属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-东京奥运会跑得更快背后的技术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 赛伦·曼纳 足球场上的圣人
1 | 伊莱恩·汤普森·赫拉以10.61秒的成绩跑完全程并获得金牌。她的成绩打破了弗洛伦斯·格里菲斯·乔伊娜在1988年汉城奥运会上创下的记录。 | Elaine Thompson-Herah went the distance in 10.61 seconds and won the gold medal . Her time beat the previous record set by Florence Griffith-Joyner at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. | |
2 | “在温暖的天气,穿袜子的人更少,”纽约批发商Gold Medal International的Paul Rotstein说到。 | "In warm weather, fewer people wear socks," says Paul Rotstein of Gold Medal International, a wholesaler in New York. | |
3 | ||1:1948年伦敦奥运会上,凭借后卫线上身高体壮的曼纳(图中左起第三),新近独立的印度险些击败法国。||2:在曼纳的带领下,印度又在1951年的亚运会上第一次在国际赛事中摘得足球项目的金牌。||3:虽然仅昙花一现,但印度也曾跻身国际足坛前列,头顶世界级强队的光环,而且可以说是赤脚打天下,因为在那个年代,曼纳和他的队友都是球场上的“赤脚大仙”。 | ||1:With Manna-da—third from left above—tall and strong in defence, newly independent India almost beat France at the London Olympic games in 1948.||2:Under his captaincy, it won its first international football gold medal at the Asian games in 1951.||3:For a very short while, in his time, it walked in the sun as a world-class footballing nation.And it walked barefoot, because, in those years, that was how Mr Manna and his colleagues played. | |
4 | ||1:小细节里有大蕴义。譬如小说开场,5000名观众反复喊着若伊的名字,这让站在台上的她紧张极了;然而若有一天人们不再这么做,她同样会害怕。||2:另外一个场景,在一场比赛开始前,若伊故意徘徊着,盯住凯特的自行车,让对方觉得自己的车子出了毛病。于是她赢得了心理上的优势,在起点上抢占了先机。||3:但是这种伎俩和自私的光景被某种高于体育的精神改变了。||4:相形之下,夺取金牌的时刻,几乎让人沮丧。 | ||1: The small details speak loudly. As the story opens, Zoe stands terrified as 5,000 people chant her name—yet she is equally frightened that one day they may stop. ||2: On another occasion she lingers and stares at Kate’s bike before a race and implants the idea that something could be wrong; she wins the mental advantage, and the quicker start. ||3: By such tiny glances and irrecoverable moments lives are changed, a lesson that reaches beyond sport. ||4: The moment of winning a gold medal , by contrast, can almost seem disappointing. | |
5 | 在昨晚的200米个人混合泳中,迈克尔·菲尔普斯迎来了个人的第13枚金牌。 | Michael Phelps came away with his 13th individual gold medal last night at the 200-meter individual medley. | |
6 | 12日晚,东亚运动会东道主中国香港队在男足决赛中以总比分5-3击败日本队夺得金牌。 | Hosts Hong Kong won the men’s soccer title after beating Japan 5-3 to win the gold medal at the East Asian Games Saturday night. | |
7 | 14日晚,乌克兰队以45-44击败中国队,赢得女子佩剑团体赛金牌。 | Ukraine beat China 45-44 to win the women’s team sabre gold medal at the Olympic Games Thursday evening. | |
8 | 15个月前,出生于摩洛哥的拉姆兹为巴林摘得了该国史上首枚田径奥运金牌。 | He had given Bahrain its first Olympic track and field gold medal . | |
9 | 18日晚,中国乒乓球男队以3-0战胜德国男队,赢得男团冠军。 | China clinched the gold medal in the men’s Olympic team table tennis Monday after defeating European powerhouse Germany 3-0. | |
10 | 1952年,年仅19岁的布瓦特在芬兰赫尔辛基奥运会上夺得400米自由泳金牌。 | Boiteux competed at the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki, Finland, when he was 19 and earned a gold medal in 400m freestyle. | |
