属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-拜登希望2030年前电动汽车销量占50%
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:“别喝迷魂汤”和“斯德哥尔摩综合征”
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-情人节专题:爱情和婚姻
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-美国选举结果可能有助于预测未来投票
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-爱情不过是大脑中的一种化学反应
1 | 他全神贯注地拉小提琴。 | He played the violin with his heart and soul . | |
2 | 他全心全意扑在工作上。 | He put his heart and soul completely in his work. | |
3 | 他全心全意为人民服务。 | He served the people heart and soul . | |
4 | 他一心一意准备实验。 | He was attempting the experiment heart and soul . | |
5 | 我必欢喜施恩与他们,要尽心尽意,诚诚实实将他们栽于此地。 | and truly, I will take pleasure in doing them good, and all my heart and soul will be given to planting them in this land in good faith. | |
6 | 我们必须全心全意为人民服务。 | We must serve the people heart and soul . | |
7 | 我们的老师为培养新一代而呕心沥血。 | Our teachers throw themselves heart and soul into their work of bringing up a new generation. | |
8 | 我们应当同合作社社员、合作社干部和县、区、乡干部共命运,同呼吸,不要挫折他们的积极性。 | We should identify ourselves heart and soul with the members and cadres of the co-operatives and with the county, district and township cadres, and not thwart their enthusiasm | |
9 | 我们应该谦虚,谨慎,戒骄,戒躁,全心全意地为中国人民服务,在现时,为着团结全国人民战胜日本侵略者,在将来,为着团结全国人民建设新民主主义的国家。 | We should be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness, and serve the Chinese people heart and soul , in order to unite them for defeating the Japanese aggressors in the present and for building a new-democratic state in the future | |
10 | 我们应该全心全意地为人民服务。 | We should serve the people heart and soul . | |
11 | 现在你们应当立定心意,寻求耶和华你们的神。也当起来建造耶和华神的圣所,好将耶和华的约柜和供奉神的圣器皿都搬进为耶和华名建造的殿里。 | Now give your heart and soul to the worship of the Lord your God; and get to work on the building of the holy place of the Lord God, so that you may put the ark of the Lord’s agreement and the holy vessels of God in the house which is to be made for the name of the Lord. | |
12 | 徐悲鸿为培养美术的新生力量付出了巨大心血,对中国新兴的美术教育作出了开创性的贡献。 | During his life, Xu Beihong also devoted heart and soul to the education of new artists and made important contributions to fine arts education after the founding of New China. | |
13 | 要把全体人民的意志和力量凝聚起来,全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化, | if we are to rally the entire people to work heart and soul in building a well-off society in an all-round way and speed up the socialist modernization drive. | |
14 | 要不然他还会在教书,因为他的心仍然在课堂上和他的学生们在一起。 | Otherwise he would still be teaching, because his heart and soul were still in the classroom with his students. | |
15 | 在任何时候任何情况下,都必须坚持党的群众路线,坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,把实现人民群众的利益作为一切工作的出发点和归宿。 | We must at all times and under all circumstances adhere to the Party’s mass line, and to the purpose of serving the people heart and soul and regard the people’s interests as the starting point and goal of all our work. | |
16 | 总之,我国当前压倒一切的任务就是一心一意地搞四化建设。 | In short, the overriding task in China today is to throw ourselves heart and soul into the modernization drive. | |
17 | 美国汽车工人联合会反对这类目标。美国汽车工人联合会主席雷·库里表示,该组织希望保留“一直是美国中产阶级核心和灵魂的”就业岗位。 | The United Auto Workers (UAW) union has pushed back against such aims. UAW President Ray Curry said his group wants to keep in place jobs "that have been the heart and soul of the American middle class." | |
18 | 假设有人全身心的信任某事物,这样事物可能是某项社会事业、政治运动或是某位领导人。如果沉迷在这项事业、运动或是人之中达到了忘记自我的境界,我们就说他们喝了迷魂汤。 | Let’s say someone believes in something with all their heart and soul . That something can be a social cause, a political movement or the person in charge. If they are so wrapped up in the cause, movement or person – to the point where they are unable to think for themselves – we say they have drunk the Kool-Aid. | |
19 | 另一种意思相同的表达就是灵魂伴侣。这用于描述一位非常了解你的密友。如果你彻底爱上某个人,你可以说你全身心地爱着她。 | Another expression that means the same thing is soul mate. This is one way to describe a really close friend who understands you. If you love someone completely, you can say you love them with all your heart and soul . | |
20 | 有人预测该党会经历一场内心与灵魂的争斗。共和党人会更走近茶党运动的保守主义,还是远离它?奥康内尔也不确定。 | Some people predict a battle for the heart and soul of the party. Will the Republicans move toward the conservatism of the Tea Party movement or away from it? Ford O’Connell is not sure. | |
21 | 在美国,2月14日是情人节,庆祝恋人和爱情的日子。红色的爱心图像无处不在。恋人们相互说着甜言蜜语,类似说“我全身心地爱着你”或是“我全心全意爱着你”。 | In the United States, February 14 is Valentine’s Day -- a day to celebrate lovers and loving relationships. Images of red hearts are everywhere. Lovers say nice things to each other, like "I love you with all my heart" or "I love you heart and soul ." | |
22 | session是有状态J2EEWeb应用程序作用域的核心和灵魂。 | Session is the heart and soul of stateful J2EE Web application scopes. | |
23 | WISE的心与灵星云红外图我们星系的心脏与灵魂在仙后座? | Is the heart and soul of our Galaxy located in Cassiopeia? | |
24 | 不仅限于剧本创作,他将他全部的心血和灵感倾注在整个制作过程之中,我期盼着明年初影片上映时他的付出能有所回报。 | He’s put his heart and soul into not only the script but the entire project and I expect it will pay off come early 2011. | |
25 | 担任班长,他全心全意为同学服务。 | Serving as monitor of our class , he served his classmates heart and soul . | |
26 | 当然,我们也会做视频,我们也会做游戏,但是这一写的核心与灵魂正是音乐。 | Yes, we’ll do games. But the heart and soul of that brand is music. | |
27 | 导演保罗-施哈德说,星战系列吞噬了好莱坞的心灵和精神。 | Director Paul Schrader said the series "ate the heart and soul of Hollywood. " | |
28 | 迪路拜·安巴尼的崛起象征着印度这个民族全心全意的奋斗。 | Dhirubhai Ambani’s rise symbolised a struggle for the heart and soul of India. | |
29 | 第三要明晰自身的定位,抓住目标人,建设深度的平台,全心全意为用户服务。 | The 3rd fixed position that wants clear oneself, hold target person, build the platform of deepness, serve for the user heart and soul . | |
30 | 对我所做的每件事都全身心投入。 | I would put my heart and soul in everything I did. |