1 | “我说,陛下,如果不是警务大臣部下被人骗了,就是我受骗了,但警务大臣是不可能受骗的,因为他是陛下安全和荣誉的保障,所以大概出错的是我。 | I say, sire, that the minister of police is greatly deceived or I am; and as it is impossible it can be the minister of police as he has the guardianship of the safety and honor of your majesty, it is probable that I am in error | |
2 | MATLAB在变间隙电感传感器误差分析中的应用 | The Application of MATLAB in Error Analyzing of Gap-changeable Inductor Sensor | |
3 | 本邮件及附带之文件均为经特许才可使用的机密信息,只限透露给以上收信人。如果该邮件及信息由于传输错误而发送给你,这些信息的机密性和/或特许权并不因此而放弃、丧失或被破坏。 | This email and any files with it are privileged and confidential information intended for the use of the addressee. The confidentiality and/or privilege in this e-mail is not waived, lost or destroyed if it has been transmitted to you in error . | |
4 | 本月初七日(七十经作七月初一日)也要为误犯罪的,和愚蒙犯罪的如此行,为殿赎罪。 | and this you are to do on the seventh day of the month for everyone who is in error and for the feeble-minded: you are to make the house free from sin. | |
5 | 驳倒证明…是错误的或是谬误;果断地驳斥 | To prove to be wrong or in error ;refute decisively. | |
6 | 参数检查法在数控机床故障诊断中的应用 | The Application of Parameter in Error Diagnosis of CNC Machine Tool | |
7 | 错误报告中包含的数据不会用于营销或其他目的。 | The data contained in error reports is not used for marketing or other purposes. | |
8 | 官长若行了耶和华他神所吩咐不可行的什么事,误犯了罪, | If a ruler does wrong, and in error does any of the things which, by the order of the Lord his God, are not to be done, causing sin to come on him; | |
9 | 果真我有错,这错乃是在我。 | and, truly, if I have been in error , the effect of my error is only on myself. | |
10 | 洪水预报误差分布的极大熵法 | Maximum Entropy Method Used in Error Distribution of Flood Forecast | |
11 | 她做错了这件事。 | She did it in error . | |
12 | 就要分出几座城,为你们作逃城,使误杀人的可以逃到那里。 | Then let certain towns be marked out as safe places to which anyone who takes the life of another in error may go in flight. | |
13 | 卖方负担费用重新替换缺陷的合同设备或错误的技术文件或补充缺漏的合同设备或技术文件 | Replace the defective Contract Equipment or Technical Documentation in error with new one or supplement the omitted Contract Equipment or Technical Documentation at the Seller’s expenses | |
14 | 民中若有人行了耶和华所吩咐不可行的什么事,误犯了罪, | and if any one of the common people does wrong in error , doing any of the things which the Lord has given orders are not to be done, causing sin to come on him; | |
15 | 那些只能使你更加坚持错误的争辩 | arguments that only entrench you more firmly in error . | |
16 | 你们有错误的时候,不守耶和华所晓谕摩西的这一切命令, | and if in error you go against any of these laws which the Lord has given to Moses, | |
17 | 你弄错时间了。 | You are in error about the time. | |
18 | 你要是那样想,你可就大错特错了. | If you think that, you are grievously in error | |
19 | 人若在耶和华的圣物上误犯了罪,有了过犯,就要照你所估的,按圣所的舍客勒拿银子,将赎愆祭牲就是羊群中一只没有残疾的公绵羊牵到耶和华面前为赎愆祭。 | If anyone is untrue, sinning in error in connection with the holy things of the Lord, let him take his offering to the Lord, a male sheep from the flock, without any mark, of the value fixed by you in silver by shekels, by the scale of the holy place. | |
20 | 如果您误收该邮件,您必须1)不得散布、复制此信息或利用此信息采取任何行动;2)请按回邮地址立即将此事通知我公司;3)并将原邮件删除。 | If you have received this e-mail in error you must (a)not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance on it; (b)please notify us immediately by return email to the sender; and (c)please delete the original e-mail. | |
21 | 若有人误吃了圣物,要照圣物的原数加上五分之一交给祭司。 | and if a man takes the holy food in error , he will have to give the holy thing back to the priest, with the addition of a fifth part. | |
22 | 若有误行,是会众所不知道的,后来全会众就要将一只公牛犊作燔祭,并照典章把素祭和奠祭一同献给耶和华为馨香之祭,又献一只公山羊作赎罪祭。 | Then, if the wrong is done in error , without the knowledge of the meeting of the people, let all the meeting give a young ox as a burned offering, a sweet smell to the Lord, with its meal offering and its drink offering, as is ordered in the law, together with a he-goat for a sin-offering. | |
23 | 使那素无仇恨,无心杀了人的,可以逃到这三城之中的一座城,就得存活, | To which anyone causing the death of his neighbour in error and not through hate, might go in flight; so that in one of these towns he might be kept from death: | |
24 | 使那无心而误杀人的,可以逃到那里。这些城可以作你们逃避报血仇人的地方。 | So that any man who in error and without design has taken the life of another, may go in flight to them: and they will be safe places for you from him who has the right of punishment for blood. | |
25 | 是的,我得承认在这点上我弄错了。 | Yes, I have to admit I have been in error about that. | |
26 | 是的,也许我在计算方面有差错。 | Yes, I may well have been in error over the calculation. | |
27 | 他不承认自己有错. | He denied himself to be in error . | |
28 | 他否认自己有错。 | He denied himself to be in error | |
29 | 误杀人的逃到那里可以存活,定例乃是这样,凡素无仇恨,无心杀了人的, | This is to be the rule for anyone who goes in flight there, after causing the death of his neighbour in error and not through hate; | |
30 | 也要照你所估定的价,从羊群中牵一只没有残疾的公绵羊来,给祭司作赎愆祭。至于他误行的那错事,祭司要为他赎罪,他必蒙赦免。 | Let him come to the priest with a sheep, a male without any mark out of the flock, of the value fixed by you, as an offering for his error; and the priest will take away the sin which he did in error , and he will have forgiveness. |