1 | ||1:Uniqlo的营销策略与Zara差别非常大。||2:鉴于竞争对手西班牙公司对时尚的追求唯恐错失时机,优衣库公司凭借着高质量、低价位服装的大规模生产,比如羊毛衫和牛仔裤,一年四季里产品销路不断。||3:但是,优衣库还远没有实现品牌国际化。||4: 据摩根士丹利东京分析师Yukimi Oda分析,日本迅销公司(Fast Retailing)——优衣库品牌持有人——其销售额是两个最大竞争对手(印第纺织和瑞典H&M集团)的百分之六十,但营业利润仅是其规模的三分之一。 ||5: Yukimi Oda女士预测,优衣库服饰在亚洲区扩大规模将会促进盈利。 ||6:她预期明年优衣库在中国的零售店数量将超过Zara和H&M的零售店,一如其在韩国已落实的情况。 | ||1: Uniqlo’s approach is quite different from Zara’s. ||2: Whereas the Spanish firm chases every fleeting fashion, Uniqlo relies on large volumes of high-quality, cheap items, such as fleeces and jeans, that last all season. ||3: But it is far less global. ||4: According to Yukimi Oda of Morgan Stanley MUFG in Tokyo, sales of Fast Retailing, Uniqlo’s parent, are about 60% of those of its two biggest rivals, Inditex and H&M of Sweden, but operating profits are only a third the size. ||5: Ms Oda reckons more scale in Asia will bolster margins. ||6: Next year she expects Uniqlo’s number of stores in China to surge ahead of Zara’s and H&M’s, as they have done already in South Korea. | |
2 | ||1:而且羽管键琴的演奏也容易流于低俗。||2:不管是电灯照明,或是浮华的发音,抑或旅馆的自助早餐,还是贝多芬的第九交响乐里(“那首《欢乐颂》,简直是低俗的代表!再看看歌词!幼稚极了!”),莱昂哈特一直小心翼翼,让自己远离低俗。||3:他自己的行为举止都带有一种高雅的礼貌,就好像他来自于过去的时代,给人感觉莱昂哈特就算开他自己的那辆快得让人乍舌的阿尔法?罗密欧去兜风,最后可能也会落得迷路下场,而且他会借助星星而不是导航器的指引找到家。 | ||1:It would also have been vulgar.||2:Mr Leonhardt was ever on the watch for that, whether in the form of electric lighting, or showy articulation, or hotel breakfast buffets, or Beethoven’s Ninth.||3: (“That ‘Ode to Joy’, talk about vulgarity! And the text! Completely puerile!”) His own manners were exquisitely courteous; he seemed to have stepped from the past, and even a shockingly fast drive in his Alfa Romeo might end with Mr Leonhardt, lost, finding his way home not by sat-nav but the stars. | |
3 | ||1:根据2010年的美国人口统计,西班牙裔美国人占美国总人口的16%。||2:这群人人口增长速度很快,尽管他们当中相对较大比例的人的年龄低于投票年龄,甚至当中有投票权的人,对投票这件事也不如非拉丁裔白人那么积极。||3:但在一些选情摇摆不定的州里,他们占据了超过总人口数的20%,这些州包括科罗拉多州,佛罗里达州,内华达州和新墨西哥州。||4:民主党希望今年把亚利桑那州变成一个摇摆州,因为这里西班牙裔美国人占本地人口的30%,同时这里西班牙裔人对本州的移民法律极其不满。||5:最近的一项民调显示,奥巴马在亚利桑那州的支持率只落后罗姆尼不到2%,很大程度上因为麦凯恩2008年竞选总统,这里直到最近都曾是共和党的坚垒。 | ||1: Hispanics made up 16% of the population in 2010, according to that year’s census. ||2: They are a fast-growing group, although a relatively large proportion of them are below voting age and even those eligible to vote are less assiduous about it than Anglos are. ||3: But they account for over 20% of the population in several swing states, including Colorado, Florida, Nevada and New Mexico. ||4: Democrats hope to make Arizona a swing state this year, thanks both to the 30% Hispanic share of the local population and to the acrimony inspired by the state’s immigration law. ||5: A recent poll put Mr Obama within two points of Mr Romney in the state, which has been a Republican stronghold recently—not least because of Mr McCain’s candidacy in 2008. | |
4 | ||1:与此同时,塔纳资本愈发重视投资日益繁荣的消费品和农产品行业。同时,也在慢慢涉足建筑材料领域、健康领域和教育界。||2:娜塔丽珍,这位家族的发言人声称,家族获得的资金会投资到这些行业中。||3:除此之外,基础设施和能源领域是作为撒哈拉沙漠南部最热门的行业,海默家族也在考量着对这两个领域进行投资。||4:据说,尼克四处打探消息,寻找可以投钱的最佳场所。 | ||1: At the moment, Tana is focused on fast-moving consumer goods and agriculture, and to a lesser extent on building materials, health and education. ||2: The new money could go into any or all of these areas, says James Teeger, a family spokesman. ||3: And the Oppenheimers may also look at infrastructure and energy, two of the hottest businesses south of the Sahara. ||4: Nicky Oppenheimer is said to be furiously jetting around looking for shrewd places to inject his cash. | |
5 | 然而,弗洛伊德的潜意识指活动强烈的幽闭区域,充满了压抑的记忆和对自己父母不适当的性幻想,不同于这点的是,现代潜意识指一种能进行超快速的数据处理、 | However, unlike Freud’s unconscious (a hot, claustrophobic place full of repressed memories and inappropriate sexual fantasies about one’s parents) the modern unconscious is a place of super-fast data processing, | |
6 | 船尾台,请把拖轮拖缆带上绞缆机并在右舿挽牢。 | Utopia Aft Station. Take tug’s towing line to capstan then make fast on starboard quarter. Utopia | |
7 | 同时为了快速钻井和保护储层,大幅度降低综合钻井成本,制定了配套的储层保护钻井液完井液技术措施。 | In order to make fast drilling, protect the reservoir and reduce the cost, an optimized drilling fluid technique is recommended. | |
8 | 一定时间内帧数更多会让体育节目及动作电影中的快速移动画面看上去更为流畅。 | More frames in a given time make fast -moving images in sports programs and action movies look seamless. |