属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Turning a line 化学元素即将出现新的一行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Turning a line 化学元素即将出现新的一行
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-美国出国留学项目深入融入当地文化
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第199期:在朋友喝酒时怎么能避免自己屈服于
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生物降解 "清道夫"平菇
1 | 不要跟那个得过且过的混混在一起,你不知道他会做些什么事。 | Don’t hang around that shiftless guy. You don’t know what he will do. | |
2 | 不要与有犯罪行为的人鬼混在一起。 | Don’t hang around criminal companions | |
3 | 根据环绕着山峰的云的情形,当地人能预知暴风雨的到来。 | By the clouds which hang around the mountain the locals can foretell a storm. | |
4 | 她所做的就只是在工厂里荡来荡去,朝男人抛媚眼。 | All she did was hang around ogling the men in the factory. | |
5 | 你现在同芝加哥的一些老同学一起消磨时日。 | You hang around with your old Chicago school chums | |
6 | 任何人都有可能吐着烟草汁闲荡 | Any man might . . . hang around . . . jetting tobacco juice | |
7 | 失望的救火人员无事可做,只好喝上点热咖啡,便转来转去想勾引护士。 | There was nothing for the disappointed firemen to do but drink tepid coffee and hang around trying to screw the nurse | |
8 | 驶往上游的公共汽车准在五分钟前开走了,她当然不会在那儿逗留二十五分钟等下班车。 | The bus upriver must have left five minutes ago and of course she wouldn’t hang around there for twenty-five more minutes waiting for the next one | |
9 | 他与这些人密切交往,在一块喝酒。他很爱同他们一起鬼混。 | He hobnobbed with them, drank with them, and loved to hang around them | |
10 | 我们无所事事地在冰淇淋摊附近游荡。 | We had nothing to do except hang around the ice cream parlor. | |
11 | 一些在赌场周围乱逛的骗子 | Some sleazy characters hang around casinos. | |
12 | ||1:合成一种新元素非常复杂。||2:GSI的粒子加速器中的钛原子必须有足够快的移动速度来克服自身质子间的斥力与锫质子间的斥力,却又必须足够慢,以防将还没时间稳定下来的新合成元素119号撞裂。||3:尽管需要良好的混合,Dullmann博士相信,在接下来的几个月中,会合成一两个119号元素的原子,并能稳定足够长的时间以被检测到。 | ||1:Making a new element is tricky.||2:The titanium atoms must be travelling fast enough in GSI’s particle accelerator to overcome the repulsion between their protons and those of the berkelium, yet slowly enough to avoid ripping the newly formed atom of element 119 apart before it has had time to settle down.||3:With the right mix, though, Dr Dullmann is confident that one or two atoms of 119 will be created over the course of the next few months, and will hang around long enough to be detected. | |
13 | ||1:现代超铀元素的研究比上世纪40年代和平了许多。||2:的确,怀疑论者会质疑,创造一个新的元素一次仅一、两个原子,只为展示它可以被合成,这样做究竟意义何在。||3:然而,这样的举动虽看起来怪异,实际上却也合乎情理。||4:正如周期表中的锝、钷是在通常没有放射性的地方出现的不稳定岛,所以许多物理学家认为,在不稳定部分中实际潜藏着稳定元素岛。||5:他们预测,有184个中子的原子核(原子序数应在120-130之间)会稳定出现足够长的时间——也许是几百万年。||6:这起码使它们可以被利用变为可能。 | ||1:Modern transuranic research is more peaceful than it was in the 1940s.||2:Indeed, sceptics might wonder at the value of creating new elements a mere atom or two at a time for little reason other than to show that it can be done.||3:There is, however, method in the madness.||4:Just as technetium and promethium are islands of instability in parts of the periodic table which are not normally radioactive, so many physicists believe that in the unstable part at the bottom there lies an island of stability.||5:Their prediction is that nuclei containing 184 neutrons (which would have atomic numbers in the 120s) will hang around for sensible amounts of time-possibly as long as several million years.||6:That would at least give them a chance to be useful. | |
14 | WILLIAM FINLAY:“学生们了解一些关于世界其它地区的人们如何生活、思考及行为的知识非常至关重要。这些学生通常一大批的出去留学并彼此混在一起,我们认为不曾逐步了解当地居民。” | WILLIAM FINLAY: "It’s absolutely crucial that they know something about how people in other parts of the world live and think and how they behave. Often those students go in large groups and they hang around with each other. We felt that they really weren’t getting to know the local inhabitants." | |
15 | 和其他不喝酒的人一起玩。 | Hang around different kind of people that don’t drink. | |
16 | 即便是干净的尿布也会在垃圾场长期留存。 | Even a clean nappy would hang around for a long time in a dump. | |
17 | “哦,你总不能期望他整天都守在那儿吧,”罗恩说道。 | "Well, you can’t expect him to hang around all day, " said Ron. | |
18 | “随着天气转暖,它们中的大部分都离开了,但是直到五月份往往还能发现一些塘鹅在闲逛,”亨特说。 | "Most of them have departed, but we always have some that hang around into May, " Hunter says. | |
19 | “他们告诉自己的孩子没事儿不要和我呆在一起,”海莉说。 | "They told their children not to hang around with me, " Hayley says. | |
20 | “有关人士没人愿意这件事再耽搁下去。” | "Nobody involved wants this to hang around for much longer. " | |
21 | urbandictionary上第三个解释是:跳舞时在DJ附近活动、用心去注意他所播放的音乐的人。 | But the third Urbandictionary definition is people who hang around the DJ at a dance and take careful note of all the music he plays. | |
22 | 不要泡得太长,除非你盘算着得到与她独处的机会从而得以真正确立关系。 | Do not hang around too long unless you plan on getting her alone so you can really build up the rapport. | |
23 | 传说,人类意识到这种动物很有用,于是允许一些最不具攻击性的小狗在人类居住地周围徘徊。 | Humans, the story goes, realized this was rather useful, and let the least aggressive pups hang around . | |
24 | 但就效果来说,没有什么药物可以比得上可持续超过几个小时的凝胶体和乳脂。 | But for convenience’s sake, nothing would beat gels and creams that hang around for more than a few hours. | |
25 | 但由于世界经济持续低迷,“大衰退”一词仍将在2011年热词榜上挥之不去。 | But the "great recession" is expected to hang around in 2011 as a well-used term while the world economy struggles to right itself. | |
26 | 对于这些家伙而言,一个完美地夜晚是和他的乐队同伙玩一晚上的游戏机,或者和大学同学去赌城疯… | a guy’s idea of a perfect night is a hang around the PlayStation with his bandmates, or a trip to Vegas with his college friends. | |
27 | 多数政客要在政坛上流连多年。 | Most of these politicians hang around for years. | |
28 | 多与那些欣赏你的人交往,尽量避免和那些仅仅是容忍你的人打交道,因为生命是如此的短暂。 | Hang around people who celebrate you, and avoid those who merely tolerate you. Life is too short not to. | |
29 | 根据场景的大小布置一个由72到96台摄像机组成的摄像机矩阵悬挂在场景的周边组成网格。 | An array of 72 to 96 cameras, depending on the size of the set, hang around the perimeter of a sound stage and are configured in a grid. | |
30 | 很巧合的是,这款程序称为泰格短信(TigerText),它允许用户设置短信被对方读取后的一段时间间隔。 | Called, coincidentally enough, TigerText, it allows users to set a time limit for a sent text to hang around after it has been read. |