属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-绿色乱局 Tangled Up in Green Ta
1 | “如果我们要想确保到下一个中国农历虎年--2010年时老虎在野生状态下仍然存在,我们就一刻也不能放松,” | We cannot let up for one moment i9f we are to ensure that tigers will still exist in the wild by the next Chinese Year of the Tiger in 2010, | |
2 | 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。 | There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. | |
3 | 不攻占突尼斯城我们决不停止也决不松劲。 | We will not stop or let up till tunis has been captured | |
4 | 对港务集团来说,调整价格固然重要,保持高效率的服务水平仍不可放松。 | Granted that it is important for PSA to adjust its fees, there must be no let-up on preserving its good service. | |
5 | 那就让我们提防自欺行为吧。 | Let up then beware of self-deception. | |
6 | 你为什么不能较宽容地对待这个可怜的孩子呢? | Why don’t you let up on the poor child? | |
7 | 让风筝随风升高 | Let up a kite with the wind | |
8 | 若这种乱象不能加以抑止,则保险公司每年至少要有10%以上的保费收入年成长,才有办法收支打平,即使在通货膨胀相对温和的状况下也是如此。 | Seeing no let-up in either trend, we continue to believe that the industry’s revenues must grow at about 10% annually for it to just hold its own in terms of profitability, even though general inflation may be running at a considerably lower rate. | |
9 | 他们没有松劲 | Didn’t let up in their efforts. | |
10 | 我们的目标既然快实现了,就不能松懈下来。 | We mustnt let up now that we have nearly achieved our objective | |
11 | 我们干了一个通宵,直到场上所有的麦子全部脱好粒才住手。 | We worked the whole night and never let up until all the wheat on the ground was threshed | |
12 | 我们即使快赢了也决不可松劲。 | We mustn’t let up ,even though we’re winning. | |
13 | 我知道要是她不尽快地打住,我会跟她发火的。 | I know if she doesn’t let up soon, I’m going to blow up at her | |
14 | 雨开始收小了。 | The rain is beginning to let up . | |
15 | 雨什么时候才能小些? | Will the rain ever let up ? | |
16 | 雨停下来了 | The rain let up . | |
17 | 在考试前对你的学生要求不严是不明智的。 | Its unwise to let up your students just before the examination | |
18 | ||1:FLIPBOARD 和它的竞争对手都向其使用者提供个性化数字杂志服务,允许读者从众多电子刊物中进行选择,这些刊物包括杂志,报纸,FACEBOOK和TWITTER上的博客文章。||2:在网上,有些类似于“大杂烩”式的网站,向读者提供免费下载服务,但他们没有自己的原创内容。||3:迄今为止数字报刊平台并不能给出版商带来多少利润,出版商们必须提供免费新闻(至少是几个连接其主页的新闻链接)以期吸引更多的读者。||4:与充斥着大量网站链接和阴茎增大广告的网站相比,数字媒体平台更纯净,更时尚,也更好用。||5:有的数字平台已开始加入了一些简洁高端的广告,与商家实现共赢。 | ||1:Flipboard and its rivals let users create a personalised digital magazine from a mix of sources, which can include magazines, newspapers, blogs and articles posted by their contacts on Facebook or Twitter. ||2:On the web, similar “aggregator” sites, personalised or not, have a bad name as freeloaders that create no content of their own. ||3:And the app versions have been of dubious benefit thus far to publishers, which must provide their stories free (or at least the first few lines, with a link to their websites) in return for the vague hope of getting more readers. ||4:But compared with a website cluttered with links and ads for penis enlargement, the apps are clean, stylish and nice to use. ||5:And some have started carrying glossy, high-end ads and sharing the revenue with publishers. | |
19 | ||1:德国的抗议活动(在法兰克福的欧洲中央银行大楼下支起了一个小型帐篷城)的参与者多来自中产阶级,而且目标更加集中。||2:他们引发了一场就该国全能银行迟来的辩论。||3: 20多岁的Wolfram Siener在电视辩论中打败了两位著名的金融界人士。 ||4: 财政部长Wolfgang Sch?uble认为应该认真对待此次抗议活动。 ||5: 在野党社会民主党党首Sigmar Gabriel(2009年10月份之前他一直在政府就职)认为银行和金融市场“极力破坏公共利益”,因为是受政客们所使。 ||6: 长期的,全球化组织Attac Deutschland参加了“占领法兰克福”运动。他们希望对富人和银行利润征税,解散大银行。 | ||1: Protests in Germany (where a small tent city now nestles under the shadow of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt) are more middle-class and even more focused. ||2: They have unleashed an overdue debate on the country’s universal banks. ||3: A 20-year-old called Wolfram Siener bested two leading financiers on television. ||4: Wolfgang Sch?uble, the finance minister, said the protests should be taken seriously. ||5: Sigmar Gabriel, leader of the opposition Social Democrats, said banks and the financial markets had worked “massively against the common good”—because politicians let them. (He was in government until October 2009.) ||6: Attac Deutschland, a longer-standing anti-globalisation group, joined up with Occupy Frankfurt. They want to tax wealth and bank profits, and to break up big banks. | |
