1 | 威廉继承了一笔遗产,可是很快就花光了。 | william inherited a fortune but ran it through in no time | |
2 | 我们很快就做好了。 | We did it in no time | |
3 | 我们立刻给你治疗 | We ’ll have you cure in no time . | |
4 | 我们一会儿就回来。 | We’ll be back in no time . | |
5 | 我能够把这场控诉立即平息下去的。 | I could have this indictment quashed in no time | |
6 | 我相信注射一针退热剂会使你的热度立刻降下来。 | I’m sure an antifebrile injection will bring your fever down in no time | |
7 | 我一会儿就会好的。 | I’ll be myself again in no time . | |
8 | 一日三餐的佳肴会使他很快胖起来的。 | Three good meals a day should flesh him out in no time | |
9 | 一日三餐好饭食用不了多久就会让他发胖。 | Three good meals a day should flesh him out in no time | |
10 | 一下子就印好了几十张图片。 | A couple of dozen prints were rolled off in no time | |
11 | 用不了多久他就能成个大人物。 | He could be big in no time | |
12 | 曾几何时,适才看见的一个已经着色放大了。 | But, in no time at all, this one had become colossal and colorful | |
13 | 政府通知要求党政机关办的公司立即与所属机关脱钩 | The government circular calls on companies run by party and government offices to cut their ties with the latter in no time | |
14 | ||1:“政策”似乎在解释东德全职就业人数下降方面发挥了重要作用。||2:尽管最近发生了一些变化,但统一后的德国和德国联邦政府的政策一样,仍然假设女性首先应该是妻子和母亲。||3:对已婚夫妇的联合征税、对配偶的免费共同保险、以及对“迷你工作”或低工时合同的税收减免,可能对鼓励西德妇女延长工作时间并使东德妇女放弃全职工作没有什么帮助。 | ||1:Policy seems to play a powerful role in explaining the collapse in full-time employment in the east.||2:Despite some recent changes, the policies of unified Germany, like those of the FRG, still assume that women are wives and mothers first.||3:Joint taxation of married couples, free co-insurance for spouses and tax breaks for "mini jobs", or low-hours contracts, probably did little to encourage women in the west to up their hours, and put those in the east off full-time work. | |
15 | ||1:从基础电容器到超级电容器的飞跃涉及两点。||2:一点是要在导电板上涂上如活性炭等的多孔材料以增加存储能量的可用表面积,另一点是要将它们浸泡在电解质中,这样就能在电解质与极板的边界处形成更多的存储区域。||3:不过,在混合物中加入电解质的同时可能也会加入一些类似电池的电化学元素。爱沙尼亚的一家超级电容器公司“骨架技术”正计划这样做。 | ||1: Making the leap from a basic capacitor to the super variety involves two things. ||2: One is to coat the plates with a porous material such as activated carbon, to increase the surface area available for energy storage. The other is to soak them in an electrolyte. This creates yet more storage area in the form of the electrolyte’s boundary with the plates. ||3: But adding an electrolyte to the mix also brings the possibility of adding a bit of battery-like electrochemistry at the same time. And Skeleton Technologies, an Estonian supercapacitor firm, plans to do just that. | |
16 | ||1:心理计量测验自20世纪70年代起开始变得越来越流行,目前人们认为它行之有效,可以对众多申请大公司工作岗位的求职者们进行筛选。||2:另一位心理学家茱莉亚·奈特说:“整理上千份书面申请是一项艰巨的任务,这项任务耗时耗力,效率不高,还容易出现偏差。” | ||1: Psychometric tests became more popular from the 1970s onwards and are now seen as a useful way of sorting through the many candidates who apply for the jobs offered by big companies. ||2: “It is a laborious task to sort through thousands of written applications,”says Julia Knight,another occupational psychologist.“As well as being time consuming,it is not very effective and subject to bias.” | |
17 | ||1:因为化学反应需要时间,所以用这种方法操作的话电池的功率密度会很低,而电动汽车中使用的锂离子电池每千克只能产生十分之一千瓦的电量。||2:但是化学物质可以储存很多能量,所以电池有很高的能量密度(每单位重量可以包含的能量)。||3:锂离子电池每千克可存储200-300瓦时能量,而超级电容器一般可以控制在10wh/kg以下。 | ||1: Controlled in this way, chemical reactions take time, so batteries have low power density. A lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery of the sort used in electric cars might thus muster only a tenth of a kilowatt per kilogram. ||2: But chemicals can hold a lot of energy, so batteries have high energy density (the amount of energy they can contain, again per unit weight). ||3: A Li-ion battery can store 200-300 watt-hours per kilogram (wh/kg). Supercapacitors generally manage less than 10wh/kg. | |
18 | 与此同时,“态度”可能是解释东西德之间长期存在工作时长差距的部分原因:在统一30年之后,东德女性仍然更倾向于认可全职妈妈。这与早期的发现相一致,即东德人可能更倾向于用平等的眼光看待性别角色。 | Attitudes, meanwhile, may help explain part of the lasting hours gap between east and west: 30 years after unification, eastern women are still more likely to approve of full-time working mums. This chimes with earlier findings that east Germans are more likely to have an egalitarian view of the roles of the sexes. | |
19 | OfficeAccess2007会自动判断适合每个字段的最佳数据类型,这样,您立刻便能开始工作。 | Office Access 2007 automatically determines the best data type for each field so that you are up and running in no time . | |
20 | 按时;准时立刻,马上有时每次;依次从前从前暂时不时地 | on time in no time at times at a time once upon a time at one time for the time being from time to time | |
21 | 伴随着少数脚本和一些灵巧的建议,你将短时间内不久就成为一名GoogleReader强有力的用户。 | With a few scripts and some ingenious tips you’ll soon be a Google Reader power user in no time . | |
22 | 不要担心,你很快就能学会它。 | Don’t worry. You’ll get it down in no time . | |
23 | 但如果你在每个盲胡同耗资一万,随时你都将被挤出市场。 | But if you are spending a million dollars on each blind alley, you’ll be out of business in no time . | |
24 | 但是,你坦然接受这个现实,把它看作一个能过的去的坎,那么,很快你又能屌起来了。 | However, if you take it for what it is, a simple obstacle that you can overcome, you’ll be back to pimping in no time . | |
25 | 当然,你可以用这些钱购置大量的商品从而使你显得富有而出手阔绰。 | That money can buy you a lot of stuff, of course, which would allow you to act rich and show off in no time . | |
26 | 跟随本文的步骤,您很快就会得到一个利用数据库的基本Web应用程序(通过Spring和Hibernate)。 | Follow along, and in no time you’ll have a basic Web application that leverages a database (via Spring and Hibernate). | |
27 | 过多的糖不仅有害,而且当体力消耗达到最大时,你很快就会支持不住,所以不一会儿就会觉得饿! | Not only is too much sugar bad for you, you ultimately crash as quickly as you peak and therefore you are hungry again in no time ! | |
28 | 几十万人在这份请愿书上签名,新泽西州的立法委员们立马同意了他们的请愿。 | Hundreds of thousands signed it. In no time at all, lawmakers in New Jersey granted their wish. | |
29 | 计算机可以轻松自如地立刻解答这个问题。 | The computer can easily work out the problem in no time . | |
30 | 继续招收更多的人加入,不久后,你就会成为绝地大师。 | Keep recruiting more people and you’ll be a Jedi Master in no time at all. |