属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国高速公路 American Highways
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-职场女性 从此不再羞答答的开
1 | [DOC]公司影视部经理请北京帝普伟业广告有限公司经理李鹏为其介绍大客户在《全球经济报道》栏目作贴片广告, | the manager of the Movie and Television Department of [DOC] Co. asked Li Peng, manager of Beijing Di Pu Wei Ye Advertising Co. Ltd. to introduce to major clients the attached advertisement in the program of Global Economic Report | |
2 | BMW汽车(南中国)有限公司也乘此机会,给中国南方地区的BMW爱好者展现BMW最新投放中国市场的诸多新车型。 | BMW Automobile (Southern China)Ltd. took advantage of the opportunity to introduce to BMW fans in Southern China many of the new models recently entering the Chinese market. | |
3 | 传播内容以介绍中国基本情况、弘扬中华文化、反映中国改革开放和现代化建设进程、回答国际舆论关注的焦点问题、展现中国风土人情等为主。 | These programs and books mainly introduce to the world China′s basic conditions, culture, custom, reform and opening-up, and modernization drive, as well as China′s views on issues of international concern. | |
4 | 此外,如果您能介绍给我一两个来自大陆的中国学生的名字和地址以便我可直接与他们联系,我将万分感谢。 | In addition, I shall appreciate it if you will introduce to me one or two Chinese students from the Mainland by telling me their name and addresses so that I can communicate with them directly. | |
5 | 介绍给;引入;传到 | Introduce to ; give introduction to | |
6 | 请允许我把我的朋友托马斯先生介绍给你。 | Allow me to introduce to you my friend Mr. Thomas. | |
7 | 请允许我把我的朋友约翰逊介绍给你。 | Allow me to introduce to you my friend johnson | |
8 | 首先,让我给你介绍我们公司的李先生。 | To begin with, may I introduce to you Mr. of our corporation? | |
9 | 首先,我向大家介绍中华人民共和国副总理,李岚清先生,他是中国最高领导人之一,奥林匹克运动的好朋友。 | But first, let me introduce to you the Vice Premier of China, Mr. Li Lanqing. He is one of the top leaders in our country and a great friend of the Olympic Movement. | |
10 | 首先,向大家介绍今天辩论双方的阵容. | First, let me introduce to everyone both sides of today’s debate and the lineup of the debaters. | |
11 | 特此函向您介绍本公司新任出口部经理杨培林先生,他目前正在拜访本公司的旧金山顾客。 | This will introduce to you Mr.Yang Pei-lin,our new Export Manager,who is visiting our customers in San Francisco. | |
12 | 我给你谈一谈激发极化法,在矿床勘查巾,这种方法是最为常用的一种地表地球物理勘探方法。 | I am going to introduce to you the induced polarization method because it is the most popular ground geophysical method used in mineral exploration. | |
13 | 我很高兴向诸位介绍能用电器公司副经理,斯坦利杨先生。 | It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you Mr. Stanley Young. Assistant manager of general electric . | |
14 | 我很高兴向诸位介绍通用电器公司副经理,斯坦利·杨先生。 | It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you Mr. Stanley Young, assistant Manager of General Electric. | |
15 | 我们从2003年12月3日的《国际商报》上得知,贵公司欲求购瓷器。现非常荣幸地告知,本公司是专营瓷器出口的一家贸易公司。 | Learning from the International Business News of December 3, 2002that your company wants to buy porcelains, we would like to, with great honor, introduce to you our company-a trade corporation specially engaged in porcelain export. | |
16 | 我们将不断兑现我们对中国消费者的承诺--为中国消费者带来世界上最先进的优秀车型。 | We will continue to maintain the commitment we made to the Chinese consumers-to introduce to them the world′s most advanced and excellent models. | |
17 | 相反,是为了引入灵活的规则,进而能够将这些规则逐渐引入中国的其他地区,尤其是贫困地区。 | On the contrary, the goal was to introduce flexible rules that the government could gradually introduce to the rest of China, especially to its poor regions. | |
18 | 一种对饮用水进行降氟、矿化处理的新材料 | Introduce to a Kind of F-decreasing and Sr-mineralized Mineral Material for Potable Water | |
