属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 波音公布新市场预测 沃尔纳出售ASDA Ci
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-绿色乱局 Tangled Up in Green Ta
1 | “他刚刚去,我想他这次错过了和你聚谈的机会一定会感到很遗憾的。” | he has just gone , and I am sure he’ll be exceedingly sorry not to have had the pleasure of seeing you before he went. | |
2 | 按产科学的说法,她第一次阵痛停止了。 | She’s just gone off the boil,as they say in the midwifery traded. | |
3 | 刚刚下台的那届内阁极不受人民拥戴。 | The Ministry that has just gone out had become very unpopular | |
4 | 火车刚开走。 | The train has just gone . | |
5 | 假如索性大胆老脸,至少高松年的欺负就可以避免。 | If he had just gone boldly and brazenly ahead, he could at least have avoided Kao Sung-nien’s bullying | |
6 | 她刚和那个他叫什么来着一起出去了. | She’s just gone out with old what-d’you-call-him. | |
7 | 时钟刚刚敲过六点钟。 | It has just gone six. | |
8 | 时钟刚敲过6点。 | The clock has just gone six. | |
9 | 他刚过四十岁. | He is just gone forty. | |
10 | 他进门时,妻子在过道里迎着他。因为孩子刚睡下,她叫他别发出声响来。 | As he entered, his wife met him in the passage and asked him not to make a noise as the child had just gone to sleep. | |
11 | ||1:Cineworld决定在明年前关闭位于美国和英国的所有电影院,因为下一部詹姆斯·邦德电影《No Time to Die》的上映日期再次被推迟到4月份。||2:由于社交距离限制措施导致影院空空如也,Cineworld已经在勉强维持,该公司本来寄希望于这部有望今年最大票房亮点的影片。||3:其他电影也被推迟上映,一些电影直接通过流媒体的途径上映。||4:许多业内人士认为,为了制造最重要的轰动效应,豪华大片需要先在电影院上映。 | ||1:Cineworld decided to close all its cinemas in America and Britain until next year, after the release date of “No Time To Die”, the next James Bond film, was again postponed, until April.||2:Already struggling as social-distancing keeps the crowds away from its venues, Cineworld was banking on what would have been this year’s biggest box-office draw.||3:Other films have been delayed, some have gone straight to streaming.||4:Many in the industry believe lavish blockbusters need to be seen in cinemas first in order to create the all-important buzz. | |
12 | ||1:第二,把学生派往 11 国家里逾 140 家公司之一工作一周。||2:这些新生已经同这些公司(范围涉及巴西的肥皂厂到中国的房地产公司)举行了电话会议,走出学校,为产品开发在附近“四处奔波”,例如去科普利超市。||3:此类有组织的“做中学”不同于哈佛商学院鼓励学生到教室外“去冒险”的传统做法。 | ||1:Second, students will be sent to work for a week with one of more than 140 firms in 11 countries.||2:Already the new intake have had conference calls with these companies, ranging from the Brazilian soapmaker to a Chinese property firm, and gone off-campus to conduct product-development “dashes” like the one in Copley Mall.||3:This sort of structured learning-by-doing is a world away from HBS’s traditional encouragement of students to “go on an adventure” outside of classes. | |
13 | ||1:即便如此,伊斯兰国的威胁仍旧不断左右着安全部门的工作。||2:英国国内情报机构军情五处局长肯·麦卡勒姆在10月的一次讲话中说,伊斯兰极端主义依然是英国的最大威胁,有“数万人”委身于这一意识形态。不过他补充说,越来越多的阴谋来源于右翼极端分子,比如阿维尼翁市的袭击者。||3:麦卡勒姆表示,近几年来,追踪阴谋变得愈加困难,“因为越来越多的恐怖分子选择使用基本的袭击方式,而这样的方式几乎不需要做任何准备”。 | ||1: Even so, the threat continues to dominate the work of security services. ||2: In a speech in October, Ken McCallum, director- general of MI5, Britain’s domestic-intelligence service, said that Islamist extremism remained the country’s largest threat by volume, with “tens of thousands” committed to the ideology, though he added that a growing share of plots came from right-wing extremists, like the attacker in Avignon. ||3: Mr McCallum said that tracking plots had become harder in recent years “as more terrorists have gone for basic attack methods requiring little preparation”. | |
