属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第三册:lesson 1
1 | 有一些同志热衷于谈论人的价值、人道主义和所谓异化,他们的兴趣不在批评资本主义而在批评社会主义。 | They have only been interested in discussing humanism, the value of the human being , and alienation and in criticizing socialism, not capitalism. | |
2 | 与耐克公司不人道的工作环境类似,这些矿井塌方事件表明商业活动中最有价值的资产--“人”的尊严对于那些只注重利润的人来说是微不足道的,甚至可能遭受他们的践踏。 | Like Nike’ s inhumane working conditions, the accidents in the mines give evidence that employer’ s obsessed with profits often overlook, or completely trample over, the most valuable asset to the business process--the human being . | |
3 | 在某些时候你不妨从一个运用心思的人的阴沉面容深入到他的皮里去,探索他的心情,穷究他的思绪。 | Penetrate, at certain hours, past the livid face of a human being who is engaged in reflection, and look behind, gaze into that soul, gaze into that obscurity | |
4 | 这一方面反映出当时的社会上层已经从长期的实践中,更深入地认识到了乐舞对人的思想感情、意识品行所发生的巨大感染和影响 | On the one hand, this showed that the ruling class of the society in that time had realized through long-term practices the great appeal and influence of music and dance on human being ’s thoughts, feelings, consciousness and actions. | |
5 | 这只‘大猫’看到这位妇女立马跑掉了,于是专家们确认了美洲狮不会主动攻击人类,除非它们被逼到角落,走投无路。 | It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. | |
6 | 智力的美德是一个人正确运用智力的结果,智慧是它的最高级形式。 | The intellectual virtues, the highest of which is wisdom, result from the proper functioning of a human being ’ s intellect. | |
7 | 自然法即神灵法,只是用来约束每一个个体的法律,我们必须坚定地拒绝遵守。我们应该坚定地遵守忽视神灵法的规章制度 | The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them | |
8 | 最正常、最完美的人就是那彻底献身于自己最擅长的活动的人。 | The most normal and the most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers | |
9 | 最重要的是.我日月白一个人要有社会责任感,要珍惜机会,要勤奋进取。 | Most important of all, I understand that a human being in the society must take responsibility, work hard and cherish every chance. | |
10 | 尊严来自于人的生存这一基本事实。 | Dignity arises from the basic fact of human being ’s existence. |