属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
1 | 1963年民权人士行军到首都华盛顿特区以支持民权立法,运动达到高潮。 | Their efforts culminated in a march on Washington, D.C., in 1963 to support civil rights legislation. | |
2 | 抢先一步, 巧妙地先发制人 | steal [get] a march on sb. | |
3 | 人生的旅程固然坎坷不平,祝愿你脚踏实地,百尺竿头,更进一步。 | True, life’s journey is full of frustrations,but I hope you will march on steadily, and make still greater progress. | |
4 | 事实真相是:因为我们一声不响地抢在了你们的前面,所以,你们恼羞成怒了。 | The truth is, you’re pissed off because we stole a march on you | |
5 | 他的文章滔滔不绝,稳健有力,紧密细致。 | His pages march on , direct and circumstantial | |
6 | 他命令我们这天夜里继续前进。 | He ordered that we march on that night. | |
7 | 偷偷地抢在对手的前头,占先,先发制人. | steal a march on a rival | |
8 | 偷偷地抢在某人之前. | Steal a march(on sb) | |
9 | 向巴黎前进. | march on Paris | |
10 | 向华盛顿的进军 | The march on Washington. | |
11 | 游行队伍步行往中环,引来大批围观市民,他们当中不少更中途加入游行。 | The procession marched towards Central amid rows of onlookers, many of whom joined the march on the spur of the moment. | |
12 | 在军队里曾经有过这样一些意见,说是不要休整,不要喘气,就是要一往无前,要尽打,那事实上不可能,人是要睡觉的。 | There was once the view in the army that rest and consolidation were dispensable, that a respite was unnecessary and that what was necessary was to march on and fight all the time, which, as a matter of fact, is impossible. Men must sleep | |
13 | 政府部门本来打算把所有工人的加薪幅度限制在一个合理的水平上,但是几个行业工会抢先一步,在新的法规出台之前就获得了大幅度的加薪。 | The Government had intended to limit the wage increases of all workers to a reasonable amount, but several trade unions got a march on them by receiving very large increases before the new laws came into existence. | |
14 | 中国总是要前进的。 | Whatever happens, China will march on . | |
15 | ||1:Osbron先生正在准备秋季演说,而之前的预计也让他感到不太舒服。||2:虽然这次演说中会公布支出和税收变化以及3月份削减的额度,但他想让别人明白他不会把这次演说当成一次“财政事件”,归根到底,这是一次政治化决策。||3:财政部长会编织出一系列的小型和低成本措施,比如说帮助一些信用良好的小型企业制定一个连贯的增值计划。||4:的确可能有些老生常谈了,不过这就是摆在英国面前的现实问题。 | ||1: This leaves Mr Osborne in an uncomfortable position as he prepares his autumn statement. ||2: He has made it clear that he does not regard it as a “fiscal event” where spending and tax changes are announced; that will be saved for the budget in March. But it is a political set-piece all the same. ||3: So the chancellor will try to knit together a variety of small, fairly cheap policy strands, such as measures to help small businesses with credit, into a coherent growth strategy. ||4: Given the unfolding catastrophe on Britain’s doorstep, it is likely to look threadbare. | |
16 | ||1:不过,比起让人们奉献时间来编辑百科,让人们捐钱以维持其运行比更容易。||2:2006年,英语维基百科文章月环比增长为5%。但过去的两年里,这一数据却一直保持在1%。||3:更糟的是,维基百科担心如果没有纠正环节,到明年年中,活跃编辑的数量将下降到80000(今年三月时是90000)。 | ||1:But raising cash to keep Wikipedia running is an easier task than getting people to donate time.||2:Month-on-month article growth in the English Wikipedia was as high as 5% in 2006 but has stayed stubbornly at 1% for the past two years.||3:Worse, Wikipedia fears that without remedial steps, the number of active editors will decline to below 80,000 by the middle of next year (in March, the figure was 90,000). | |
