属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-衰退与创业 Downturn, Start up
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-势利之国 Snob Nation
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无疆界之战 Battling borderless
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无处高速 Going Nowhere Fast
1 | 随时聆听您的需要,并以精湛的技艺向您提供帮助。 | to be there to listen to you and provide you help with our expertise. | |
2 | 所有各种新技术都可用来帮助解决城市问题。 | All kinds of new technologies are becoming available to help with city problems. | |
3 | 他们四围的人就拿银器,金子,财物,牲畜,珍宝帮助他们(原文作坚固他们的手),另外还有甘心献的礼物。 | and all their neighbours gave them help with offerings of vessels of silver and gold and goods and beasts and things of great value, in addition to what was freely offered. | |
4 | 他选出3个从来帮助做这事。 | He counted off three men to help with the job. | |
5 | 他选出3个人来帮助做这件事。 | He counted off three men to help with the job | |
6 | 他主动提出要带我去见路易斯?托德拉,劝说他在辐射作战委员会的反间谍方面帮忙。 | He offered to take me to see Louis Tordella to persuade him to help with the counterespionage of ROC | |
7 | 它对第三世界的政策也增添了诸如开展外交、进行普选、实行土改、为偿还债务提供紧急援助等项内容。 | Third World policy has been leavened with diplomacy, elections, land reform and emergency help with debts | |
8 | 我帮你洗餐具好吗? | May I help with the washing-up? | |
9 | 我的学习成绩优秀,有很多工作经历,英语相当流利。因此,我相信自己能够帮助你们策划并教好这门课。 | I am a fluent English speaker, and my university studies and work experiences have furthered my already strong knowledge of the English language-therefore, I could certainly help with planning and teaching this curriculum. | |
10 | 我可以来帮忙(您工作)吗? | Can I help (with your work)? | |
11 | 我们需要一个人帮助打字。 | We need someone to help with the typing. | |
12 | 我送他一份礼以答谢他的帮助。 | I requited him for his help with a present. | |
13 | 我希望你们中能有足够的人手准备协助这场演出. | I hope enough of you are prepared to help with the show. | |
14 | 我需要有人来帮我提包裹。 | I need some help with my packages. | |
15 | 西布伦支派,能上阵用各样兵器打仗,行伍整齐,不生二心的有五万人。 | Of Zebulun, there were fifty thousand men, who went out with the army, expert in ordering the fight, to give help with all sorts of arms; true-hearted men. | |
16 | 协助组织及跟踪工作,扩大接触面,提高成功率 | To help with the organization, follow up and scope expansion of executive’s tasks, and to improve the rate of accomplishment. | |
17 | 许多人来参加宴会,因此海伦不得不请几位女宾帮忙上点心。 | So many people came into the party that Helen had to press several of her women guests into service to help with refreshments | |
18 | 要使用数据,我们必须能储存、传递和处理它。在这三方面化学工程师都大有帮助。 | For data to be useful, we must be able to store, transmit and process it. Chemical engineering can help with all three actions. | |
19 | 有时,您需要获得有关使用产品功能的帮助,并且马上就需要这种帮助。 | Sometimes you need help with a product feature, and you need it now. | |
20 | 在她的帮助下,他学会了跳舞。 | With her help (With the help of her), he has learned how to dance. | |
21 | 在学习上他极可能需要帮助 | He will quite likely require some help with his classes. | |
22 | 这些都是化学过程的单元操作,化学工程师很精通。 | These are chemical processes and unit operations, which chemical engineers can help with . | |
23 | 至少35个国家向我们提供重要帮助,包括使用他们的基地、分享情报、提供后勤支援。 | More than 35 countries are giving crucial support, from the use of naval and air bases, to help with intelligence and logistics, to the deployment of combat units. | |
24 | 做这么一大件工作,我得不到任何帮助;只得自己一个人干到底了。 | There’s no way I can get any help with this big job;I just have to slog it out on my own. | |