19 | ||1:国会已经有所行动,参议员委员会在11月批准了一项法律用以维持高速公路现在的经费水平两年;同时众议院共和党计划本月引入一项六年期的交通法案,但改善措施不足而且晚了。||2:美国的运输基本设施几乎等不及了。||3:美国土木工程师协会2009年估计36%的美国主要城市高速公路是超负荷的,每年在浪费时间和燃料成本上花费782亿美元。||4:根据利益团体美国运输团体,每九个公路桥就有一个是“结构缺陷”,在这点上,这些公路桥倒是和美国国会相同。 | ||1: There has been some movement in Congress—in November a Senate committee approved legislation maintaining highway funding at its current levels for two years, while House Republicans plan to introduce a six-year transportation bill this month—but it is little and late. ||2: America’s transportation infrastructure can ill afford to wait. ||3: The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated in 2009 that 36% of America’s major urban highways are congested, costing $78.2 billion each year in wasted time and fuel costs. ||4: According to Transportation for America, an advocacy group, one in nine highway bridges are “structurally deficient”—a quality they seem to share with America’s Congress. | |
20 | ||1:目前有争议的是,这份听似无伤大雅法案是否真的为教师在讲授科学课程时向学生灌输创世说和智慧设计论开了后门。||2:很多人认为确实如此。||3:这份法案遭到了田纳西州及全国各地的科学家和教师的反对。||4:美国国家科学院中几位来自田纳西州的成员担心法案会降低美国科学教育的质量。||5:田纳西州约有3200个人签署了一份请愿书,力劝比尔-哈斯拉姆否决该法案。||6:美国公民自由联盟则认为,该法案“破坏了田纳西州公立学校的科学教育”。 | ||1: At issue is whether this innocuous-sounding measure is actually a back door that would allow teachers to introduce creationism and intelligent design into science classrooms. ||2: Many are sure it is. ||3: The measure drew opposition from scientists and teachers both nationally and in Tennessee. ||4: Several Tennessee-based members of the National Academy of Sciences worry that the bill would weaken science education in the state. ||5: Around 3,200 Tennesseans signed a petition urging Mr Haslam to veto the bill. ||6: And the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) believes the measure “undermines science education in Tennessee public schools”. | |
21 | ||1:如同对待众多罪恶一样,税收减免谴责易,抵制难。||2:政客们常常一边大声谴责税收减免使得整个税收系统变得低效而冗杂,一边乐此不疲的引入更多减免政策。||3:比尔克林顿创造了儿童课税津贴,乔治W.布什大幅削减了资本利得和股息的税率。||4:巴拉克奥巴马设立一种新的为大学花费所设的“美国机会”津贴的同时,他对可再生能源公司,买房者和雇佣失业人员的公司也提供大量暂时性的税收优惠。 | ||1: LIKE most sins, tax breaks are easier to condemn than to resist. ||2: Politicians regularly decry the inefficiency and complexity that tax breaks introduce to the overall tax system, while merrily adding to the pile. ||3: Bill Clinton created the child tax credit. George W. Bush slashed the rates on capital gains and dividends. ||4: Barack Obama created a new “American Opportunity” credit for university expenses while showering temporary tax benefits on renewable energy companies, homebuyers and employers who hired the unemployed. | |
22 | 仍然,这个调查的主要发现还是会吓人一跳。调查者中,只有16%的人有后台,后台的意思指的是那些比她们的位子要高那么几级的人,在工作当中给予她们建议,给她们接触的机会,帮助她们晋升。有个后台,女性在职场上的路要好走非常多。 | Still, the survey’s main finding is striking. Only 16% of the sample had sponsors, defined as people several levels above them who give them career advice, introduce them to contacts and help them get promotions. Having a sponsor dramatically improves a woman’s career prospects. | |
23 | 这项服务一定程度上避免了一些年轻研究者徒劳的尝试和他们所会面临的错误,即省时省财。他们可能也会喜欢Researchgate将在4月份发布的一项新功能:反馈机制 – 允许用户对他人的成绩评分。这会让他们在社交网络里树立一个良好的名声而不用出版论文。 | The service certainly saves these young researchers trial and error, and therefore time and money. They will probably also like a new feature ResearchGate is planning to introduce in April: a feedback system which lets users rate each other’s contributions. This would allow them to build a reputation other than by publishing papers. | |
24 | PDT核心组成员相互介绍(核心组成员); | PDT core team members introduce to each other ( core team member) | |
25 | 陈教授,让我给你介绍一下我们的系主任王先生。 | Jenny. Dialogue two A. Professor Chen, allow me to introduce to you the head of our department, Mr Wang. | |
26 | 东海大桥海上钻孔灌注桩施工技术 | Elementary Introduce to the Construction Technology of Bored Pile Offshore | |
27 | 俄罗斯抗寒葡萄新品种及优良杂种简介 | Introduce to cold hardiness varieties and choiceness hybrid in Russia | |
28 | 该bean定义也是抽象的,不指定希望引入到vanillaDAO的接口。 | This bean definition is also abstract and does not specify the interface that I would like to introduce to my vanilla DAO. | |
29 | 家纺产品填充料介绍 | Introduce to Filling Materials of Hometextile Products | |
30 | 今天为你们介绍我又大只、又温柔的朋友…可爱吗? | Let me introduce to you today my big and gentle friend. . . isn’t he cute? |