20 | ||1:更糟糕的是,官僚主义和法院让这些政策在不可预知和不确定的情况下进行修改和制定。||2:这些污染控制政策让企业付出了更多的成本使这个行业的风险大大提高,更不用说那些新建的发电站了。||3:一家大型能源企业PSEG的老板拉尔夫?伊佐介绍说,他的公司在90年代因天然气发电厂的建设中损失了数百万美元,部分原因在于他们最初过高估计了环保总署的标准制定,使他们的大量投入到最后证明并不需要那么多。 | ||1:Perhaps even worse, from the utilities’ point of view, is the unpredictable and inconclusive manner in which rules are proposed, modified, rescinded and reinstated by the bureaucracy and the courts.||2:This can make investment in pollution-control gear, let alone new power plants, an especially risky business.||3:Ralph Izzo, the boss of PSEG, a big power-provider, describes how his firm lost millions in the 1990s building natural-gas plants that were not in the end needed, in part because some of the EPA’s standards ended up more lenient than originally anticipated. | |
21 | ||1:田纳西州的这个法案并不罕见:自2004年起,至少13个州中有人向立法机构提出类似的法案,除田纳西州外只有1个州的法案正式生效。||2:这些法案中的大部分,包括田纳西州的,都有一个共同起源:由探索研究所撰写并发布的《关于进化论的学术自由法规范》。||3:探索研究所这个立场保守的智囊长久以来都是宣扬智慧设计论的。||4:这个法规保护了老师和学生提出、倾听“关于生物和化学进化论的所有科学观点”的权利,但并没怎么落实。||5:法规并没有改变学校的课程,也没有明确地为创世说或智慧设计论进行游说。||6:路易斯安娜州的法案生效已将近4年,却似乎没什么明显效果。||7:相反,这些法案看来在传达信息方面尤有成效,它们让进化论怀疑者在恰当的场所表达了自己意见。||8:所谓恰当,即法律之内,课堂之外。 | ||1:Tennessee’s bill is not unusual: since 2004 similar measures have been offered in no fewer than 13 state legislatures.||2:Only in one other state has one become law.||3:Many such bills, including Tennessee’s, share a common parent: a “Model Academic Freedom Statute on Evolution” written and posted by the Discovery Institute, a conservative think-tank that has long advocated intelligent design.||4:This measure protects teachers’ and students’ rights to present and hear “the full range of scientific views regarding biological and chemical evolution,” but it does little in practice.||5:It changes no curriculum and does not expressly lobby for creationism or intelligent design.||6:Louisiana’s measure, which has been law for nearly four years, seems to have had no discernible effects.||7:Instead, these bills seem a particularly successful bit of signalling.||8:They let evolution sceptics express themselves in the right place: within the law and outside the classroom. | |
22 | ||1:最近爆发的袭击事件也凸显了另一个令人担忧的模式。||2:费祖莱被提前释放出狱;德累斯顿事件的嫌犯在发动袭击的五天之前才被释放。这反映了反恐政策的普遍失败。事实上,费祖莱完成了一次显然并不成功的去极端化改造。||3:“在许多欧洲国家,当务之急是把人关起来,”伦敦国王学院的彼得·纽曼说,“然后就忘掉了他们,而许多人在监狱里会变得更加激进。” | ||1: The recent attacks also highlight another worrying pattern. ||2: Mr Fejzulaiwas let out of prison early; the Dresden suspect had been released only five days before his attack. That reflects a wider failure of counter- terrorism policy, as does the fact that Mr Fejzulai had completed a deradicalisation programme that was evidently unsuccessful. ||3: “In many European countries the priority was to get people locked up,” says Peter Neumann of King’s College London, “and then to forget about them, with many becoming further radicalised in prison.” | |
23 | 20国集团(G20)行动方案的落实正不断取得进展,我们千万不能松劲。 | Progress is being made on the implementation of the Group of 20 action plan and we must not let up in our efforts. | |
24 | 比赛中她遥遥领先,因此她完全可以放松点。 | In the race she was so far ahead that she could afford to let up a bit. | |
25 | 别指望这一迅猛势头会很快放慢下来。 | Don’t expect the action to let up soon. | |
26 | 不幸地,去年通货膨胀使卢比贬值超过15%。并且由于印刷新钞的作用这种趋势还没看见有停下来的迹象。 | Unfortunately inflation has robbed money of over 15% of its value in the past year, and no let-up is in sight for the new notes. | |
27 | 乘飞机旅行的需求并没有下降,但利润却令投资者泄气。 | FRUSTRATING as air travel might be for the average punter, there is no let-up in demand. | |
28 | 但迄今为止,尽管官方谈到泡沫问题,但房地产贷款增长放缓迹象仍相当少见。 | But there are few signs, as yet, of a let-up in property loans, in spite of official murmurings of a bubble. | |
29 | 但是工人们自己并没有放弃传播信息的努力。 | The workers’ own communications effort, however, never let up . | |
30 | 当我们从她在贝福德大街的办公室去鸽子广场时,她在想什么?所有的迹象都是恼人的模棱两可。 | The questions did not let up . What did Chloe think as we made our way to Trafalgar Square from her office in Bedford Street? |