17 | ||1:意大利的情况不同。||2:当地银行不需要政府纾困。||3:实际上意大利经济已经十多年都停滞不前,人们对于缺少发展机会表示愤恨,意大利年轻人的不满则更是因此不满。||4:但这并不是暴力活动的原因。||5:成年上万的人在罗马市中心和平游行几分钟后,一些头戴面具的抗议者们就抢劫了一家超市,践踏了一所教堂,烧毁了车辆,在一大教堂附近的广场上同警察产生冲突。||6:一个放置在银行外面的土炸弹把一个试图将其运走的和平示威者炸成重伤。||7:意大利内政部长Roberto Maroni说的很正确,这些冲突可能是致命的。||8:一个被抗议者点燃后爆炸的装甲小货车险些夺走了一个制止暴乱的警察小分队的人的性命。 | ||1:Italy is very different.||2:Banks there have not needed bailing out.||3:Discontent among young Italians stems rather from burning resentment at the lack of opportunity in an economy that has been at a virtual standstill for more than ten years.||4:But that does not explain the violence.||5:Minutes after the start of a peaceful march by several tens of thousands through the centre of Rome, masked protesters looted a supermarket, defiled a church, set cars alight and battled police in a square near a cathedral.||6:A crude bomb planted outside a bank badly injured a peaceful protester who tried to move it to safety.||7:Italy’s interior minister, Roberto Maroni, rightly noted that the clashes could have been lethal.||8:A detachment of riot police narrowly escaped from an armoured van that was set alight by the protesters and exploded. | |
18 | ||1:这场衰退有可能限制公共财政支出。||2:2011-12财政年度的前7个月统计数据显示政府已经大致完成其借款目标——1220亿英镑。||3:自3月以来,获得失业金的人数每月都在上升。||4:血多经济学家认为独立的财政监督——预算责任部会对中期经济前景会有更低的预期。||5:经济会发挥到最大潜力而且大部分赤字是结构性的,这意味着更少的预算赤字会坏账赖账。 | ||1:Yet the likely recession will strain public finances.||2:Figures for the first seven months of the financial year suggest that the government is roughly on track to meet its borrowing target of £122 billion (around 8% of GDP) for 2011-12.||3:Yet the number of people claiming unemployment benefit has risen each month since March (see chart).||4:Many economists believe the Office for Budget Responsibility, the independent fiscal watchdog, will take a dimmer view of the economy’s medium-term prospects.||5:That would imply less of the budget deficit will be eroded as the economy expands to its full potential, and that more of it is therefore structural. | |
19 | 雅芳从未真正恢复。2009年3月,钟彬娴开始公司成立以来最大的招聘活动并且将营销预算将近翻了一番。她在全球金融危机中看到打败竞争对手的商机,但是却失败了。 | Avon never really recovered. In March 2009 Ms Jung launched the biggest hiring drive in the company’s history and nearly doubled the marketing budget. She saw in the global economic crisis a chance to overtake Avon’s rivals. It didn’t work. | |
20 | “继续前行”,美藉黎巴嫩裔哲学家和诗人纪伯伦(KhalilGibran)写道:“不用畏惧人生途中的棘刺与利石”。 | "MARCH on , " wrote the Lebanese-American philosopher and poet Khalil Gibran, "and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life’s path. " | |
21 | 2003年提勒被指控进行了19次非法堕胎手术,他在三月份获得无罪开释。 | He was acquitted in March on charges that he performed 19 illegal abortions in 2003. | |
22 | 3月份,他们推选马英九任总统,是因为他承诺为台湾带来更快的经济增长、更多的财富和更光明的未来。 | They elected him in March on promises of faster economic growth, more wealth and a brighter future. | |
23 | 3月份他化名丹尼尔•罗宾逊持南非护照从坦桑尼亚前往索马里。 | He travelled to Somalia from Tanzania in March on a South African passport under the alias Daniel Robinson. | |
24 | 9月19日,红衫军决定去炳廷将军的住地游行,他声称是2006政变的策划者。 | On September 19th the red-shirts are determined to march on the house of General Prem, the alleged mastermind of the 2006 coup. | |
25 | 不会是首都的恐怖分子大游行。 | Not to a terrorist march on the capital. | |
26 | 长征对敌我心理的影响分析 | The Psychological Influence Analysis of Long March on the Enemy and Ourselves | |
27 | 长征和长征题材的文学创作 | Long March and the Theme of the Long March on the Literature Creation | |
28 | 乘胜前进夺取新世纪交通工作开门红 | March on with Victory, Make a Good Start of the New Century for Transport Sector | |
29 | 大约有8万埃及网民要求参与,并保证将上街游行示威,呼吁改革。 | Some 80, 000 Egyptian web-surfers signed up, pledging to march on the streets to voice demands for reform. | |
30 | 但是印度在六月28日才刚刚举办了第二届全国同性恋大游行,仅仅极少数的同性恋公开自己的性取向。 | But in India, which held only its second national Gay Pride march on June 28th, only a tiny minority of gays practice openly. |