属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政治 幕后智者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-波音公司的不幸 噩梦般的客机
1 | 我将替您做一个很出色的发型。 | I will try a knock-out hairdo on you. | |
2 | 血脂康对载脂蛋白E基因敲除小鼠肝细胞内Ca(上标 2+)及线粒体膜电位的影响 | Effects of Xuezhikang on Ca(superscript 2+)and Mitochondrial Membrane Potential in Hepatocytes of Apolipoprotein E Gene-Knock Out Mice | |
3 | 泽泻萜类化合物对ApoE基因敲除动脉粥样硬化小鼠肝脏基底膜HSPG的调节作用 | Effect of Alismaceae on Regulating the Expression of Liver Basal Membrane Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan in ApoE-knock out Atherosclerosis Mice | |
4 | 这位拳击手将敌手击昏得分。 | The boxer scored a knock out . | |
5 | 中医药抗帕金森病理想的动物模型-Nurr1基因敲除小鼠 | Ideal Animal Model of Anti-Parkinson’s Disease Using the Traditional Chinese Medicine-Nurr1 Knock-out (Nurr1+/-)Mice | |
6 | ||1:1979年当10号大门砰然阖上时,Lord Lipsey为了谋生转投了新闻业,他甚至为《泰晤士报》与《经济学人》都工作过。||2:1999年工党重新积蓄力量之后,他离开了《经济学人》,前往上议院。||3:故事以往不曾有的是,他却在某种意义上一直处在幕后,为上议院和官方委员会辛勤的工作,回顾那些难以排序的事件(比如选举改革,或是老年人的社会福利)。||4:纵然他没去创造他想要的结果,但他关于政治应该如何进行的见解还是有启迪作用的。||5:正如他自己说的那样,上个世纪七十年代企图控制工党的斗争和在这些问题(曾有社保委员会的同僚威胁他的性腺)上的激烈斗争是一样邪恶的。 | ||1:When the door of Number 10 slammed shut in 1979, Lord Lipsey turned to journalism to earn his crust, notably at the Times and The Economist.||2:He left the latter for the House of Lords in 1999 after Labour regained power.||3:Further than before from the inside story, he nonetheless remained a backroom boy in a sense, beavering away in the upper chamber and on official commissions to review such hard-to-sort subjects as electoral reform and social care for the elderly.||4:Though neither produced the results he wanted, his insights into how policy is made are revealing.||5:As he tells it, the knock-down-drag-out fights over these matters (his gonads were threatened by a fellow member of the social-care commission) were no less vicious than the fight to control the Labour Party in the 1970s. | |
7 | ||1:那些延期的贷款利率很高,部分原因是较高的主权借贷成本会对银行集资成本产生连锁影响。||2:国家主权信用评级不同反而能增加本国的竞争力,尤其是当竞争对手是边境以外的德国公司。||3:“一家意大利北部边界的公司想要和位于德国巴伐利亚的对手竞争,无疑是自取灭亡,”一家银行老板说,“然后风险成本随之上升,其他小公司就必须分担这些成本。” | ||1: Those loans that are extended carry hefty interest rates, in part because higher sovereign-borrowing costs have a knock-on effect on banks’ funding costs. ||2: Differences in sovereign rates can be self-reinforcing, especially when German firms across the border are rivals. ||3: “A marginal northern Italian company competing against an equal company in Bavaria will go bust,” says the boss of one bank. “Then the cost of risk goes up and has to be shared by all the other small companies.” | |
8 | ||1:这不仅意味着法律应该保护公民不在半夜受到骚扰,避免公审及免于毒室的迫害,还意味着被关在伦敦贝尔马什监狱的九名外国人也应受到法律的保护。他们由于被怀疑参与恐怖主义行动而被英国内政部非法逮捕并无限期关押。||2:2004年他的这一裁决让政府大为震惊。 | ||1:This meant not only that citizens should be spared the midnight knock on the door, the show trial and the gas chamber, but also that the nine foreign men held at Belmarsh prison in London, kept there indefinitely by the Home Office on suspicion of terrorism and with no prospect of a trial, had been detained illegally.||2:This ruling, in 2004, stunned the government. | |
9 | ||1:这场噩梦的连锁效应正在逐渐显现。||2: 8月29日,波音董事会批准以旗下最畅销的737单行通道飞机为蓝本,推出其升级版,并命名为737 MAX。 ||3:这是波音就要追赶空客的信号。空客公司旗下重新改装引擎的A320单行通道飞机赢得了超过1200张订单。||4:波音之前曾希望在787客机所采用的塑料技术应用成熟后,推出一款以此技术为基础的新型单行通道客机。||5:但在今年七月,波音核心客户之一的美国航空公司为了更新其单行通道飞机,决定给空客提供最大份额的订单(也是全世界最大的)。||6:波音不得不面对现实,把自己的雄心壮志压了下来。||7:一位波音公司的内部人士表示:"我们有技术,但787客机的教训在于我们不能及时生产出令人满意的产品。 | ||1: The nightmare is having knock-on effects. ||2: On August 29th Boeing’s board approved the launch of an upgraded version of its best-selling 737 single-aisle model, to be called the 737 MAX. ||3: This is a sign that Boeing is playing catch-up with Airbus, which has won over 1,200 orders for its re-engined single-aisle A320. ||4: Boeing had been hoping to hold off until it could offer an all-new single-aisle aircraft, based on the 787’s plastic technology. ||5: But in July American Airlines—one of Boeing’s core customers—decided to give Airbus the lion’s share of its order (the world’s biggest) to renew its single-aisle fleet. ||6: Boeing had to scale back its ambitions. ||7: "We have the technology," says an insider. "But the lesson of the 787 is that we could not get the production up to scratch in time." | |
