属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-绿色乱局 Tangled Up in Green Ta
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-又一条落网之鱼 Another one in th
1 | 印度宪法基本原则的理论研究 | Research on Basic Principles of Indian Constitution in Theory | |
2 | 用光栅正负一级衍射效率之比反演光栅参数的数值模拟 | Numerical Simulation Calculation of Gratings Parameters with the Diffraction Efficiencies Ratio of the Diffraction Orders m=±1 in Theory | |
3 | 油气水三相流压降理论研究进展 | Progress in Theory Research of Pressure Drop of Oil-Water-Gas Three-phase Flow | |
4 | 在具体运用五度音程的循环时,12个五度音程从理论上讲应等于7个八度,但实际上不等于这个音差为半音的1;4,称为毕达哥拉斯音差。 | In the application of the cycle of fifths, 12 fifths are equal to 7 octaves in theory , but in actuality are not. The discrepancy, which is about a quarter of a semitone and is known as the Pythagorean comma, | |
5 | 在理论上,候选人提名是由上周初选中所选出的代表来决定。实际上,政治领袖们亲自遴选许多代表,在候选人提名上,即令没有绝对决定权,也是极具影响力的。 | In theory , the nominations are to be decided at conventions by delegates elected in last week’s primaries. But in practice, political leaders hand-pick many of the delegates and are expected to have a strong if not absolute say over the nominees. | |
6 | 在理论上有三种可能性。 | In theory , three things could happen. | |
7 | 展望国际秩序-“中美国际关系比较研究:理论与政策”国际学术研讨会综述 | Vision of a New International Order: China-USA Seminar of "A Comparative Approach to International Relations in Theory and Policies" | |
8 | 这从理论上说是可以的,但实际上它未必行得通。 | That ’s all right in theory , but in practice it may not work . | |
9 | 这里所谓封建制特指周朝的社会制度,有其特定的涵义。封建者天子分封诸侯建诸侯国也。时问跨度是公元前11世纪到公元前221年。周朝名义上是一统天下。 | Feudalism here refers to the unique Chinese social system in the Zhou Dynasty, from the 11th century to 221 B.C. In theory it was a unified country. | |
10 | 这种新的车型还配有abs防抱死制动器,它在理论上和实践上都与不可靠的鼓形制动器相去甚远,鼓形制动器使用时,老式“甲虫车”会发生侧歪。 | The new car model comes with abs anti-lock brakes, too, far removed in theory and practice from the dodgy drum brakes that, when applied, often caused the old beetle to lurch sideways | |
11 | 中国转型经济研究的文献回顾与理论发展 | Review on Documents and Development in Theory of the Studies of Chinese Economics in Transformation | |
12 | 专利本身也倾向于保持高价,从理论上讲这是为了奖励发明者能将一个有用途的新产品介绍出来。 | patents themselves also tend to keep prices high, in theory to reward inventors for the introduction of a useful new product | |
13 | 紫外平面全息正弦光栅与闪耀光栅部分特性的理论研究 | Study on Some Characteristics of Planar Holographic Sinusoidal Gratings and Blazed Gratings Used in UV Region in Theory | |
14 | ||1:根据这个理论,一旦作恶的一方得不到对方的合作,他将会从自己的错误中吸取教训,并变成一个更具有合作精神的人。||2:根据从特别设计的游戏中取得的实验证据,投桃报李的原则确实适用于成对的研究对象。||3:不过人类社会要比成对的研究对象复杂得多。||4:直到最近为止,研究人员都很难在实验室中模拟出社会生活中的复杂情景。||5:不过哈佛大学的尼古拉斯?克里斯塔(Nicholas Christakis)和他的同事们本周在《美国国家科学院院刊》上发表的论文改变了这个现实。||6:克里斯塔博士设计了一个能够在互联网上供多人参与的合作测试游戏。||7:根据这个游戏,克里斯塔博士和他的团队获得更多的资料,得以了解合作关系的演变规律。 | ||1:When he encounters such a withdrawal of collaboration, the theory goes, the malefactor will learn the error of his ways and become a more co-operative individual.||2:And there is experimental evidence, based on specially designed games, that tit-for-tat does work for pairs of people.||3:Human societies, though, are more complex than mere dyads.||4:And until recently, it has been difficult to model that complexity in the laboratory.||5:But a paper published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Nicholas Christakis and his colleagues at Harvard has changed that.||6:Dr Christakis arranged for a collaboration-testing game to be played over the web, with many participants.||7:As a result, he and his team have gained a more sophisticated insight into the way co-operation develops. | |
15 | ||1:去年EPA公布对发电站进行汞和烟尘的检测标准。||2:理论上这项标准是数十年来自1990年颁布《清洁空气法》修正案后最高值。尽管这会引来更多的诉讼。||3:同时关于限制排放温室气体,以及对于冷却水和煤灰视为危险废物的政策也在制定中。这样一来,将会出现更多的需求。 | ||1: Last year the EPA also issued rules on mercury and soot from power plants. ||2: In theory that marked the culmination of a decades-long, on-again-off-again process first initiated by amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1990—although further lawsuits seem inevitable. ||3: Also in the pipeline are restrictions on emissions of greenhouse gases, new rules regarding cooling water and the possible declaration of coal ash as hazardous waste, from which a stream of new requirements would flow. | |
