1 | ||1:相反,他的诗节奏紧凑,往往似讽非讽。||2:读者如果足够敏锐,便会发现他的细节描写极为杰出,且敢于用押韵的词句:“天安门广场,洁净而宽敞,难以分辨,亡者曾几何处葬。”||3:芬顿善用叙事诗或者情诗的形式,拟声的手法,将旧的诗歌形式适用于新的时代,来表达自己的思想。 | ||1: Instead, there is a constant satirical edge, and a certain bite to his tightly rhythmic verse. ||2: A keen observer, his poetry excels in the minute description, and the audacity of a rhyming phrase: “Tiananmen/ Is broad and clean/And you can’t tell/Where the dead have been.” ||3: Often impersonating the voices of others, Mr Fenton revels in using the forms of narrative poems or ballads, taking these older poetic structures and bringing them up to date. | |
2 | ||1:一只眼皮高贵的下垂;眼睛扫射全场5分钟;女主角的脸庞挂着泪滴;八字胡的男主角站在人群中分外耀眼夺目;伴着没完没了的曲子,幕布内外的演员们围成圈子慢慢地跳着舞......||2: 在Shammi Kapoor到来之前,这些都是宝莱坞的老一套。 ||3:他也能循规蹈矩,保持清高,发表悼词,语出惊人等诸如此类因为贵族的血液在他身体里流淌。||4:到1957年,已拍过19部电影的他依然是个跑龙套的,再也忍不住内心煎熬的他爆发了,不过形式标新立异:剃掉八字须,学猫王把长发修剪成鸭尾式;甩甩头发,急转身体,扭动屁股,他横空出现在印地电影屏幕上。 | ||1: THE stately descent of an eyelid; the five-minute burning glance; tears frozen on a heroine’s cheek; the moustachioed hero standing to pained attention; the slowly circling dance of attendants in and out of curtains to some interminable tune. ||2: That was old Bollywood, before Shammi Kapoor came along. ||3: He could do old-style too, keeping chastely still and delivering his laments and what not, because it ran in the family’s famous blood. ||4: But in 1957, frustration boiling up inside him after 19 films which had made him precisely a nobody, he took a different tack; shaved off the pencil moustache; cropped his long hair into a Presley duck-tail, tossed his head sideways, spun round, shook his hips, and exploded on to the Hindi film scene. | |
3 | ANN可以每分钟切碎两盎司的蔬菜,或者在每分钟做一道开胃菜。 | Ann can cut uptwo ounces of vegetables per minute, or make one hors d’oeuvre in a minute . | |
4 | Chuck留下一会儿。你曾经差点毁了我和Lily之间的感情,我不会让类似的事情再发生。 | Chuck will catch up in a minute . You almost ruined things between me and Lily once before . I’m not going to let that happen again. | |
5 | 把你所有脏衣服都捡起来,然后放到篮子里。好的,我等一下就做。 | dirty clothes and put them in the basket. OK. I’ll do it in a minute . | |
6 | 宝贝,你马上就可以接过去自己放风筝了。 | You can take over in a minute , sweetheart. | |
7 | 表的链接,在后面添加关联时再处理它,所以也跳过这个字段。 | Table, and we ll deal with that in a minute when adding associated, so skip that field as well. | |
8 | 当记者们一分钟后进入会场时,总统正在向他8年任期内的所有内阁成员表示感谢。 | When reporters walked in a minute or so later, the president was offering his thanks to all who have served during his 8 years in office. | |
9 | 等一下,让我问问看。我们经理马上就来,您愿意和他谈谈吗? | Just a moment. Let me find out. Our manager will be here in a minute . So will you speak to him? | |
10 | 冬天,每当在户外呆了一整天后走进暖和的房子里,我能马上入睡。 | In the winter months, after being outside all day and walking into a warm house, I can cork off in a minute . | |
11 | 对不起,我马上就过来。 | Excuse me , I’ll be with you in a minute . | |
12 | 而现在他们用上了盖戳机。当时,邮局工人用这种机器一分钟大约能盖十二封信。 | Now they use postage meters. Postal workers could stamp about a dozen letters in a minute with this machine. | |
13 | 而在那一刻你起身,那昏昏欲睡的感觉将在几分钟内完全消失。 | If you get up, the drowsiness will vanish in a minute or two. | |
14 | 服务员马上就到。 | The waiter will be with you in a minute . | |
15 | 过了一会,他带着一根顶端有红莓的黑色小魔杖进来。 | In a minute he returned carrying a little black wand with a red berry on the top of it. | |
16 | 过一会儿我们将考虑如何使用以上的特性。 | We ll look at how to make this work in a minute . | |
17 | 过一会儿我也要去睡了。 | I’ll be off to bed myself in a minute . | |
18 | 过一会儿我再作进一步解释。 | I’ll explain in a minute . | |
19 | 过一会儿我在说悲剧的事情。 | I’ll get to the tragedy in a minute . | |
20 | 好的,我们的服务员马上到。 | Certainly, sir. Our room attendant will be up in a minute . | |
21 | 好了,大家各就各位,演出马上就要开始了。 | Now, everybody takes his place. The show will begin in a minute . | |
22 | 很多次,我会在一分钟内进入那个简单的程序,但是让我们把鲍勃的问题分成下面几部分。 | A lot. I’ll get into that simple system in a minute , but let’s break Bob’s question into three parts | |
23 | 很快,您将看到我在一条SQL语句中引用这个昵称,这条SQL语句是我提供给一个Blox标签用于创建图4中所示报表的。 | In a minute , you will see me reference that nickname in a SQL statement that I provide to a Blox tag to create the report in Figure 4. | |
24 | 很快您将要检查它是否被添加到了代码中。 | You will check in a minute to see if it was added in the code. | |
25 | 或许你可以与出租车司机聊上1分钟,然后就张口结舌了。 | Perhaps you could engage a taxi driver in a minute of conversation before you seize up. | |
26 | 接你上班的人马上就要来了。 | Car pool will be here in a minute . | |
27 | 她甚至还在1分钟内把25只辣椒籽抹进眼里。 | She also smeared 25 chili seeds into her eyes in a minute . | |
28 | 她一会儿就要在大会上讲话了。 | e. g. He is going to address the meeting in a minute . | |
29 | 决赛马上要开始啦,现场气氛好紧张啊。 | The final match will be taking place in a minute . I can even sense the tension. | |
30 | 马桶里没有水,更悲剧的是水槽似乎随时都可能掉下来。 | There is no water in the toilet and the sink is going to fall in a minute . |