属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文学 要太空望远镜吗?
1 | 在中国黄河的长度仅次于长江。 | In China the Yellow River is next in length to the Yangtze. | |
2 | 在自然条件下,肥育舍饲牛的潜伏期,还没有确定。 | Under natural conditions, the incubation period in feedlot cattle is uncertain in length | |
3 | 轧辊施加的压力使金属变形。金属的截面减小,长度增加,从而改变形状。 | The compressive force exerted by the rollers causes the metal to deform. The metal is thus reduced in section, increased in length and finally changed in shape. | |
4 | 这本书在篇幅上胜过所有其他的书。 | This book beats all others in length | |
5 | 这地毯是6米长4米宽。 | The carpet is 6 meters in length and 4 meters in breadth. | |
6 | 这房间长15英尺,宽10英尺 | The room is 15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth | |
7 | 这房间十英尺长,六英尺宽. | The room is ten feet in length and six feet in breadth . | |
8 | 这个过程可以使纤维伸直并除去杂质。将不同批次的原毛混合,以便使不同长度的纤维均匀排列,以保证一致的质量,纤维被相对地伸直。 | This straightens the fibers, removes impurities, and blends fibers from different batches to provide for uniformity in length and quality. Fibers are arranged in a relatively parallel manner. | |
9 | 这根带子3米长。 | The string is three meters in length . | |
10 | 这款汽车长度为4.8米,宽1.9米,高度为1.4米。 | The car 4.80 metres in length , 1.90 metres in breadth, 1.40 metres in height and full of power. | |
11 | 这是一条长达三百英里的河流。 | It is a river 300 miles in length . | |
12 | 这条鱼有两英尺长。 | The fish is two feet in length . | |
13 | 这种弯道的平均长度在半英里到一英里之间,大概要花6-8个小时走完,这也是一个家庭在游乐园里所逗留的平均时间。 | The average duell loop is between a half mile to a mile in length , and takes six to eight hours to cover, the same amount of time the average family spends at a park | |
14 | 植物生长素能加快植物细胞长势,因此使茎弯曲向着阳光,或使根深扎入土。 | An auxin increases the growth in length of a plant cell, thus causing the curving of a stem, or roof, in phototropism and geotropism | |
15 | 植物细胞叶绿体的结构是扁平的,平均长约7微米,宽3~4微米。 | The chloroplasts of plant cells are flattened structures averaging some 7 m in length and 3-4 m in width | |
16 | 中国还有一条著名的人工河,那就是北起北京,南至浙江杭州的大运河。大运河全长1801公里 | China also has a famous man-made waterway, the Grand Canal, running from Beijing in the north to Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, in the south, totaling 1,801 kilometers in length . | |
17 | 中国人常讲,十个手指各有长短 | As we Chinese often say; the ten fingers are different in length | |
18 | 中线工程全线长1240公里。具体规划为:从丹江口水库引水,修渠道经分水岭方城垭口,到郑州,过黄河,修渠道引水到北京、天津。 | Totaling 1,240 km in length , the project will draw water from the Danjiangkou Reservoir, build water channels and divert water to Beijing and Tianjin via the Yakou watershed in Fangcheng, Zhengzhou in Henan and the Yellow River | |
19 | ||1:根据新的法律规定,2010年1月以后开始营业的餐馆饭店,无论提供何种饮料哪怕只是啤酒都必须沿酒吧前台设置隔挡,避免未到法定饮酒年龄的年轻人看到酒类的储藏及倾倒。||2:这种横档通常都用磨砂玻璃制成,被当地人称为“锡安山之幕”。||3:这种酒的的销售不能超过其年销售总额的30%。||4:法律还规定,禁止对酒类饮料全天打折,以前酒吧饭店常采用这种打折手法绕过法律的限制在节假日促销酒类。 | ||1: Under one new law, restaurants opened after January 2010, even those that serve nothing more potent than beer, have to erect a barrier along the length of the bar that shields under-age punters from the sight of drinks being stored or poured. ||2: These walls, often made of frosted glass, are known locally as “Zion curtains”. ||3: These establishments’ beer sales cannot exceed 30% of their total revenue. ||4: The same law bans all-day discounts on drinks, introduced by many bars in recent years to get around the ban on happy hours. | |
