属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-美国疾控中心修订佩戴口罩的指导方针
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-公开演讲技巧
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-新型脑膜炎疫苗在非洲推出
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战争的起源 古老的战士?
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-美国和伊朗保持克制避免军事冲突
1 | 艾丽丝站在一大群人的中央。 | Alice stood in the center of a large group . | |
2 | 爱丽丝站在一大群人的中央。 | Alice stood in the center of a large group . | |
3 | 长石可以分为钾长石和斜长石两大类,钾长石中包括正长石和微斜长石 | Feldspar can be divided into two large group , the potassium feldspar includes orthoclase and microcline | |
4 | 超大型群桩基础承载特性离心模型试验研究 | Centrifugal Model Test Study of Bearing Behavior of Very Large Group Pile Foundation | |
5 | 虫媒病毒由节足动物(如蚊及蜱)传播的多种病毒中的一种,包括脑炎、黄热病及登革热 | Any of a large group of viruses transmitted by arthropods,such as mosquitoes and ticks,that include the causative agents of encephalitis,yellow fever,and dengue. | |
6 | 担子菌任何一大群真菌的各种成员,在一担子上带有有性繁殖的孢子。这个群包括马勃菌、架状菌、锈菌、黑穗病菌和伞菌 | Any of various members of a large group of fungi bearing sexually produced spores on a basidium.The group includes puffballs,shelf fungi,rusts,smuts,and mushrooms. | |
7 | 基于熵权的多属性大群体决策方法 | Method of multi-attribute Large Group Decision Making Based on Entropy Weight | |
8 | 棘鳍目鱼棘鳍鱼总目的各种鱼类,有骨质的外骨骼和刺状的背鳍骨以及近肛门的鳍。还包括鲈鱼,鲭鱼,和箭鱼 | Any of a large group of fishes of the superorder Acanthopterygii,having bony skeletons and spiny rays in the dorsal and anal fins and including the bass,perch,mackerel,and swordfish. | |
9 | 角闪石一大类结构相似的水合双硅酸盐矿石,如角闪石,包含各种钠、钙、镁、铁和铝的组合 | Any of a large group of structurally similar hydrated double silicate minerals,such as hornblende,containing various combinations of sodium,calcium,magnesium,iron,and aluminum. | |
10 | 她朝街上走去,后面跟着一大群孩子。 | She went to the street with a large group of children at her tail. | |
11 | 警方认为有一大帮犯罪分子涉嫌这些抢劫案。 | The police think that a large group of criminals is involved in the robberies. | |
12 | 杀虫剂:用来杀死昆虫的有毒物质。主要用于控制侵扰作物的害虫或者在特定地区消灭传染疾病的昆虫。 | Insecticide: Any of a large group of substances used to kill insects. Such substances are mainly used to control pests that infest cultivated plants and crops or to eliminate disease-carrying insects in specific areas. | |
13 | 他的想法是:会有一大批有影响的人参加进来,一起去恳求交战国家的政府停止战争。 | The idea was that a large group of influential people would go together and plead with the warring governments to give up the war | |
14 | 肽链内切酶在多肽链或蛋白分子内部加速肽键水解的任何较大的酶群 | Any of a large group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of peptide bonds in the interior of a polypeptide chain or protein molecule. | |
15 | 退出或不参加某合约 | With draw from,or not enter into an agreement which applies to a large group | |
16 | 一大群抗议者聚集到了一起 | A large group of protesters have turned out. | |
17 | 一个数据库就是一大组存储起来的,集成的(可相互参照)的数据,通常它们被组织在文件中。 | A database is a large group of stored, integrated (cross-referenced)data usually organized in files. | |
18 | 由于确信教育重要,现代国家向各级学校"投资",并以获得大批可能成为领导者的知识青年男女的形式回收"利息"。 | Convinced of the importance of education, modern states ’invest’ in institutions of learning to get back’interest’ in the form of a large group of enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders. | |
19 | 原生动物大批单细胞的,通常要在显微镜下才能看到的真核细胞有机体中的任何一种,包括变形虫、纤毛虫和孢子虫 | Any of a large group of single-celled,usually microscopic,eukaryotic organisms,such as amoebas,ciliates,flagellates,and sporozoans. | |
20 | 在大庭广众之中,他并不引人注意。 | He would be unnoticed in any large group | |
21 | 在每个巨大的群体内,例如美国,还存在着许多子群体。 | Within every large group , such as the United States, there are many subgroups | |
22 | 众辱之曰:“信,能死,刺我;不能死,出我挎下。” | In presence of a large group of spectators, he went on with scorn, “Look here, Hsin, if you are not afraid of death, stab me; otherwise, go through under my legs.” | |
23 | 主要职责是指导孩子们分组活动,帮助准备午餐和点心,适时开展一些活动。 | My responsibilities included leading small and large group activities, helping with lunches and snacks, and implementing appropriate activities. | |
24 | 子囊菌:一大组真菌的一种,其特点是在子囊里有雌雄结合而产生的孢子。 | Ascomycete: any of various members of a large group of fungi characterized by the presence of sexually produced spores formed within an ascus. | |
25 | 美国疾控中心表示,完全接种疫苗的美国人无需继续佩戴口罩,除非是置身于大量人群当中。它还补充说,在某些情况下,即使未接种疫苗者也可以不戴口罩走出去。 | The CDC said fully vaccinated Americans do not need to continue covering their faces with masks unless they are in a large group of people. It added that even some unvaccinated people can go outside without masks in some situations. | |
26 | 即便如此,许多以英语为母语的成年人还是害怕在大众面前发言或演讲。 | Even so, many native English-speaking adults are afraid to speak or give presentations in front of a large group . | |
27 | 柯特:“更早被送到托儿所的孩子--通常指2岁半,以及进入儿童数量众多的托儿所的孩子,比没上过日托或小型日托的孩子感染率更低。” | SYLVANA COTE: "Children who started child care early -- that is, before two and a half years -- and who attended child care where there were a large group of children, they have lower rates of infections than children who either never went to day care or children who went to small-group day care." | |
28 | 一大群猩猩内讧时,就会产生恶性冲突。 | When a large group of chimps split, for instance, vicious intertribal conflict followed. | |
29 | ||最近,一大群抗议者袭击了美国驻巴格达大使馆的外围地区。||这次大使馆遇袭发生在美国空袭炸死真主旅25名战士之后,这支伊朗支持的民兵在伊拉克和叙利亚活动。美国称这是对一名美国承包商在伊拉克被炸死的报复。 | ||Recently, a large group of protesters attacked the outer edge of the U.||S. embassy in Baghdad. The embassy attack followed U.S. airstrikes that killed 25 Kataeb Hezbollah fighters, an Iranian-supported militia which operates in Iraq and Syria. The U.S. said it acted to answer the killing of an American defense contractor in Iraq. | |
30 | “你可能会吸引到规模庞大的一群人,因此要保持对很多人的相关性是一项挑战。” | "And you can potentially get a very large group of people, so staying relevant to a lot of people is a challenge. " |