhere at once, pushing, pulling, sawing, hammering, improvising, jollying everyone along with comradely exhortations and giving out from every fold of his body what seemed an inexhaustible supply of acrid-smelling sweat | |
12 | 我好像觉得自己长期以来一直付出得太多。我要应付各式各样多数职业妇女必须干的事情,我感到累了,我没有勇气再干下去了。 | It seemed like I’d been giving out so much for so long. Juggling the multiple priorities most professional women do, I felt tired and discouraged. | |
13 | 我深信,友好的微笑、张口就来的“先生”、“夫人”、“谢谢”已足已帮我应付任何情况--从应付急性了、讨厌鬼到为找错零钱而道歉。 | I firmly believed that a friendly smile and an automatic "sir", "ma’am", and "thank you" would see me through any situation that might arise, from soothing impatient or unpleasant people to apologizing for giving out the wrong change | |
14 | 我在工作中体力、感情、精神的付出令我疲惫不堪,职业歌唱、演讲以及咨询需要我有大量才干。为别人付出,努力让自己发挥点作用,已经使我精疲力竭。 | The physical,emotional,and spiritual energy required in a field that called upon my professional singing,speaking, and consulting talents was exhausting. Giving out to others in an effort to make a difference had taken its toll. | |
15 | 引子在乐队的和声背景上,以琵琶由慢渐快地挑弹模拟鼓声 | The intro has a background of musical harmony, and then a pipa is plucked faster and faster, giving out drumbeat-like notes. | |
16 | 有声音从但传扬,从以法莲山报祸患。 | For a voice is sounding from Dan, giving out evil from the hills of Ephraim: | |
17 | 招待员站在门口分发节目单。 | The usher stood at the door giving out programs. | |
18 | 这样,你们从以色列人中所得的十分之一也要作举祭献给耶和华,从这十分之一中,将所献给耶和华的举祭归给祭司亚伦。 | So you are to make an offering lifted up to the Lord from all the tenths which you get from the children of Israel, giving out of it the Lord’s lifted offering to aaron the priest. | |
19 | ||1: Lookout,一个移动设备安全性检验的公司,分析了谷歌安卓的生态系统并特别报道了十家卓越的广告供应商,包括Moolah Media(但其并未对此作出回应)和LeadBolt在内,声称他们运用了不止一种被认为"具有侵略性的"盈利策略。 ||2:这些策略包括在室外应用服务(例如在保留私人信件的通知栏上)上打广告。||3:改变手机桌面的浏览器——这样当使用者点击其他程序的时候,新图标就会出现;不提供明确警示的情况下获取个人信息。 | ||1: Lookout, a mobile-security company, has analysed Google’s Android ecosystem and spotlighted ten ad providers, including Moolah Media (which did not respond to requests for comment) and LeadBolt, that use one or more monetisation strategies it considers "aggressive". ||2: These include making ads appear outside apps (for instance, in the notification bar usually reserved for a person’s text messages). ||3: altering mobile desktops and browsers so that, among other things, new icons appear that display ads when they are clicked on; and gaining access to personal information without giving a clear warning. | |
20 | ||1:他认为是的,并且在书中提出大量论据。||2:例如,贩卖穷人的肾,移植到富人体内,这样的例子让人心神不宁。||3:又例如,出售体育馆的命名权,对此人们大概只会无奈的耸耸肩。||4:但几乎所有人都会重新考虑市场的作用。||5:桑德尔先生对两点不断提出异议。||6:第一点是分配不公:钱的作用越大,没有钱就会越痛苦。||7:桑德尔先生将第二点称为“人性扭曲”:买卖会改变美好事物的性质。||8:人们不能付钱买血。||9:但是以钱作为奖励,让孩子读书,会使阅读变得无聊乏味,可阅读应该是人生一大乐事。 | ||1:He argues that it has, and packs his book with examples.||2:Some, such as the sale of a poor man’s kidney for transplanting into a rich man’s body, will make many people squirm.||3:Others, such as the sale of naming rights for sports stadiums, may yield only a resigned shrug.||4:But almost all give pause for thought.||5:Mr Sandel poses two objections consistently.||6:One is inequality: the more things money can buy, the more the lack of it hurts.||7:The other Mr Sandel calls “corruption”: buying and selling can change the way a good is perceived.||8:Paying people to give blood does not work.||9:Giving schoolchildren money as an incentive to read books may make reading a chore rather than a lifelong pleasure. | |