16 | ||1:人们在难以数计的谎言诱惑下会怎样进行合作,是心理学和经济学研究中的重要课题。||2:有关这个课题的研究通常集中于对“投桃报李”理论的研究,这个理论认为:人们总是倾向于向别人表现慷慨,除非对方表现出不慷慨的态度。||3:在这个时候合作往往会终止。||4:换句话说,人如果受到一次愚弄,或许是因为错在对方。||5:如果再次受到对方愚弄,就只能怪自己不吸取教训了。 | ||1:HOW people collaborate, in the face of numerous temptations to cheat, is an important field of psychological and economic research.||2:A lot of this research focuses on the “tit-for-tat” theory of co-operation: that humans are disposed, when dealing with another person, to behave in a generous manner until that other person shows himself not to be generous.||3:At this point co-operation is withdrawn.||4:Fool me once, in other words, shame on you.||5:Fool me twice, shame on me. | |
17 | ||1:为此,布莱克女士在本月遭到一个联邦大陪审团起诉,如今她可能面临最高二十年的有期徒刑及五十万美元的罚款。||2:这些指控完全不合情理。||3:与此案相关的法律是于1972年颁布的联邦法律《海洋哺乳动物保护法案》。||4:此法旨在保护海豚、海豹、鲸鱼不被捕杀及骚扰;同时也禁止向以上动物喂食,理论依据是这样做会损害日后它们自行觅食的能力。||5:布莱克女士现在被指控的就是向鲸鱼喂食。||6:她说她当时观察鲸鱼捕食所遵循的标准正是从正在调查她的各联邦机构处获得的。 | ||1:For this, Ms Black might now face up to 20 years in prison and half a million dollars in fines, after a federal grand jury indicted her this month.||2:Little about the charges makes common sense.||3:The federal law in question is the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act, which was intended to save dolphins, seals and whales from being killed and harassed.||4:The law also banned feeding these animals, on the theory that doing so might compromise their ability to forage naturally in future.||5:Feeding is what Ms Black is now accused of.||6:She says she was using the protocols she had learned from the federal agencies that are now investigating her to observe a natural feeding that was already in progress. | |
18 | ||1:英国哲学家史蒂芬?凯夫在他对这一问题的调查中指出,关于永生的各种传说都可以归为四类“说法”。||2:第一种在理论上至少是最简单的:完成中世纪炼金术士的遗愿,即发明一种长生不老药。||3:第二种是复活,即死而复生,这种信仰普遍存在于三个亚拉伯罕宗教(基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教)中。||4:第三种是人们认为无形的灵魂能够穿越死亡,这种理念的正式形态,至少可以追溯回柏拉图时代。||5:第四种是通过取得成就获得永生,即让自己名垂千古。 | ||1: In his survey of the subject, Stephen Cave, a British philosopher, argues that man’s various tales of immortality can be boiled down into four basic “narratives”. ||2: The first is the simplest, in theory at least: do what the medieval alchemists never managed and discover an elixir to simply avoid dying. ||3: The second concerns resurrection, or coming back to life after dying, a belief found in all three of the Abrahamic religions. ||4: The idea of an immaterial soul that can persist through death dates back, in a formal form, at least to Plato, and forms Mr Cave’s third narrative. ||5: His fourth narrative deals with immortality through achievement, by becoming so famous that one’s name lives on through the ages. | |
19 | “所以这意味着,至少在理论上来说,你可以提高你做事的能力仅仅通过选择一天中正确的时间去做它。” | "So that means, in theory at least, you can improve your ability to do something simply by selecting the right time of day to do it. " | |
20 | ChromeOS采取的做法是让用户安装Web程序,这些程序由标准的Web代码构成,理论上能够离线运行。 | Instead, it lets you install Web apps, built out of standard Web coding, that can, in theory , run offline. | |
21 | Silverstein理论上是先建造罗杰斯和福斯特的塔楼的,但是实际上他面临现金流短缺的问题。 | Silverstein can in theory press ahead with the building of the Rogers and Foster towers, but in practice he is out of cash. | |
22 | 表面看上去确实不错,可是在实践上,这些服务常常引发很多争议。 | In theory , this sounds great, but in practice, such services are often wrought with controversy. Just a few of many unanswered questions are | |
23 | 不管对女人还是男人来说,在理论上这都可以增加你在签约、晋升以及团队中获胜的几率。 | It’s true for both men and women, and in theory it all adds up to winning a contract, winning a promotion, winning the quarter. | |
24 | 从理论上讲,加州理工学院的RNA设备像普通计算机一样运转。 | The Caltech RNA device operates much like a normal computer, in theory . | |
25 | 从理论上讲,移动通信的变革使市民们能要求其政府承担更大的责任和更加的开放。 | In theory , the mobile revolution could enable citizens to demand greater openness and accountability from their governments. | |
26 | 从理论上来讲,市场营销只会面向潜在客户群,以此降低成本、增加营销效率。 | In theory , only those customers likely to buy were targeted with marketing activity, reducing costs and increasing marketing efficiency. | |
27 | 从理论上来讲这些网页都可以返回同样的结果集,因此会出现重复的内容。 | In theory , both of these pages could return the same set of results and therefore a duplicate page would be seen. | |
28 | 从理论上来看,参与公共计划意味着外籍人士会有所得,但是实际上,这可能会有猫腻。 | Paying into the public scheme should, in theory , mean that foreigners get something back. But in practice, that may be tricky. | |
29 | 从理论上来说,军事委员会应该能够辨别出穆罕穆德的认罪中哪一部分是真,哪一部分是假,并将其定罪。 | In theory , a military commission could sortout which parts of Mohammed’s confession are true and which are lies, andobtain a conviction. | |
30 | 从理论上来说,你可以用额外的支出来进行明智的投资,慢慢得到更好的回报。 | The problem is to save. In theory , you could take the extra payments, invest them wisely, and get a slightly better return. |