属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加勒个油 The New Grease?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无疆界之战 Battling borderless
1 | [废](象公鸡见到醋粟一样)贪馋地扑过去; 贪婪地攫取 | jump at sth.like a cock at a gooseberry | |
2 | 匆匆作出结论,轻率断定 | Jump at [to] a conclusion | |
3 | 匆匆作出无根据的假设 | Jump at an unwarranted assumption | |
4 | 急切地抓住机会 | Jump at the chance | |
5 | 你不应该武断地乱下结论. | You should not jump at conclusion s. | |
6 | 你的机会来了,抓住它! | Now’s your time, jump at the chance! | |
7 | 浅谈高等级公路桥头跳车原因及防治措施 | Analyses and Prevention of Vehicle Jump at the End of High Grade Highway Bridge | |
8 | 如果有机会到日本去,我一定抓住不放。 | If I had a change to go to japan, I’ d jump at | |
9 | 他跳过墙去。 | He took a jump at the wall and vaulted over. | |
10 | 欣然接受一项协定 | Jump at a Bargain. | |
11 | 约翰加上助跑,用手一撑,飞身跃过篱笆。 | John took a running jump at the fence and vaulted over(it. | |
12 | 这样的好机会,你应该抓住 | You should have jump at such a good chance. | |
13 | ||1:酒吧和饭店经常被严格的配额制度所限制,随着犹他州人口数量的不断增长他们不得不重新申请领的经销许可证。||2:十月份将有很多地方的酒类经营许可证将会被收回,因为人口增长量低于许可证的颁发量。||3:这些地方(被取消许可证)后现在只能出售度数不高于3.2的酒(那里销售的啤酒只占其他地区的3.2%),白酒甚至更低。||4:最糟的是,这些酒吧和餐厅必须和在国营商店里购买酒类的消费者一样支付比原价高80%到90%的金额(为了达到销售的上限,这些酒吧餐馆不得不像在国营商店里购买酒类的消费者们那样拿出涨价额的80%到90%用于酒馆的运营)。||5:有这么多的“火圈”要钻,有这么多的额外支出需要去支付,难怪酒类运营商纷纷放慢了他们在犹他州扩展的步伐转而投资其他地区。||6: 就像是一个纪念杯子上镌刻的文字一样“尽情吃喝, 开怀畅饮吧——明天到了犹他州,就没机会了” | ||1: Bars and restaurants are regularly tripped up by a strict quota system for new licences, which is based on Utah’s population growth. ||2: A number of places that had been awarded permits for all types of alcohol had them taken away in October because the increase in headcount was below projections. ||3: These can now serve only beer that is 3.2% or less alcohol. ||4: To cap it all, pubs and eateries have to pay the same 80-90% markup for their booze as consumers do in the state-run stores. ||5: With so many hoops to jump through and extra costs to absorb, it is no wonder that some chains are slowing their expansion in the state or choosing to focus elsewhere. ||6: As the souvenir shot glasses say: “Eat, drink and be merry—tomorrow you may be in Utah.” | |
14 | ||1:另外一些指数就有些迟滞了。||2:产出的走势是爬行的,而不是跳跃的。||3:名义国民生产总值,这个指数就是对国家债务可持续性的重要度量工具。||4:由于债务是以过去的值作为基准,借贷增加和通货膨胀会使借款的负担更容易得到控制;不过经济的下滑会使问题更严重。||5:根据名义国民生产总值来看,有14个国家经济出现倒退,其中包括欧盟的8个成员国,这些国家需要靠不健全的计税基数来偿还贷款。||6:葡萄牙和西班牙退回到2008年;爱尔兰则稍好于2006年。 | ||1:Other indicators are more sluggish.||2:Measures of output tend to crawl, not jump.||3:One such measure, nominal GDP, is a vital metric of governments’ debt sustainability.||4:Since debts are set at past values, growth and inflation tend to make the burden of borrowing more manageable; a shrinking economy makes the problem worse.||5:There are 14 countries that have gone back in time, according to the nominal GDP indicator.||6:This group includes eight members of the European Union, all of which have to repay their debts from an eroded tax base. | |
