属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-医生的笔迹 注意你笔下的字
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1 | “然而,有些男医生可能会从这方面的一些培训中获益。” | "”However, it’s possible that some male doctors might benefit from a little extra training on this issue.”" | |
2 | 插入它的复制本,不费多大力量就能使所有文件夹保持完整。 | By insertion of photocopiesall folders can be maintained complete with little extra effort | |
3 | 但是,如果您想让行政助理来输入数据或让公司管理人员来生成他们自己的报表,那么,一开始就要额外花点时间来创建可靠的数据库应用程序,这样可以省去以后的许多工作。 | But if you expect an administrative assistant to enter data or your company′s executives to generate their own reports, spending a little extra time in the beginning to create a solid database application will save a lot of work later. | |
4 | 格林说:“这一点对于给小费来说也很重要。对于接你的出租车司机和为你服务的服务员,你不得不给一点额外的小费。 | "”That’s also a point of tipping,” Green says. “You have to give a little extra to the cab driver for being there to pick you up and something to the waiter for being there to serve you." | |
5 | 即便微小仍然会给您和爱车带来巨大的变化,而对扭矩极为敏感的可变M差速锁将会在需要牵引的关键时刻发挥作用。 | A little extra traction can make all the difference, and the torque-sensitive, variable M differential lock identifies exactly when traction is needed. | |
6 | 人全贪小利的:‘不痴不聋,不作阿家翁,’就算了罢。 | Everyone’s always out for a little extra , and as they say, Unless you’re deaf or obtuse, you’ll never do as head of the house,’ so I might as well just forget it | |
7 | 问题在于他们做的是危险的工作却享受很少的奖励。 | The problem is that they receive too little extra pay for doing dangerous jobs. | |
8 | 由于煤田分布广,第二次世界大战期间又几乎没受到什么破坏,所以波兰无需增加多少额外成本就能提高煤产量。 | As the coal-fields were hardly damaged in the last world war and are very extensive, Poland can probably increase her production at little extra cost. | |
9 | 只是给点工资,解决点房子,就很乐意干,在生产上发挥了很好的作用。 | They are ready to accept work that brings them a little extra income and a few rooms to live in, and they have played an important role in increasing production. | |
10 | ||1:参与该调查的医生,很少特意改变行为和画蛇添足,虽然在涉及癌症,精神病,药物滥用和肥胖等问题时,确实有部分医生会换个写法。||2:该调查的作者之一汤姆·德百考称,对于FLK和另外的医学俚语,“好医生不是给事情定义,而是描述事情。” | ||1:The doctors who took part reported little change in their behaviour and little extra work, though some did alter the way they wrote about charged topics such as cancer, mental health, substance abuse and obesity.||2:As for FLK and other medics’ slang, Tom Delbanco, one of the study’s authors, says: “Good doctors don’t label things; good doctors describe things.” | |
11 | ||1:哈佛经济学家马丁·费尔德斯坦指出,1986年美国将税率上限由50%下调至28%,与之相应的富人应税收入也作出等额调整,总税收与往年持平。||2:这就意味着提高税率上限可能不会带来多少额外收益,反倒进一步扭曲经济行为。||3:但是,还有一些经济学家认为,对应税收入的调整主要是应富人的需求--他们通过调整获取收入的时间与方式,使赋税达到最低。||4:举例来说,1993年税率上升后,应税收入大幅下降;这很大程度上是因为一些富人此前赶着在税率调高前兑现股票期权。 | ||1:Martin Feldstein, a Harvard economist, found that the taxable income of the rich adjusted dollar-for-dollar with tax rates when America cut its highest tax rate from 50% to 28% in 1986, so that tax revenues stayed the same.||2:This would suggest that raising top tax rates is likely to produce little extra revenue, while distorting economic behaviour further.||3:But others have found that this adjustment in taxable income is driven largely by people altering when and how they take their income in order to minimise their tax burden.||4:For instance, there was a big fall in taxable income after tax rates rose in 1993; but most of this seems to have come from a few rich people hurrying to cash in their stock options before taxes rose. | |