20 | ||1:莱恩斯认为这个拉丁文学名已经抓住了水怪的特点,但是他能够拿出的证据还是太少。||2:二战期间,他研制出一种可以透过云层探测200公里以外飞机的雷达;1985年,他的发明的声纳帮助找到了北大西洋的泰坦尼克沉船;第一次海湾战争中,他的专利技术引导爱国者导弹找到了目标。||3:但是他却在幽暗深邃的尼斯湖水面前受了阻。||4:麻省理工学院的科学家朋友给他提供了专业技术,但只是点到为止。他听到最清楚的一次是1997年声纳接受到的回声,类似鲸叫。||5:他从湖中钓出最大的战利品是2008年的一只旧轮胎(那年,他几乎去了30次,钓出轮胎的是最后一次,他当时认为水怪已死,于是寻找它的尸体),被切掉了一点,所以在水面上才呈现圆丘状。 | ||1: Mr Rines thought the Latin moniker had clinched it. But his evidence was still too sparse. ||2: During the war he had developed a radar that could detect aircraft at 200 miles through cloud; in 1985 his inventions in sonar helped to find the drowned Titanic in the North Atlantic; during the first Gulf war his technology guided Patriot missiles to their targets. ||3: But he was stumped by the gloomy profundities of Loch Ness. ||4: Scientist friends from MIT lent their expertise, at arm’s length. The most he heard, from sonar echoes in 1997, was very like a whale. ||5: The most he ever fished up—in 2008, on the last of almost 30 trips, when he supposed that the creature was dead and was looking for its carcass—was an old tyre cut about a bit, which could have looked quite humpish on the surface. | |
21 | ||1:他也为普通民众直言不讳。||2:同哲学家苏格拉底一样,他爱批评那些暴虐、懒惰或自鸣得意之人。||3:他讨厌科林蒂安斯的运作方式,其管理方式对待运动员如同对待儿童一般。苏格拉底筹划了一种制度,其中,下至球童上至俱乐部主席的所有人都会对训练时长及午餐时间进行投票。||4:毫无疑问,此举是希望获得对于聚会、吸烟以及饮酒更为宽松的规定,因为他发现聚会、抽烟以及饮酒所有这些对于他放任自由的运动至关重要。(“我是个反运动员者,”他解释道。“你必须把我看做一个反运动员者。”) | ||1: He also spoke up for the common man. ||2: Like the first Socrates, he saw himself as a gadfly of the tyrannical, lazy or self-satisfied. ||3: He disliked the way Corinthians was run, with management treating players like children, and organised a system where everyone in the club,from kit-boy to president, would vote about the length of training and the time of lunch. ||4: Hoping, no doubt, for greater laxity about parties and smoking and beer, all of which he found essential to his own free-ranging game. (“I am an anti-athlete,” he explained. “You have to take me as I am.”) | |
22 | ||1:为了检测这一想法,他和他各国的同事建立了一个陆基的雏形。||2:这是一片20平方厘米的铜箔,它有696个环。铜箔的一部分是再生的。||3:因为它体积偏小,所以它的聚焦只有18米。||4:为了不让铜箔散开,每一个透明的环实际上都是铜箔里的一系列的曲线轮槽,而不是连续的空隙。||5:尽管如此,这并不影响整个系统的视觉特性,并且,它也确实能够看见巨大且明亮的恒星旁边那些小型且微弱的物体。 | ||1:To test the idea, he and an international consortium of his colleagues have built a ground-based prototype.||2:This is a piece of copper foil 20cm square that has 696 rings, a portion of which is reproduced above.||3:Because it is this small, its focal length is only 18 metres.||4:In order that the foil does not fall apart, each transparent ring is actually a series of curved slots in the copper rather than a continuous gap.||5:This, though, does not affect the system’s optical properties and it can, indeed, see small, faint objects that are near large, bright ones. | |
23 | 这两颗卫星的焦距比哈勃望远镜更短,所以其拍摄太空的视野也比哈勃大100倍左右。 | but the new mirror assemblies have a shorter focal length than Hubble’s, allowing them to study patches of sky around 100 times larger. | |
24 | CAD在架空输电线路线长计算中的应用 | Application of CAD in Length Calculation of Overhead Transmission Line | |
25 | DB2_CLPPROMPT注册变量可以设置为任何文本字符串,最大长度为100个字符。 | The DB2_CLPPROMPT registry variable can be set to any text string up to a maximum of 100 characters in length . | |
26 | dxferp:指向数据传输时长度至少为dxfer_len字节的用户内存的指针。 | dxferp: A pointer to user memory of at least dxfer_len bytes in length for data transfer. | |
27 | Ext2fs文件名称最长可以到1012个字符。 | Ext2fs filenames can be up to 1012 characters in length . | |
28 | JDBC驱动程序不能使用长度大于127个字符的数据更新SQLServer文本列。 | The JDBC driver cannot update a SQL Server column with a column name that is more than 127 characters in length . | |
29 | Metronome在10毫秒的时间窗内使用500微秒的时间量,默认的利用率目标为70%。 | Metronome uses quanta of 500 microseconds in length over a 10-millisecond window and has a default utilization target of 70%. | |
30 | Scrum项目强制执行迭代的开发过程,以30天为一个合适的开发时长。 | A Scrum project enforces iterative development; the rhythm is defined as 30 days fixed in length . |