25 | ||1:当然,在经济衰退期间创业总是相当艰难的。||2:信用稀缺,且不断下降的资产价格更成为未来的企业家们创业的进一步障碍,因此他们可能以房屋为抵押,从而获得启动资金。||3:因此,资产负债表的恶化对企业家是有利还是有害,取决于他们的相对资本实力。 | ||1:A recession is a difficult time to start a company, of course.||2:Credit is scarce.Would-be entrepreneurs are further handicapped by falling asset prices, since they might want to use their homes as collateral for a start-up loan.||3:Whether downturns on balance help or hurt entrepreneurs depends therefore on the relative strength of these opposing sets of forces. | |
26 | ||1:然而就是在最近,丹尼尔斯还在拒绝让印州成为RTW州(众所周知的“工作权利法案”)。||2:RTW立法规定员工有权决定是否出钱支持工会。||3:如果没有RTW这样的法律,工会就可以坚持让所有的员工都应缴纳会费,帮助为和雇主就工作合同谈判所需的费用筹钱,不管这些员工是否愿意正式加入工会。||4:但现在,丹尼尔斯说,他认为印州也需要签署RTW法案。||5:新法2月1号在州参议院获得通过,当天有丹尼尔斯签署,这样一来,印州,成为了美国通过RTW法案的第23个州。这也是美国传统工业带第一个通过此法的州。 | ||1:Until recently, though, Mr Daniels had resisted calls to make Indiana what is known as a “right-to-work” (RTW) state.||2:RTW legislation allows employees to decide whether to financially support a union.||3:Without such laws unions can insist that all workers pay dues to help fund the cost of negotiating a contract with an employer, whether or not they wish to formally join the union.||4:Now, however, Mr Daniels says he believes the state needs to sign up as well.||5:The new legislation was passed by the state Senate on February 1st and was signed by Mr Daniels that very day, making Indiana the 23rd RTW state in America—and the first such state in the nation’s old manufacturing belt. | |
27 | ||1:失业总是对年轻人造成巨大的打击,这也降低了重新接受全日制教育的机会成本。||2:而联邦佩尔奖学金以及大学课税减免的额度亦大幅提升,可以用来支付开销,前者更是由2007-08学年的550万美金上升至2011-12年的960万美金,这也很好地解释了为什么08年以后仍坚持工作的学生的比例急剧下降。 | ||1: Unemployment always hits the young particularly hard, reducing the opportunity cost of going back to full-time education. ||2: An expansion of both federal Pell grants, from 5.5m in 2007-08 to 9.6m in 2011-12, and of college tax credits has helped defray costs, which may help explain why the share of students holding down jobs also dropped sharply after 2008. | |
28 | ||1:西方药企热衷于培育这一增长。||2:法国医药巨头赛诺菲安万特公司在2010年收购巴西公司Medley之后一跃成为拉美地区最大的仿制药生产企业。||3:同时,世界最大的药品制造商---美国的辉瑞公司也不甘示弱地买下了Teuto(巴西仿制药公司)40%的股份。||4:一些公司还希望,发展中国家众多才华横溢的科学家可帮助他们在日已枯竭的研发产品线中注入新药。||5:例如,默克最近宣布,它将在5年内投资15亿美元在北京建立一个研发中心。 | ||1: Western companies are keen to tap this growth. ||2: Sanofi-Aventis, a French giant, has become the biggest producer of generic drugs in Latin America after its purchase in 2010 of Medley, a Brazilian firm. ||3: Not to be left out, America’s Pfizer, the world’s biggest drugmaker, bought 40% of Teuto, a Brazilian generics company. ||4: Some firms also hope that developing countries—many chock full of talented scientists—will help to fill their bare pipelines with new drugs. ||5: Merck, for example, recently announced that it would create a new research and development centre in Beijing, investing $1.5 billion over five years. | |
29 | ||1:之后基建工程的魔咒又开始应验。||2:根据目前的估计,这项工程实际支出费用将是预想的三倍或更多,并需耗时长达13年之久。||3:奥巴马对此仍不放弃并给予一定援助;在过去的五年里他已向国会申请了350亿美元用于铁路建设,其中大约35亿美元用于加州。||4:但即便如此,所有这些费用仍不足预计支出的13%。对此共和党人再无心援助更多。 | ||1: Then the iron law of infrastructure projects asserted itself. ||2: According to current estimates, the train would in fact cost three times as much or more, and take 13 years longer to build. ||3: Mr Obama still wants to help; he has asked Congress for $35 billion in railway funding over five years, of which $3.5 billion may go to California. ||4: But even with the bond funds, those dollops would cover less than 13% of the estimated cost. Republicans are in no mood to allocate more. | |
30 | 23岁的可萨克雇用了他的妈妈来料理后勤,而他则专注于公司的发展与自己的学业。 | Kossack, 23, recruited his mom to help with the back-office duties while he focused on growing the company and managing his studies. |