12 | 购买一本电子书比租用一本的花费更多,然而带来的收益增加却相当微小。 | buying an e-book costs more than renting one but offers little extra value. | |
13 | 在收益相当的那些年,一些慷慨的客户还会给点小费,来奖励他们的良好表现,因此有些律师能得到更多。 | In banner years, some even got more, as grateful clients tipped them a little extra for a job well done. | |
14 | 这对出版商而言却很尴尬。购买一本电子书比租用一本的花费更多,然而带来的收益增加却相当微小。你不能把电子书二次售出或是借给朋友,甚至不能将它烧了以取暖。如果你想重复品味一本书,那么拥有一本书是非常好的,但谁愿意读第二遍《格雷的50道阴影》? | Awkwardly for publishers, buying an e-book costs more than renting one but offers little extra value. You cannot resell it, lend it to a friend or burn it to stay warm. Owning a book is useful if you want to savour it repeatedly, but who reads "Fifty Shades of Grey" twice? | |
15 | “我还可以帮忙出一点多余的钱,”他说,这引起现场一阵掌声。 | "I could use a little extra cash, " he said, prompting a round of applause. | |
16 | 11月6日,联合政府试图通过一点额外开支来解决其内部最好争吵的三个成员之间的争执。 | On November 6th the coalition sought to patch up disputes among its three quarrelsome members with a little extra spending. | |
17 | Molden称,在非洲的许多地区,要使谷物产量翻番可能只需多消耗很少的水。 | It would take little extra water to double cereal output in many parts of Africa, Mr Molden argues. | |
18 | 不过出于实用的目的,您可以用非常少的额外代码来完成同样的事情。 | But for practical purposes, you can accomplish the same thing with very little extra code. This is what scheduler() looked like | |
19 | 不幸的是,睡眠的被剥夺有一些副作用不是单靠一点额外的咖啡因就能矫治的。 | Unfortunately, sleep deprivation has some side effects and they can’t all be remedied with a little extra caffeine. | |
20 | 此外,大部分人更加看重现金储蓄,所以他们更愿意多花一点儿时间,多省一点儿钱。 | And most people value cash savings more, so they are more willing to spend a little extra time to save a few more dollars. | |
21 | 此外,我的建议,是如果必要的话,使用红色的手电筒给自己些额外的光线。 | A further hint is to use red torches to give yourself a little extra light if needed. | |
22 | 大多数人打开台灯的时候,通常是为了获得一些额外照明。 | WHEN most people switch on a desk lamp, they usually want a little extra illumination. | |
23 | 但是,如果将上述INSERT语句嵌入到一个包含一点额外逻辑的SQL存储过程中,就可以解决这个问题。 | However, they can be resolved if you embed the INSERT statements above in an SQL stored procedure with a little extra logic. | |
24 | 当你以后遇到真诚可爱、善良的男人或女人时给他们一点额外的时间、关心和体谅。 | The next time you meet a genuinely nice, good-hearted man or woman, choose to give them a little extra time, attention, and consideration. | |
25 | 当你在半途中需要一点点额外的推力,这首激动人心的歌曲是最好的。 | This heart-pumping song is perfect when you need a little extra boost in the middle of your run. | |
26 | 当然你可以用更少的时间来准备,不过给疾病,假期或者是杂事留点时间是不会错的。 | You can train for it in less time, however, it helps to have a little extra time in case of illness, vacation, or life’s chaos. | |
27 | 对于接你的出租车司机和为你服务的服务员,你不得不给一点额外的小费。 | You have to give a little extra to the cab driver for being there to pick you up and something to the waiter for being there to serve you. | |
28 | 俄罗斯经营不善,债务横流的天然气业的承载能力几乎无法提高。 | Russia’s ill-run and debt-ridden gas industry has little extra capacity. | |
29 | 很多管理者发现,把时间定得长宽绰一点很实用,以防误工和出现意外。 | Many managers find it useful to pad schedules with a little extra time here and there to allow for unanticipated problems or delays. | |
30 | 尽管体重小小的增加并不是什么大问题,但是许多美国人对这个增加量很放得开,以至于最终危害到了他们的健康。 | Although a little extra heft is no big deal, many Americans are so ample that it ruins their health. |