21 | ||1:这两种类型,列维-斯特劳斯说,世界缺了哪种都不行。而两种在他身上都有所体现。||2:他也像杂活工一样,不断在各种行当间跳来跳去:先是放弃了哲学,因为讨厌那些枯燥的道德训诫;后又放弃了法律,只是因为厌倦了;还一直热衷歌颂社会主义,但也是以厌倦收场。当他转向人类学的时候,似乎仍然像一个走进奇异玩意店的好奇的孩子(因为他以往抛弃种种理论就象抛下森林大火留下的焦土一样没有顾忌)。||3:但是他身体里那个富有远见的工程师这时出动了:他在法兰西学院创立了“实验室”,在这个崭新的教席上传播他的社会人类学思想,从1959年开始,直到1982年。他还拿出了四卷名为《神话学》(1964-1971)的鸿篇巨制,在书里,他跟踪了813个神话的传播轨迹,幅度跨越整个美洲大陆。||4:他既喜欢自称为新石器时代的人,也爱说自己是搞科学研究的。 | ||1: The world needed both these types, said Mr Lévi-Strauss. And he embodied both. ||2: He too hopped from subject to subject like a bricoleur, discarding philosophy for its arid moralising, giving up law out of sheer boredom, vaunting socialism until it tired him, turning to anthropology as if he was still a fascinated boy in a curio shop. (He abandoned theories like scorched earth in the forest.) ||3: But the far-sighted engineer in him set up a “laboratory” at the Collège de France, where he held the brand-new chair of social anthropology from 1959 to 1982, and produced the four huge volumes of “Mythologiques” (1964-71), in which he tracked 813 myths the length of the American continent. ||4: He happily called himself both “neolithic” and a man of science. | |
22 | ||1:这些充满智慧又满腹疑问的人物用令人费解的话语相互追问,彼此引诱,又互相伤害。《危险方法》一片以这些谈话为主线,同时,巧妙地将造成弗洛依德-荣格分歧的思维差异搬上银幕,而两人孰对孰错,影片未真正给出最终的定论。||2:在刻画弗洛伊德这个人物上,本片似乎站在他的一边,以一个机智的长者形象取代顽固的后生形象。||3:弗洛伊德的信徒们会说,为了掩盖真相,荣格沉湎于神秘论中;他的性冲动几乎摧毁了他的婚姻,夺走了其病人的理智。||4:这部影片赞颂了弗洛伊德与荣格的思想,体现了电影工作人员的创造力。荣格的信徒(以及柯南伯格的粉丝们)能在片中随时看到这位被神话萦绕的瑞士精神分析学家,化身为俄尔普斯,在将爱人欧律狄刻救出哈迪斯的冥界前,万不可回头看爱人一眼。 | ||1: As “A Dangerous Method” threads its way through the labyrinth of words that these brilliant, questioning people use to probe, seduce and wound one another, it deftly dramatises the intellectual differences that brought about the Freud-Jung split without actually giving either man the last word. ||2: Portraying Freud as a witty patriarch, the film seems to side with him against his stiff-necked protégé. ||3: Freudians will conclude that Jung is wallowing in mysticism to hide from the truth and that his sexual urges almost destroyed his marriage and his patient’s sanity. ||4: It is a tribute to both men’s ideas, and the creativity of the film-makers, that Jungians (and Cronenbergians) are equally free to see the myth-haunted Swiss psychoanalyst as a tragic incarnation of Orpheus, who should never have looked back at Eurydice when rescuing her from the underworld of Hades. | |
23 | 专利之争已经平息:微软给予Barnes & Noble的Nook许可证并获得专利使用费。 | The squabbles over patents have been settled: Microsoft is giving Barnes & Noble a licence for the Nook and will get royalties in return. | |
24 | 不是聚财更非敛财而是散财喽。 | It’s not gathering wealth or accumulating wealth but giving out wealth. | |
25 | 不幸的是,这也是一个不愉快的提醒,让你看看你给了Google多少数据。 | Unfortunately, it’s also an unpleasant reminder of just how much data you’re giving out to Google. | |
26 | 传达出你的赞美并不是想象的那么简单,并且表达的方式也多种多样。 | Giving out praise isn’t as easy as you might think, and the approaches vary. | |
27 | 春节的时候,我们想念你,你是否穿着喜庆的韩服在给小孩发压岁钱? | During Spring Festival, we miss you. Wondering if you are wearing Hanbok (traditional Korean dress) and giving out the ’red pocket’ money? | |
28 | 但是发现金的确比旧的粮食补贴政策更有效。 | Giving out cash proved to be hugely more efficient than the old food subsidies. | |
29 | 当大脑疲倦的时候,它会停止吗? | Is the brain actually giving out on you when it’s fatigued? | |
30 | 对前任签署的导弹防御协议,态度也含糊不清。 | It is giving out mixed signals on the missile-defence deal signed by its predecessor. |