属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电信网络双巨头 Two’s company in
1 | 我们常写信,但很少见面 | We write regularly but seldom meet (up), ie see each other | |
2 | 我真希望这个星期的某个时候我们还能意外地见上一面。 | I kinda hoped we’d be able to meet up some time this week. | |
3 | ||1:该集团在一份提交给香港交易所的监管通知中表示,原定于11月5日进行的首次公开募股已被暂缓,原因是该公司“可能不符合上市条件或披露要求”。此前监管机构对马和其他高管进行了约谈。||2:这些文件还提到了“近期金融科技监管环境的变化”,暗示新公布的规则可能造成了阻碍。||3:突然的暂缓也表明一些有权有势的官员可能对马感到不满。按照中国大企业的保守标准,马是一个白手起家的人,直言不讳。 | ||1: The group said in a regulatory notice to the Hong Kong exchange that the IPO, scheduled for November 5th, had been suspended because the company "may not meet listing qualifications or disclosure requirements", after the regulator conducted an interview with Mr Ma and other executives. ||2: The filings also mentioned "recent changes in the fintech regulatory environment", hinting that newly published rules may have got in the way. ||3: The sudden suspension also suggests that some powerful officials may be displeased with Mr Ma, a self-made man who, by the conservative standards of big business in China, has an outspoken streak. | |
4 | ||1:技术上的革新总是给数百万人带来好处,但是那些实现技术革新的公司却不一定会因此而兴旺发达。||2:即便是需求迅速膨胀,其市场竞争也会非常残酷。||3:通信网络设备制造商非常清楚这一点。||4:它们默默地创造着奇迹,让更多的人可以在任何地点通过更智能的终端聊天、工作和娱乐,但得到的回报却少的可怜。 | ||1:REVOLUTIONS in technology bring benefits to millions, but the companies that make them happen do not always thrive.||2:Even when demand is booming, competition to meet it can be brutal.||3:Makers of telecommunications networks know this only too well.||4:They perform the unseen miracles that allow ever more people to talk, work and play on ever smarter devices just about anywhere, but their rewards have been mostly meagre. | |
5 | ||1:协议中的某些部分,尤其是与底特律各公会有关的条款,颇具争议。||2:协议规定要组建财政指导委员会,监督底特律重建工程;对该削减那些民政服务部门保有建议权;选出一名财务总监。||3:鉴于公会合同是底特律财政顽疾的重要原因,协议中对未来公会合同条款做出了严格的规定。并坚持要求,所有仍在生效的合约,即使是在最近已做出修改,也都有重新协商的可能。||4:财政指导委员会成员将由市政府和州政府共同任命,而且新的劳动协议必须在财政指导委员会得以通过后才能交由市长和市政委员会批准。||5:至于财务总监,密西根州长将向底特律市市长推荐至少三人,并交由底特律市长从这些候选人中选出。||6:即使以上条款如实通过,一旦无法达到所要求的财政节约目标,州长先生仍有可能会向底特律指派危机处理员。 | ||1:Aspects of the agreement are controversial, particularly with the city’s labour unions.||2:It would set up a Financial Advisory Board to oversee the city’s restructuring, recommend cuts in services and appoint a chief financial officer (CFO).||3:It imposes tough terms on future union contracts, a chief cause of Detroit’s financial malaise, and insists that all existing contracts, even those recently ratified, can be reopened.||4:The financial advisory board would be appointed by both city and state, and would have to approve new labour agreements before they went to the mayor and city council for ratification.||5:The CFO would be chosen by the mayor from a list of at least three names submitted by the governor.||6:And if, after all this, the city failed to meet the required savings targets, Mr Snyder could still appoint an emergency manager. | |
6 | ||1:这场衰退有可能限制公共财政支出。||2:2011-12财政年度的前7个月统计数据显示政府已经大致完成其借款目标——1220亿英镑。||3:自3月以来,获得失业金的人数每月都在上升。||4:血多经济学家认为独立的财政监督——预算责任部会对中期经济前景会有更低的预期。||5:经济会发挥到最大潜力而且大部分赤字是结构性的,这意味着更少的预算赤字会坏账赖账。 | ||1:Yet the likely recession will strain public finances.||2:Figures for the first seven months of the financial year suggest that the government is roughly on track to meet its borrowing target of £122 billion (around 8% of GDP) for 2011-12.||3:Yet the number of people claiming unemployment benefit has risen each month since March (see chart).||4:Many economists believe the Office for Budget Responsibility, the independent fiscal watchdog, will take a dimmer view of the economy’s medium-term prospects.||5:That would imply less of the budget deficit will be eroded as the economy expands to its full potential, and that more of it is therefore structural. | |