10 | 萨瑟兰先生称,他在乌拉圭贸易谈判中的经历告诉他,一个坚定的时间表是达成协议的最好方法。那些谈判只进行了7年,于1994年结束。如果这对如今的谈判人员有什么安慰的话,那就是甚至连世贸组织的官方历史也承认,有时那些谈判“似乎注定会失败”。 | Mr Sutherland argues that his experience during the Uruguay round of trade talks taught him that having a firm timetable is the best way to knock heads together. Those talks took a mere seven years, ending in 1994, and if it is any consolation to today’s negotiators, even the WTO’s official history admits that at times they “seemed doomed to fail”. | |
11 | Lats基因敲除小鼠胚胎玻璃化冷冻的研究 | Study on Vitrified Method of Lats Knock-out Mice Embryo | |
12 | 闭式转台落砂机的研究设计 | Research and Design of Closed Rotary Table Knock-out Machine | |
13 | 冲床打料杆的调节方法 | Adjustment Method of Press Machine Stroke of Knock-Out | |
14 | 出局许愿终点线当提到……,当谈到…… | When it comes to . . . knock out make a wish | |
15 | 但是当时他的知名度和财富让他无法击败的对手,对手出身于根深难撼的政治家族。 | But neither his popularity nor his money could knock out his opponent, who hailed from an entrenched political clan. | |
16 | 第一步往往是最难得,但是如果做好了,它会帮你建立你需要的动力,并让我们更容易地去做接下来的步骤。 | The first step is always the hardest, and once taken, it sets up the momentum needed to more easily knock out the remaining steps. | |
17 | 基于敲出障碍期权和博弈理论的项目投资决策分析 | Analysis on Project Investment Decision Based on Down Knock-out Option and Game Theory | |
18 | 接骨木果汁,茶或糖浆是防治流感症状的有力饮品。 | Elderberry juice, tea or syrup are potent and can help knock out flu symptoms. | |
19 | 接下来,意大利在四分之一决赛中淘汰了法国,在半决赛中遭遇巴西。这场比赛真是荡气回肠,至今仍为人津津乐道。 | Italy went on to knock out France in the quarter-finals before facing Brazil in a semi-final that is still talked about today. | |
20 | 美丽或英俊的人;吸引人的人(或物) | Knock out : a very attractive person or thing; a beautiful or handsome person | |
21 | 目前南非世界杯已经到了激动人心的阶段,周日的两场比赛被争议球给毁了。 | Now the Football World Cup in South Africa has reached the knock-out stage and Sunday’s two matches have been marred by disputed goals. | |
22 | 你可以冲印出秀丽的4x6照片、不错的5x7的相片,视相机情况,有时甚至可以洗出很好的6x9或8x10规格照片。 | You can print lovely 4x6 images, decent 5x7s and, depending on the camera, might even knock out a good 6x9 or 8x10. | |
23 | 排除掉这些因素之后,美国对中国的贸易逆差将缩水一大半。 | Knock out these and America’s bilateral deficit with China shrinks by more than half. | |
24 | 燃料气分液罐危险材料登记仪表风取水泵站线一体化 | fuel gas knock-out drum Hazardous Materials Register Instrument air In-take pump Integration of the terminal and trunkline | |
25 | 如从严适用,该检验方法对专利打击面过大。 | Applied strictly, the test would knock out too wide a swath of patents. | |
26 | 如果以色列希望摧毁真主党,那么他失败了。 | If Israel hoped to knock out Hizbullah, it has failed. | |
27 | 甚至我的前女友,现在已经另找了一个更老的家伙,说是立即地要和她生两个孩子下来。 | Even my ex had now found herself an older guy who was willing to knock out two kids with her in no time at all. | |
28 | 所以最后的结果可能是,一个直接的碰撞让整个航空器出局,并且毁掉价值万亿的计划。 | All it would take is one direct hit to knock out the entire vehicle and demolish a trillion dollar mission. | |
29 | 他们发现了如何在实验动物上对单基因进行失活或敲除,得到所谓的“敲除小鼠”。 | They discovered how to inactivate, or knock out , single genes in laboratory animals. The result is known as "knockout mice. " | |
30 | 他希望他的实验能剔除狗身上的一种特别的雌激素受体借以理解激素对生殖力的影响。 | His lab hopes to knock out a specific oestrogen receptor in dogs to understand the hormone’s effects on fertility. |