属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-韩国音乐家 音乐外销成唯一出路
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文学 要太空望远镜吗?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文学 要太空望远镜吗?
1 | 白云纸业公司是如何开展清洁生产审核的 | How Does Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd Launch into of Cleaner Production Auditing | |
2 | 开始大肆挥霍 | Launch into expense(extravagance) | |
3 | 他利用这笔钱开始从事一新行业。 | He used the money to launch into a new business. | |
4 | 约25年前,它是从一个梦想开始的。我注视着谢泼德、格伦和格里索姆等我心目中的英雄爬进电话亭般大小的航天舱,然后在舱下烈火炎炎的火箭推动下进入太空。 | It started as a dream, some 25 years before. I watched my heroes with names like Shepard, Glenn and Grissom climb into phone-booth size capsules and then launch into space atop blazing rockets. | |
5 | ||1:摩门教徒如今开始积极地向外宣扬自己的教派了。||2:2010年,耶稣基督末日圣徒教会投资数百万美元举办了一场活动,试图来改变人们对摩门教的一些误解与偏见,这场活动自去年10月份开始可谓开展得如火如荼。||3:如今在美国十几个城市里你都可以看到路边的广告牌上印着形形色色的摩门教徒微笑地表示:“我是个摩门教徒。”他们都真实地生活在我们身边,有的人是律师,有的是科学家或冲浪者,观者们还可以从广告牌上了解到教会的网址。||4:好奇的群众不仅可以与传教士交谈以解心中疑惑,甚至可以翻阅8万名摩门教徒的个人简介,来了解这些和他们看上去一样的普通人的生活。||5:据摩门教会透露,去年通过这个活动,人们大约发起了1百万次聊天,聊天内容通常都是关于摩门教对同性恋者权利的观点,以及其它备受争议的敏感问题。||6:此活动自去年10月份以来,人们阅览了超过3万摩门教徒的个人资料。 | ||1: MORMONS are outing themselves. ||2: In 2010 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints launched a multi-million-dollar campaign to counter “misconceptions” about the religion, and last October it was vastly expanded. ||3: Billboards have now gone up in a dozen American cities, featuring real members. “I’m a Mormon,” say lawyers, scientists and surfers, smilingly directing viewers to the church website. ||4: There the curious can chat with a missionary, or browse some 80,000 profiles to find Mormons who are like them. ||5: Over the past year, according to the church, people have initiated about 1m chats via the site, often asking about the Mormon record on gay rights, or other controversial things. ||6: And since the launch of the October campaign there have been 30,000 more Mormon profiles to look at. | |
6 | ||1:首先,要找到一个可能有矿藏的小行星。||2:目前已探明的近地小行星约有9000颗,其中大部分是地面计划在寻找可能撞击地球的天体时探测到的。||3:从这个范围开始寻找是很好,但行星资源公司却有更远大的计划。||4:该公司打算在2014年耗资数百万美元发射一组小型太空望远镜,用于寻找容易到达的、能经常回到地球附近的小行星,以便常将所采矿物送回地球。 | ||1:The first thing is to locate a likely prospect.||2:At the moment, about 9,000 NEAs are known, most of them courtesy of ground-based programmes looking for bodies that might one day hit Earth.||3:That catalogue is a good start, but Planetary Resources plans to go further.||4:In 2014 it intends to launch, at a cost of a few million dollars, a set of small space telescopes whose purpose will be to seek out asteroids which are easy to get to and whose orbits return them to the vicinity of Earth often enough for the accumulated spoils of a mining operation to be downloaded at frequent intervals. | |
7 | 传统的韩国商业模式已由汽车制造商发展到极致,即先掌控国内市场,然后以此为跳板征服外国市场。而这个国家音乐人却将这个模式颠倒过来:不得不通过音乐出口来补贴国内的微薄收入。 | South Korea’s old business model, perfected by its carmakers, was to use a captive home market as a launch-pad from which to invade foreign shores. The country’s pop musicians have turned this model upside down: they have to export their tunes to make up for meagre pickings at home. | |
8 | 该方法的拥护者希望在NRO的助力下,WFIRST能在21世纪20年代发射。 | Advocates hope an NRO-powered WFIRST mission could launch in the early 2020s. | |
9 | 再比如去年退役的航天飞机,曾用来为空军发射卫星,当然用作执行科学任务的宣传工作做得也不差。 | And the Space Shuttle, which made its final flight last year, was used to launch satellites for the air force as well as carrying out its better-publicised scientific missions. | |
10 | 当波乐特去中国与公司旗下25家分店的员工见面的时候,他无法开口说中文。 | When he travels to China, where he meets with employees at the company’s 25 shops, he can’t launch into Mandarin. | |
11 | 菲亚特和广汽将合资打入的中国汽车市场竞争激烈,汽车制造商和品牌比美国还要多。 | The venture with GAC will launch into an intensely competitive market with more automakers and brands than America’s. | |
12 | 据韩联社报道,搭乘“罗老”号运载火箭升空的韩国卫星在未能进入预定轨道后,已经坠入地球大气层并有可能烧毁。 | The ROK said the satellite it attempted to launch into orbit Tuesday probably burned up in the atmosphere after falling back toward earth. | |
13 | 如果有必要,中国可以很容易地按国际空间站的倾角发射。 | And yes, if necessary, the Chinese could easily launch into the same inclination as the ISS. | |
14 | 推进剂将在发射至入轨时期被用于航天飞机的三个主引擎。 | The propellants are used by the shuttle’s three main engines during the launch into orbit. | |
15 | 因此,当格林伯格决定开设一个全新的业务,没有人提出质疑。 | Hence, when Mr Greenberg decided to launch into a whole new business in 1986 no one raised an eyebrow. | |
16 | 运行sudominicom-s命令,作为根用户启动设置过程。 | Launch into setup as root by running the command sudo minicom -s. | |
17 | 在开始对此实践进行检验之前,我们需要一些关于什么时候使用它的背景知识。 | Before we launch into an examination of this practice, we need some background on when to use it. | |
18 | 在苹果,他可以通过绝佳的保密措施把产品发布会做成一件媒体盛事。 | At Apple, he used secrecy to turn every new product launch into a media event. | |
19 | 在我开始对这个问题给出我自己的意见以前,让我先引述一些关键的概念。 | Before I launch into my own views on the issue, let me quote a few key ideas. | |
20 | 在我们开始详细讨论TCF组件之前,先花点时间来回顾一下TCF体系结构。 | Before we launch into a detailed discussion of TCF’s components, we’ll take a moment to review the TCF architecture. | |
21 | 这会将发现号的发射日期推迟到四月。 | That would bump the shuttle launch into April. | |
22 | 这是1990年4月24日,美国航天局飞行中心总工程师迈克怀斯在观看哈勃天文望远镜发射到太空的情景。 | It’s April 24th, 1990 and at America’s NASA Flight Center Chief Engineer Mike Wise is watching the Hubble Telescope launch into space. |