11 | 1960年的罗马奥运会上,美国曲棍球队战胜了苏联和捷克斯洛伐克,第一次摘取了该项目的奥运金牌。 | In 1960 the U. S. Olympic hockey team defeated the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia to win its first Olympic gold medal in hockey. | |
12 | 1984年洛杉矶奥运会上,中国女排在决赛中战胜哪国球队后最终获得冠军? | At the Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games, which team did the Chinese women’s volleyball team defeat to win the gold medal ? | |
13 | 1995年,瑞典皇家工程科学学院授予他金质奖章。 | He received a gold medal from the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in nineteen ninety-five. | |
14 | 2009年世界大师锦标赛日前在澳大利亚悉尼举行,世界上最年迈的女运动员——一位100岁老太获得铅球比赛的冠军。 | The world’s oldest female athlete has won a gold medal and broken a world record in the shot put at the Sydney 2009 World Masters Games. | |
15 | GoldmedalgoestoJones(金牌信息固然重要,但它不是故事重点。) | Gold medal goes to Jones (The gold medal is important, but it’s not the real point of the story. ) | |
16 | 埃蒙斯两届奥运会均在最后一枪失误,无缘金牌。 | For the 2nd straight Olympics, Emmons lost a gold medal with a mistake on the final shot. | |
17 | 埃蒙斯在最后一枪因紧张而提前扣响扳机,错失唾手可得的金牌,重蹈四年前的覆辙。 | Emmons threw away a gold medal on his final shot when he nervously pulled the trigger a split second too soon. | |
18 | 奥林匹克精神与奥运金牌的价值分析 | The Value of the Olympic Spirits and the Olympic Gold Medal | |
19 | 奥运历史上首位奥运冠军获得者参加的是什么项目的比赛? | In which event was the first gold medal ever won in Olympic history? | |
20 | 本届奥运会刘翔将不会赢得金牌,而这对于亿万的翔谜来说将是一个难以接受的事实。 | There will be no gold medal for Liu at these Games, a difficult reality for his millions of fans. | |
21 | 波斯顿运动员阿尔布莱特是第一位在奥运会花样滑冰项目中夺金的美国人。 | Boston-native figure skater Tenley Albright was the first American woman to win an Olympic figure-skating gold medal . | |
22 | 成千上万的中国人在网上投票选她为最漂亮的冠军获得者。 | Thousands of Chinese on the Internet have voted her the prettiest gold medal winner. | |
23 | 第二年,在工业博览会,萨克斯夺得了金牌。 | The next year, at the Industrial Exhibition, Sax won the gold medal . | |
24 | 法泽卡斯是两天之内由于服用兴奋剂而被剥夺金牌的第二名运动员。 | Fazekas is the second athlete in two days to lose a gold medal for doping. | |
25 | 恭喜王励勤、王皓和马琳夺得了2008北京奥运会乒乓球男子团体金牌! | Congratulations with WANG Liqin, WANG Hao and MA Lin who won the gold medal of Table Tennis Team Men in Beijing 2008 ! | |
26 | 恭喜张怡宁、郭跃和王楠夺得了2008北京奥运会乒乓球女子团体金牌! | Congratulations with ZHANG Yining, GUO Yue and WANG Nan who won the gold medal of Table Tennis Team Women in Beijing 2008 ! | |
27 | 郭晶晶已经在她第三次参加的亚运会中获得了第四块金牌。 | Guo jingjing has collected her fourth gold medal in her third Asian Games. | |
28 | 汉德尔以先于萨姆·约翰逊0。06秒的成绩获得金牌。 | Handle’s won the gold medal with0. 06 seconds in front of Sam Johnson. | |
29 | 霍姆斯赛跑表现不错,获得了金牌。 | Holmes ran a fine race to take the gold medal . | |
30 | 她获得了个人10米气手枪的金牌,她的队友获得了团体金牌。 | She won gold at number 10 water meter pistol and his colleagues won the gold medal team. |