属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-移民 政策为我们做了些什么?
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-川普的总统任期是否会推动全球民粹主义运动
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-血液检查确诊阿尔茨海默症取得早期进展
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-如何切断一国互联网?
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-研究人员探索对抗蛔虫感染的新途径
1 | 大量芽状突出物形成,并被脱出以获得微细胞。 | A larger number of budlike protuberances form and are pinched off to give microcells | |
2 | 决选名单(从多数人中挑出的少数候选人,以备从中选出所需的人,尤指应征职务者) | Short list( small number,esp of candidates for a job,selected from a larger number ,and from which the final selection is to be made) | |
3 | 球队的数目增加意味着某些规则必须改变。 | The larger number meant that some rules had to be changed. | |
4 | 选择这种人,左翼的当然要有,尽量少些,也要有点右的人,最好多选些中间的人。 | Of course, some of them should be on the Left, but as few as possible, some should be on the Right, and preferably a larger number should be middle-of-the-roaders. | |
5 | 在数据通信中把一个或多个信息流分成个数更多的信息流的过程。 | In data communications,the dividing of one or more information streams into a larger number of streams. | |
6 | 这时必须采用自然密度的滤光片或简单地减小光圈(选用较大的光圈数值)。 | Use a neutral-density filter or simply select a smaller aperture (larger number aperture setting)as necessary. | |
7 | ||1:两位作者指出一些政府服务的支出—尤其是例如国防支出等“纯公共”项目—与服务人数毫无关系,因此总体而言,政府在移民身上的此类开销为零。||2:如果要计算英国人均公共服务消费情况,因为移民的加入,这个数值应该还更低,因为分摊的人头数更大。 | ||1:The authors point out that the cost of some government services—in particular “pure public goods” such as defence spending—remains the same no matter what the population, so the overall cost of providing them to immigrants is zero.||2:Calculate the amount per person, and the price for Britons goes down as the number of immigrants rises, since the cost is shared between a larger number of individuals. | |
8 | 格雷文表示,法国国民阵线已经从中产阶级下层的政党更多地转变为一家工人阶级政党。他补充说,该党现在吸引了更多选民,包括前共产主义者和社会主义者。 | Greven said France’s National Front has moved on from being the party of the lower middle class to more of a working class party. It is now appealing to a larger number of voters, including former communists and socialists, he added. | |
9 | 马克·达拉斯(Mark Dallas)是英国雷丁大学的老师。他说:“如果它可以在大量人身上重复得到证实,那么这项检测就能让我们了解到与阿尔茨海默病有关的大脑变化。” | Mark Dallas is a teacher at Britain’s University of Reading. He said, "if (it) can be repeated in a larger number of people, this test will give us an insight into changes occurring in the brain that relate to Alzheimer’s disease." | |
10 | 美国是否也可能发生类似的互联网关闭事件呢?拉博维茨称,这种可能性相对较小,因为美国拥有大量的宽带供应商和数据中心。 | Could a similar Internet shutdown take place in the United States? Craig Labovitz says that is less of a possibility because of a larger number of Internet providers and data centers. | |
11 | 研究人员表示,有些人更容易感染蛔虫。但是研究人类代价不菲,因此研究人员使用具有同样感染几率的老鼠。当这些动物被感染时,进入它们肺部的寄生虫数量远远多于能够抵抗这种寄生虫的小鼠。 | Researchers have found that some people are more likely to be infected with roundworm than others. But it is costly to study humans, so researchers use mice that have the same chance of being infected.|| When these animals are infected, a larger number of the parasites enter their lungs than enter those of mice that are resistant to the parasites.|| | |
12 | 必须有更长的追踪时间与更多的病例来确定多孔性聚乙烯义眼经栓子植入后的并发症。 | A longer follow-up with a larger number of patients is required to determine the complications of the MCP-PPOI coupling system in humans. | |
13 | 不过,达沃斯可以自诩拥有来自更广泛企业的更多企业首脑。 | Nevertheless, Davos can boast a larger number of executives from a broader range of companies. | |
14 | 参与联合执业医师的人数增加; | a larger number of physicians in each group practice; | |
15 | 大批股票的禁售期将在今年结束,而明年甚至会有更大数量的股票变成流通股。 | The lock-up period for a large chunk of the shares ends this year and an even larger number become tradeable next year. | |
16 | 大数模幂算法的分析与研究 | Researching on Fast Modular Exponentiation of Larger- number with Large Exponents | |
17 | 大胃王公司的员工不到50人,然而,正如快速增长市场中的许多公司,它间接提供很大量就业岗位。 | BigBelly employs fewer than 50 people, but like many businesses in fast-growing markets it indirectly supports a much larger number of jobs. | |
18 | 但是,如果数据高度歪斜,那么就需要更多的容器(更小的分辨率),以确保数据不会太歪斜。 | However, if the data is highly skewed, then a larger number of bins (smaller resolution) are required to ensure the data is not too skewed. | |
19 | 对于电影公司而言,奥斯卡的这一新变化也许会导致他们步入一个怪圈。众多制片人将会视影片获奖潜力来安排他们的摄制工作以及媒体宣传。 | A possible pitfall for studios is that a larger number of filmmakers will see awards potential in their own work and press for campaigns. | |
20 | 分散发电利用了电网中大量的小型发电机。 | Distributed generation uses a larger number of smaller generators throughout the electricity network. | |
21 | 交换机可以互相连接,即所谓的菊花链方法,以将更多的设备添加到局域网。 | Switches can be connected to each other, a so-called daisy chaining method to add progressively larger number of devices to a LAN. | |
22 | 径向基网络作为分类器具有很高的推广性能,有利于大容量样本的分类。 | RBF network with high generalization is a good classifier, especially for larger number of samples. | |
23 | 可以预见,使用雅虎通进行视频聊天的用户数量,将远大于使用雅虎其他服务的用户数量。 | Video chat on Yahoo Messenger could bring this capability to a drastically larger number of users than any of these other services could. | |
24 | 另有一项提议指出,得有许多来自公认道德观的禁忌补充或者代替这些通则。 | On another, the general principles are supplemented or replaced by a larger number of prohibitions drawn from "common sense" morality. | |
25 | 如果使用更大数量的令牌,则对每个输出,令牌总数更可能接近于指定的50%。 | Using a larger number of tokens, it is far more likely that the total numbers will be much closer to the specified 50% for each output. | |
26 | 少数几个虚拟处理器服务大量客户机应用程序或查询。 | A small number of virtual processors serve a much larger number of client applications or queries. | |
27 | 使用较大数量的令牌可以得到更高的模拟准确率。 | Using a larger number of tokens results in a higher accuracy of the simulation. | |
28 | 数字越大,意味着公共政府部门越腐败。 | A larger number equates with a greater perception of corruption in the public sector. | |
29 | 随着货运量交易的上升,将会有很多船只需要破冰船的帮助。 | With the increase in freight turnover there will be a larger number of ships that will need icebreaker assistance. | |
30 | 通过这些基于短信的服务,谷歌能够触及到的潜在用户数量远比通过网络应用触及到的用户数量大得多。 | By focusing on SMS-based service, Google will be able to reach a far larger number of potential users than by working on web-based apps. |