属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-盖茨基金会承诺捐出1亿美元用于抗击新型冠状病毒
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-山姆大叔请留步 Please don’t go
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-一种使得艾滋病诊断更为容易的新装置
1 | 火车铁轨在犹他州相连。 | The railroad tracks join together in Utah. | |
2 | 己二胺和己二酸的短分子可以连接起来形成尼龙的长链分子。 | These are chemicals with short molecules which can join together to form the long chain molecules of nylon. | |
3 | 连或接在一起;合并。 | To connect or join together ; combine. | |
4 | 联合起来干某事. | join together to do sth | |
5 | 每星期的一个晚上全家都要聚在一起祈告上帝 | One evening a week, the family would join together in prayer. | |
6 | 盘古很怕天地再合拢起来还变成以前的样子,他就用手撑着青天,双脚踏着大地,让自己的身体每天长高一丈。 | For fear that earth and heaven might join together again as they had been, Pan Gu supported the heaven with his hands and stand on the earth, growing by 10 Chi (about 3.3 meters)each day. | |
7 | 双方可以各自以自己的名义或以双方的名义针对这样的行为提起诉讼或索赔。 | Both parties have the right to determine to prosecute any claims or suits in its own name or in the name of Licensee and Licensor join together against such behavior. | |
8 | 中国人分散开来力量不大,集合起来力量就大了。 | When the Chinese people are disunited, they are weak, but when they join together , they have enormous strength. | |
9 | ||1:马克·苏兹曼是盖茨基金会的首席执行官。||2:他说,各国政府、私营企业和援助组织必须齐心协力,帮助最容易致病的人群。||3:他说,这笔捐助将有助于加快“控制疫情工具”的开发。||4:他还表示,“这种响应应该以科学为指导,而不是恐惧,并且应该建立在世卫组织迄今为止已经采取措施的基础之上。” | ||1:Mark Suzman is chief executive officer of the Gates Foundation.||2:He said that national governments, private industry, and aid groups must join together to help protect people who are most likely to get sick.||3:The donation will help speed development of the "tools to bring this epidemic under control," he said.||4:He added, "This response should be guided by science, not fear, and it should build on the steps that the World Health Organization has taken to date." | |
10 | ||1:著名的新保守主义者罗伯特·卡根(Robert Kagan)的《美国塑造的世界》一书提出,二战后美国创造的自由秩序有可能因为美国失去捍卫的力量或意愿而无以为继。||2:随着世界霸主的消逝,美国无可匹敌。||3:在美国的捍卫下,民主得以发展,地缘的独立令世界甘愿接受其使用武力。||4:没有国家感觉有必要联合一致共同挑战美国的大国地位,反而任其自由担当重要任务捍卫共同利益,例如保持贸易航线通畅。 | ||1:In “The World America Made” Robert Kagan, a prominent neoconservative, argues that the liberal order America created after the second world war may not endure if America loses the power or will to defend it.||2:As hegemons go, America has been exceptional.||3:Democracy has spread under its watch, and its geographical isolation has made the world surprisingly accepting of its use of force.||4:No combination of nations has felt the need to join together to counter America’s power, leaving it free to perform vital tasks in the common good, such as keeping open trading routes. | |
11 | 12月1日是世界艾滋病日。世界各地的人们一起庆祝在对抗常被称为艾滋病的获得性免疫缺陷综合征上取得的进展。 | December 1 marked World Aids Day. People around the world join together to celebrate progress in fighting acquired immune deficiency syndrome, better known as AIDS. | |
12 | 这也将是两家习惯性表现欠佳者的结合。去年,德意志银行的净资产收益率(仅为0.4%)是四年来首个正数。 | It would also join together two chronic underperformers. Last year Deutsche’s return on equity, a puny 0.4%, was its first positive figure for four years. | |
13 | “所以这些公司组合起来也是情理之中的。” | "It made sense for companies to go join together . " | |
14 | 4月28号,星期六。这天美国妇女将会以无党派组织聚集在一起并且高声大呼:“够了!” | On Saturday, April 28th American women will join together in non-partisan unity and shout, "Enough is enough! " | |
15 | 包含的由单个字符构成的字符串序列连接在一起。 | In this case, I join together a sequence of single-character strings contained in a. | |
16 | 和谐融洽建立于共同的立场之上,而且双方都能够愉悦自在地参与到谈话中来。 | Rapport is the establishment of common ground, of a comfort zone where two or more people can mentally join together . | |
17 | 面对洪水,火蚁聚集在一起,组成一个能够抵御的大“木筏”,漂流在水面之上。 | When faced with flooding, fire ants join together into a big, buoyant mat to float en masse. | |
18 | 让我们一起用爱帮助受灾之人们重拾生活。 | Let’s join together to help rebuild these people’s lives with our love. | |
19 | 为了能让你能在二元性的幻影的领域中而分为两边的大脑正开始结合在一起。 | The two halves of the brain that had to be separate to give you the illusion of the field of duality are starting to join together . | |
20 | 我国中等职业教育产教结合发展的几个基本问题 | A Few Basic Problems about Industry with Education to Join Together the Development in the Middling Vocational Education | |
21 | 我们在上帝的眼前相遇,并且在这些见证人面前走到一起来。 | Dearly beloved: we are met together in the sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses to join together | |
22 | 在本例中,使用冒号将tuple包含的由单个字符构成的字符串序列连接在一起。 | In this case, I join together a sequence of single-character strings contained in a tuple using the colon character. |