14 | ||1:蚂蚁金服费尽心思把自己打造成一家科技公司,而不是一家银行。||2:它将自己的业务描述为“科技金融”——即把科技放在首位——而不是“金融科技”。||3:在上市前,该公司曾要求券商指派科技分析师、而不仅仅是银行业分析师来对它进行报道。||4:不过,归根结底,它的重点一直都在中国的金融领域。||5:这就是颠覆这个行业的时机,也是赚钱的地方。||6:但正如蚂蚁金服和大批投资者被提醒的那样,这也是监管机构潜伏的地方。 | ||1:Ant had gone to great lengths to brand itself as a tech firm, not a bank.||2:It describes its business as "techfin"—ie, putting technology first—not fintech.||3:In the lead-up to its listing, it asked brokerages to assign tech analysts, not just banking analysts, to cover it.||4:Ultimately, though, its focus has always been on China’s financial sector.||5:That is the industry ripe for disruption, and where the money is.||6:But as Ant and legions of investors have been reminded, that is also where the regulators lurk. | |
15 | ||1:现在看来根本没有希望能在这场比谁嗓门大的比赛中让空气清洁法案变得更好,公共事业缺陷的弥补方式也没有得到统一的意见。||2:公共服务集团(PSEG)的伊佐先生认为环保署的标准已经是理论上的最低水平了,继续降低标准,将会伤害到像他们这样走在标准前面,为环保事业大量投入的有社会责任心的企业。||3:而且,也不清楚那些对环保署持批评态度的人真的想看到一个更有预见性的规章制定过程。||4:许多公共事业也许真的是靠这些蒙受巨大抱怨的新法规引起的法律挑战而获利。 | ||1:There seems little hope of updating the Clean Air Act amid the current shouting match about environmental regulation, however, and utilities are far from unanimous about its deficiencies.||2:Mr Izzo, of PSEG, argues that the EPA’s standards are scientifically grounded, and that to water them down would be to penalise responsible firms like his which have gone ahead and made the necessary investments.||3:Moreover, it is not clear whether the EPA’s critics really would like to see a more predictable rule-making process.||4:Many of the utilities that complain most vociferously about the uncertainty involved actually contribute mightily to it by backing endless legal challenges to new regulations. | |
16 | “卖完了,就这么卖完了,这么快就全部卖光……人们看上去很害怕,”一名超市负责人表示。 | "It’s gone, just gone , it all sold out so quickly . . . people seem to be very scared, " a supermarket official said. | |
17 | 贝卢斯科尼刚刚接受了最近丑闻案的审判,而在那些案件中他均是被告人。 | Mr Berlusconi has just gone on trial in the last of the cases in which he is a defendant. | |
18 | 当你踩油门时,你视野里的一切都消失了。 | When you hit that throttle, everything in your immediate field of vision is gone. Just gone . | |
19 | 当时我刚刚去了边后卫,而他也刚换了边。 | I’d just gone to full-back and he’d just switched sides. | |
20 | 当所有预测都灰飞烟灭时,经济学家们也会这么说。 | Or economists, when all their predictions have just gone up in smoke. | |
21 | 当我想起金融服务业的蓬勃发展,泡沫和幻想破灭,这些美国人还在经历的东西,我就会想起之前提起的画面(朋友描述的那个)。 | When I think of the financial-services boom, bubble and bust that America has just gone through, I often think about that image. | |
22 | 过了完美却令人疲惫的一周后,母亲在睡梦中离开了人世。 | After a perfect but exhausting week, Mother had just gone to sleep and died. | |
23 | 过去的十年间转变才来临,自2000年起新兴市场将投资者的资本翻了2番。 | Outperformance came only in the decade just gone , with emerging markets almost quadrupling investors’ capital since the end of 2000. | |
24 | 简·奥斯汀是世界上为数极少的著名女性作家之一,但是这位伟大的女性一生只走过了42个春夏秋冬。 | Jane Austen is the world’s very few wellknown women writers, but the life of this great woman just gone through 42 years. | |
25 | 她回到了天堂,化作一小块的天蓝。 | She’s just gone a little piece of blue sky now. | |
26 | 开场白句子最可能把房间里刚发生的事和你想说的联系在一起。 | Piece together an opening sentence, preferably one that ties what has just gone on in the room with what you’re going to say. | |
27 | 诺伍德刚被租借到了斯肯索普联队,他将在那里学习和提升自己。 | Norwood has just gone on loan to Scunthorpe United where the learning process will accelerate. | |
28 | 如今RDT公司已经开发出一款甚为强大的新版装置,刚投入美国特种部队的测试使用中。 | Now RDT has come up with an even tougher version, which has just gone into trials with America’s special forces. | |
29 | 首先,承认它的价值,明白你永远无法回到逝去的每一天,每一周,每一年。 | First, recognize how valuable it is. Realize that you won’t ever get back the day, week or year that’s just gone past. | |
30 | 他们走到一条阴森森的街道拐角上的房子,两个男人刚从敞开的大门走了进去。 | They reached the corner house in an angle of a dismal street, through the open door of which two men had just gone in. |