属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 开放不再,繁荣落幕(4)
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-飓风艾琳席卷美国东北部
1 | (使某物)耗尽能源或失去作用 | (cause sth to)lose power or stop functioning | |
2 | 为追求权力而失去自由,为追求统治别人的权力而失去自身的权力,这是一种不可思议的欲望。英国哲学家培根 | It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty, or to seek power over others and to lose power over a man’s self.--Francis Bacon, British Philosopher | |
3 | ||1:这本书以乐观的口吻结束。||2:民粹主义的煽动者们最终下台,因为他们治理无能。||3:数下来,其中有十分之四最终被指控犯有贪污罪。||4:公民习惯了改变,今天的美国穆斯林对同性恋的宽容程度与2006年美国的总体水平一样。||5:诺伯格总结说,开放的社会“可能会被拯救”。 | ||1:The book ends on an optimistic note.||2:Populist demagogues eventually lose power because they are hopeless at governing.||3:Four in ten wind up being indicted for corruption, by one count.||4:Citizens get used to change: today American Muslims are as tolerant of homosexuals as the country was overall in 2006.||5:The open society “may yet be saved”, Mr Norberg concludes. | |
4 | 艾琳带来的狂风和洪水毁坏了电力线路,造成约400万人断电。风暴过后数日,仍有几十万人没有恢复供电。 | High winds and flooding from Irene brought down electrical lines, causing about four million people to lose power . Days after the storm, hundreds of thousands were still without electricity. | |
5 | 不过,如果这个制度允许执政党丧失政权,那么它对中国当代官僚的吸引力将大打折扣。 | But if the system allows the ruling party to lose power then it becomes a lot less palatable to the modern-day Mandarins. | |
6 | 据民意调查的数据显示,工党有被反对党,自由党-国家党联盟,击败的可能,结束其仅仅一个任期的执政。 | Opinion polls suggest that Labor may lose power , after just one term, to the opposition Liberal-National coalition. | |
7 | 频率越高,能传输的数据量越大,但相同距离下能量损失得越快。 | Higher frequencies can carry more data, but lose power rapidly over distance. | |
8 | 人民民主党不大可能很快失去权势,这要感谢它复杂的资助网络。 | The PDP is unlikely to lose power soon, thanks to its elaborate network of patronage. | |
9 | 如果银行计算机在转移资金时掉电,导致交易丢失,您就不会是个快乐的客户了。 | If the bank’s computers lose power when transferring your funds, you won’t be a happy customer if the transaction is lost. | |
10 | 一些人反对他们,因为他们眼睁睁地失去权力或特权。 | Some oppose them because they stand to lose power or perks. | |
11 | 掌握╱夺取╱失掉政权 | to take/seize/lose power |