属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 终于来了好消息?
1 | “大道之行也,天下为公。” | "A just cause should be pursued for the common good". | |
2 | 不一定我们是大一的就意味着受你差遣 | Just ’ cause we be freshmen do not mean we be your slave. | |
3 | 得道多助,失道寡助 | a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little support | |
4 | 得道多助,失道寡助。 | A just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little. | |
5 | 对见义勇为人员的保护及立法思考 | On Protection of the People Who Take up the Cudgels for a Just Cause and Reflection on the Legislation for These Actions | |
6 | 见义勇为观的现代错位及其拯救-当代大学生见义勇为观的调查分析 | On Modern Dislocation and Salvation of the View about "Taking up the Cudgel for a Just Cause "-Study and Analysis of the Attitude towards "Taking up the Cudgel for a Just Case" of Contemporary College Students | |
7 | 他们决定杀身成仁。 | They have made a decision to sacrifice themselves for a just cause . | |
8 | 他们认为自己的事业是正义的事业就继续战斗下去。 | They went on with their struggle, thinking theirs was a just cause . | |
9 | 预谋无正当意图或理由地去做导致别人伤害的错误行为的动机 | The intent,without just cause or reason,to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another. | |
10 | 支持正义事业 | champion a just cause | |
11 | 支持正义事业. | champion a just cause | |
12 | ||1:国际癌症基因组协作组(THE International Cancer Genome Consortium)是试图建立一份会引起癌症的基因突变完整清单的实验室联盟,它积累数据的速度让人吃惊。||2:例如,它已经发表了大约3000种不同的乳房肿瘤的基因型。||3:但光凭这些数据本身无法帮助患者。||4:要医治病人,人们必须结合药物试验采集数据。||5:而这正是在圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学(Washington University in St Louis)工作的马修?埃利斯(Matthew Ellis)及其同事们为罹患乳腺癌的妇女们所作的工作。||6:如果事实证明他们的方法对其他癌症也有用的话,这可能会是癌症治疗的一次革命。 | ||1:THE International Cancer Genome Consortium, an alliance of laboratories that is trying to produce a definitive list of the genetic mutations that cause cancer, is accumulating data at an astonishing rate.||2:About 3,000 individual breast tumours, for example, have now had their genotypes published.||3:But these data will not, by themselves, help patients.||4:For that, they have to be collected in the context of a drug trial.||5:And this is just what Matthew Ellis and his colleagues at Washington University in St Louis have done for women suffering from breast cancer.||6:Their methods, if they prove to work for other cancers too, may revolutionise treatment. | |
13 | ||1:那是1944年4月,威克成为了上尉(到现在一直是),她和另外一位英国特别行动处特工空降在法国中南部的奥弗涅。||2:他们当时的任务是与当地的抗德游击队员一起,尽可能多地制造混乱,为五周后的诺曼底登陆做准备。||3:现在斗争开始了,威克上尉显然不只是要去参与其中,她自愿加入了突击队,端掉了盖世太保的总指挥部,并突袭了德国巡逻兵。 | ||1:That began in April 1944, when Captain (as she now was) Wake and another SOE agent were parachuted into the Auvergne in south-central France.||2:Their immediate job was to work with the local Maquis to cause as much disruption as possible before D-day five weeks later.||3:Now the fighting began, and Captain Wake showed herself more than willing to take part, readily joining raiding parties, blowing up local Gestapo headquarters and ambushing German patrols. | |