15 | ||1:无论如何,美国比过去几年对油老大都更有抗逆性是有一些原因的。||2:现在的油价蹿升比11年和08年的都弱。||3:美国经济不再是那么能源集中型的了,而且对进口的依赖也更小了。||4:在过去的两年里,原油消耗减小了,但GDP依然增长。 | ||1: There are in any case several reasons why America may be more resilient to dearer oil than in recent years. ||2: The jump in petrol prices has been far smaller than in 2011 or 2008. ||3: Rising employment gives consumers more income with which to pay for fuel. And America’s economy is becoming ever less energy-intensive, and less dependent on imports. ||4: Oil consumption has fallen in the past two years, even as GDP has risen. | |
16 | 经济恢复的快慢取决于它们在哪里反弹。一些指标可能会迅速反弹:股票价值就是对期望回报率不断地重新评估的前瞻性标尺。它们可以摔倒,也就能爬起来,继续向前。 | How quickly economies make up lost time will depend on where they have ceded ground. Some indicators may bounce back quickly: share prices are forward-looking measures of expected returns that are constantly being reassessed. Just as they can crash down they can jump back up, boosting wealth. | |
17 | 西方药厂不断向外扩张地盘,这一点毫不奇怪。2010年,美国的处方药支出仅上升了2.3%。而随着世界其它地区的收入提高,人们对医疗保健的需求也随之上升。据全球研究机构IMS Health预测,新兴市场的药品支出所占比例将由2005年的12%跃升至2015年的28%。 | It is no surprise that Western drugmakers are looking further afield. America’s spending on prescription drugs increased by just 2.3% in 2010. As incomes rise elsewhere, the demand for health care grows. IMS Health, a research group, expects emerging markets’ share of drug spending to jump from 12% in 2005 to 28% in 2015. | |
18 | 当价格回到过去的水平时,一些人立刻抓住机会加仓,而同时一些人认为是出场的机会。 | When prices return to their old levels, some jump at the opportunity to add to their positions while others see a chance to get out. | |
19 | 粉喷桩技术在软基处理及桥梁桥头跳车中的应用 | Application of Powder Spraying Pile in Treatment of Soft Soil Foundation and Car Jump at Bridge Ends | |
20 | 付清购物帐单网上消费者抓住机会付清所购物品。 | Pay It Forward Pay It Forward Online customers jump at the chance to pay for purchases incrementally. | |
21 | 高速公路桥头跳车问题探讨 | Discussion of Jump at Expressway Bridge Abutment | |
22 | 好的交易机会会从图形里跳出来对你大喊——我在这里,抓住我。 | Good trades jump at you from the chart and scream - here I am, take me. | |
23 | 换句话说,你不必饥不择食地接受第一个出现却不适合的工作。 | In other words, you won’t have to jump at the first job offer you get if it doesn’t seem like a good fit. | |
24 | 浅谈桥头跳车病害的原因及防治 | Study in Reason and Prevention of Vehicle Jump at the End of Bridge | |
25 | 桥梁伸缩缝处跳车问题的分析与防治 | Analysis and Prevention on the Jump at Bridge Expansion Joint | |
26 | 图2出口处的压力变化 | Fig 2 Pressure jump at the nozzle exit | |
27 | 我的意思是,我确实很关心他们,通常有机会的话也会给予帮助,但是当我们很忙的时候,这些就都改变了。 | I mean, I did care for them and ordinarily would jump at the chance to help, but it seems like that all changes when we are busy. | |
28 | 现金拮据的开发商可能巴不得有机会分散筹资途径,即使这意味着以折扣价将房地产售予某个房地产投资信托基金。 | Cash-strapped developers may jump at the chance to diversify funding, even if that means selling properties into a Reit at a discount. | |
29 | 在没有更多的证据前不要匆忙做出这样的结论。 | Dont’ jump at such a conclusion without more evidence. | |
30 | 在我们学校运动会上,他创造了跳高新纪录。 | The school sports are very exciting. He created a new record in high-jump at our school sports. |