属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 9996-1996
属类:自然科学-Science in the News 科学报道-全球半数以上灵长类动物即将灭绝
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-美国农民与干旱做斗争
属类:自然科学-Science in the News 科学报道-全球半数以上灵长类动物即将灭绝
1 | 草原生态食物链对人类活动干扰的响应 | The Respond of Ecological Food Chain to the Disturbance of Human Activity in Grassland | |
2 | 潮白河径流分布规律及人类活动对径流的影响分析 | Analysis of Distribution Regulation of Annual Runoff and Affection to Annual Runoff by Human Activity in the Chaobaihe River | |
3 | 电能由于其易输送及易管理,所以几乎存于人类的所有活动中。 | Electric energy is present in almost every human activity because of its ease transmission and management easiness. | |
4 | 干旱内陆区自然-人工条件下地下水位动态的ANN模型 | ANN Model for Simulating Dynamic Variation of Groundwater under the Condition of natural-human Activity in arid-inland Area | |
5 | 干旱区土地荒漠化的人为驱动作用分析-以塔里木河流域为例 | Quantitative Analysis on Driving Role of, Human Activity on the Land Desertification in Arid Area: The Case of Tarim River Basin | |
6 | 黑河流域人类活动强度的定量评价 | Quantitative Assessment of Human Activity Intensity in the Heihe Catchment | |
7 | 机械振动与冲击 人类活动性和功能失调 分类 | Mechanical vibration and shock-Disturbance to human activity and performance-Classification | |
8 | 机械震动和冲击.人类活动性和功能失调的分类 | Mechanical vibration and shock-Disturbance to human activity and performance-Classification | |
9 | 济南泉域岩溶水质演变及其对人类活动的响应 | The Variations of Groundwater Quality and Its Relationship with Human Activity | |
10 | 交通运输改进了,使有可能在大部分传染因子潜伏期以内环航地球一周;人类活动造成的巨大生态和环境变化 | transportation has advanced, making it possible to circumnavigate the globe in less than the incubation period of most infectious agents; ecologic and environmental changes brought about by human activity are massive | |
11 | 陇中黄土高原水土流失的人文因素分析 | Paritional Management Modes and Responding of Soil Erosion to Human Activity in Longzhong Loess Plateau | |
12 | 岷江上游地区人类活动强度及其特征 | Human Activity Intensity and Its Spatial Distribution Pattern in Upper Reach of Minjiang River | |
13 | 气候变化和人类活动对渭河流域入黄径流的影响 | Impact of Climate Change and Human Activity on the Runoff of Wei River Basin to the Yellow River | |
14 | 人的活动目的性分析 | An Analysis on the Purpose of Human Activity | |
15 | 人类活动的或感兴趣的领域. | An area of human activity or interest | |
16 | 人类活动对黄河湿地鸟类生态栖息地影响-以三门峡黄河白天鹅观赏园建设为例 | The Human Activity Influences on the Yellow River Wetland and Birds’ Ecological Habitat-For Example with the White Swan Garden of the Yellow River of Sanmenxia | |
17 | 人类活动对黄土沟壑区小流域水沙影响的研究 | Influence of Human Activity on Water and Sand in Gully Region of Loess Plateau | |
18 | 人类活动对内陆河石羊河流域水资源转化的影响 | Influence of Human Activity on Water Resource Transformation in Shiyang River Region | |
19 | 人类活动影响下石家庄市地下水环境质量现状及趋势研究 | Current Situation of Groundwater Environmental Quality in Shijiazhauang under the Influence of Human Activity and the Trend Study | |
20 | 人类活动与土地资源的动力学关系研究 | The Dynamic Relationship of Land Resource and Human Activity | |
21 | 通过天然途径的种群增长相对较慢。相反,通过人类活动可长距离传播。 | Population expansion by natural means is expected to be relatively slow. In contrast, Spread by human activity can occur over long distances. | |
22 | 意义的生成与人的解谜活动 | The Generation of Meaning and the Human Activity of Decipherment | |
23 | 语言的本质是人类活动。 | The essence of language is human activity . | |
24 | ||1:珊瑚是回归的生物。||2:随着世界冰冻、融化,海平面在3万多年间起起落落,澳大利亚的大堡礁,这个和意大利差不多大的地方,经历了五次死亡和复活。||3:但现在,由于人类的活动,珊瑚面临着迄今为止最复杂的混合环境。||4:即使是这些顽强的无脊椎动物,在没有一点帮助的情况下,可能也很难度过最近的挑战。 | ||1:Corals are comeback creatures.||2:As the world froze and melted and sea levels rose and fell over 30,000 years, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, which is roughly the size of Italy, died and revived five times.||3:But now, thanks to human activity , corals face the most complex concoction of conditions they have yet had to deal with.||4:Even these hardy invertebrates may struggle to come through their latest challenge without a bit of help. | |
25 | 灵长类动物面临一个共同的威胁:丧失栖息地,也就是它们在大自然中的栖身之处。撒切尔等灵长类动物学家称人类活动就是罪魁恶首。 | Primates face one common threat: loss of habitat, the places in nature where they live. Primatologists like Setchell say human activity is to blame. | |
26 | 美国气象学会(American Meteorological Society)一项新的研究把气候变化与去年发生在德克萨斯州的干旱和一些恶劣天气事件联系起来。自然条件发挥了部分作用。但该研究发现,人类活动使得德州干旱比上世纪60年代严重20倍。 | A new American Meteorological Society study links climate change to a drought last year in Texas and some other extreme weather events. Natural conditions played a part. But the study found that human activity made the Texas drought twenty times more likely than in the nineteen sixties. | |
27 | 气候模型能够在有和没有人类活动的变暖影响的情况下重现过去, | Climate models are able to re-run the past with and without the warming effects of human activity , | |
28 | 他们表示,最明显的办法就是减缓人类在灵长类栖息地的活动。他们还表示,如果人类将灵长类动物及栖息地保护作为首要考虑,灵长类动物规模的减少就可以逆转。 | They do say that the clearest way is to slow human activity in primates’ habitats. They also say the decrease is reversible if humans make primate and habitat conservation a top concern. | |
29 | “物理世界”2005年7月刊上说:“我们吃的动物排放的二氧化碳占人类活动产生二氧化碳的21%。” | The July 2005 issue of Physics World states: "The animals we eat emit 21 percent of all the CO2 that can be attributed to human activity . " | |
30 | 84%的科学家认为地球变暖是人类活动使然,而普通民众中只有不到一半的人认同这点。 | And while 84 percent of scientists say the Earth is getting warmer because of human activity , less than half of the public agrees with that. |