14 | ||1:气候科学的复杂程度众所周知,但把一个指标记在脑中非常好用,那就是"气候敏感性"。||2:该指标表示预计大气中二氧化碳浓度翻倍所能引致的升温量。||3:政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)在其最近一次关于其预测背后的科学性的概要中(发布于2007年)估计,在如今的情况下,二氧化碳浓度翻倍将造成3°C左右的升温,上下误差在1.5度左右。||4:但该概要也声称,真实数据有少许可能还要高得多。||5:一些近期的研究也猜测气温上升可能达到10°C之高。 | ||1: CLIMATE science is famously complicated, but one useful number to keep in mind is "climate sensitivity". ||2: This measures the amount of warming that can eventually be expected to follow a doubling in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. ||3: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in its most recent summary of the science behind its predictions, published in 2007, estimated that, in present conditions, a doubling of CO2 would cause warming of about 3°C, with uncertainty of about a degree and a half in either direction. ||4: But it also says there is a small probability that the true number is much higher. ||5: Some recent studies have suggested that it could be as high as 10°C. | |
15 | 据世界卫生组织(WHO)报道,在欧洲发达国家中,平均每50个人就会有一个由于持续暴露在交通噪音中而患上心脏病。WHO还说,在这些国家,噪音污染产生的不良反应仅次于空气污染,长期暴露不仅会造成激素失调,还会引发精神问题。 | AROUND one heart attack in 50 in rich European countries is caused by chronic exposure to loud traffic, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). The ill-effects of noise pollution in such countries are second only to those from dirty air, says the WHO. Long-term exposure can cause hormonal imbalances as well as mental-health problems. | |
16 | 科斯坦斯博士与梅耶女士猜想如果狗看到人类哭泣会感到悲伤的话,无论是其主人还是陌生人,狗都会去主人那里寻求安慰。他们还建立了一个理论,如果使狗接近人类的是它们好奇心而非感情上的共鸣,那么哼唱小曲同样会使狗跟人类进行互动。 | Dr Custance and Ms Mayer suspected that if exposure to crying led dogs to feel distress, then regardless of who was crying, the dog would go to their master to seek comfort. They also theorised that if curiosity, rather than empathy, was the driving force, then the humming would cause dogs to engage with people. | |
17 | 《规定》第十四条(以正当理由终止合同)是第十六条所述原则的特例。 | Art. 14 of the Regulations (termination of a contract for just cause ) is a lexspecialis to the principle of art. 16. | |
18 | 《正当防卫2》乍看起来像是一部标准的开放世界射击类作品,不过制作组添加了一些使它变得特别的小玩意儿,比如说Rico的抓钩。 | Just Cause 2 might seem like a standard, open-world shooter, but there are a few gameplay mechanics that make it special. | |
19 | 《正当防卫2》中的部分内容同样缺乏雕琢。 | Just Cause 2 also lacks polish in certain areas. | |
20 | 本片直接表达反战讯息:即使为了「正当」的原因,杀戮是泯灭人性的行为。 | Its message is strictly anti-war: The act of killing diminishes humanity, even if it is done for a "just" cause. | |
21 | 不过,玩家在《正当防卫2》中不会只享受到玩乐和爆炸。 | But Just Cause 2 isn’t all fun and games. . . and explosions. | |
22 | 难怪西方男人都那么喜欢用香水,原来是有女孩子送给他们呀 | no wonder the western men like the cologne so much , just cause their girl send it to him. | |
23 | 现在看来游戏玩家们无疑是幸运的,《正当防卫2》玩起来和它看起来一样美妙。 | Fortunately for all us gamers, Just Cause 2 is just as enjoyable as it looks. | |
24 | 有段时间我们有好工作,但那只是因为我们幸运,现在我们不走运了。 | We had good jobs for a while, but it’s just ’cause we were lucky and now we’re unlucky. | |
25 | 有些事情总是那么费力又没什么价值,把它们找出来,让它们从你的生活中消失,这样一来你就有更旺盛的精力了。 | Certain things in our life just cause us to be more exhausted than others, with less value. Identify them, and cut them out. | |
26 | 员工懒散和雇主破产都不构成正当理由。 | Neither a lazy employee nor a bankrupt employer constitutes just cause . | |
27 | 在场的人中有任何人能提出正当的理由说明这两个人不应合法地结为夫妻吗? | Is there anyone present who can show any just cause why these two people should not be legally joined in marriage? | |
28 | 在没有对外部收支作出调整的情况下,迫使实力较弱的成员国实施财政削减举措只会延长衰退周期,并加深衰退的程度。 | In the absence of external adjustment, the fiscal cuts imposed on fragile members will just cause prolonged and deep recessions. | |
29 | 正当的竞技理由是否成立,应结合个案具体分析。 | The existence ofsporting just cause shall be established on a case-by- case basis. |