7 | 交易增多的原因很简单:越南,尤其是中国对紫檀木需求持续增长。为了满足市场需求,一个复杂网络的砍伐团伙便产生了,最穷的人分工最危险。当地的头头向村民承诺伐木收入非常可观,其他一些村民被当地的士兵开出的诱惑条件而甘愿去冒险。 | The cause of the boom is simple: growing demand in Vietnam and, especially, China. To meet the demand, a complex network of loggers has sprung up, with the riskiest work carried out by the poorest. Some are country men plucked out by ringleaders promising large sums for sawn planks. Others are villagers solicited by local soldiers. | |
8 | (另一件开心事是见到了同为《金融时报》博主的爱德华•卡彭特(EdwardCarpenter),并一起喝了几杯,听他讲述在上海读EMBA的经历)。 | (It was also great to meet up with fellow blogger Edward Carpenter for a few drinks and hear about his MBA experiences in Shanghai). | |
9 | Richardson在展览目录中写道,1950年代Cooper和Richardson经常同毕加索一起在去看斗牛比赛前共进午餐。 | In the 1950s Cooper and Richardson would regularly meet up with Picasso for lunch before going to watch bullfights. | |
10 | 巴利经常牵着他那体型庞大的圣伯纳犬在伦敦的公园散步,在那里,他遇到一家子的男孩和他们的保母。 | Barrie would often walk his large St. Bernard in a London park where he would meet up with a family of boys and their nanny. | |
11 | 摆脱他的最好办法是说我先失陪过会再过来,当然,等到地狱的冰化了再说吧。 | The only way to get rid of him short of a shotgun is to agree to meet up soon. Preferably, when hell freezes over. | |
12 | 打开手机,你就能轻易找到那些想与你发生关系而又近在咫尺的人,不论是直男还是同性恋。 | Turn on the phone and you’ll find others, gay or straight, who want to meet up for sex and are steps away from you. | |
13 | 带她去看喜剧或是在纺织课或瑜伽课和她相遇。 | Take her to live comedy or meet up on a day she has a spinning or yoga class. | |
14 | 地面上的石笋与顶上的钟乳石相接在一起时就成了“石柱”。 | When these ground formations meet up with the ceiling formations, the result is a "column. " | |
15 | 第二,有一天我能遇到一个女孩,第二,有一天我能遇到一个女孩,并且接下来发生的是故事而不是事故。故事而不是事故。 | Second, one day I can meet up a girl, and what happens next is not an accident but a story. | |
16 | 第二天,我在怀特霍斯与团队的其它成员会合:三名从马尼托巴(加拿大中南部)来的大汉,两位母亲和几个很懂事的少年。 | Next day, in Whitehorse, I meet up with the rest of the group - three big guys from Manitoba, a couple of mums, some sensible teenagers. | |
17 | 对于许多人来说,他们更喜欢在一个干净,有安全感,方便的地方见面。 | For a lot of people they are a cleaner, more safe, convenient place to meet up . | |
18 | 放下行李,我们步行来到一个废弃的印地安村落。 | After unpacking, we meet up for a walk to an abandoned Indian village. | |
19 | 看过前部影片后,你会迫不及待地观看这部片子,很想知道霍克和德尔比饰演的角色是否再次邂逅。 | You will want to watch this ASAP after "Before Sunrise" just to see if Hawke’s and Delpy’s characters ever meet up together again. | |
20 | 两位每隔几周就会见上一面,或外出在迈阿密过夜,或在加勒比海地区共度浪漫的周末时光。 | The two would meet up once every few weeks, for a night out in Miami or a romantic weekend in the Caribbean. | |
21 | 那个时候我的生活里肯定有让我喜欢和尊敬的人,但却没有能和我在一起喝酒交心的男人。 | There were certainly men in my life whom I liked and respected, but no one I would meet up with for a drink and a heart-to-heart. | |
22 | 你可能会去查阅有关文化事件的日历,而且开始接触你附近的爱尔兰人。 | You’d consult a calendar of cultural events and head over to the next Irish meet-up. | |
23 | 您看,我们何不聚一聚喝杯酒,再来谈谈这件事呢? | Look, why don’t we meet up for a drink and talk about it then? | |
24 | 然后,你试着和她接触,她总是太忙没法见你。 | And if you do get in touch with her, she’s too busy to meet up with you. | |
25 | 如果你们只是在讨论等会见面的地点,那么肯定不存在“信息超载”的问题。 | Presumably, if you’re just texting about where you’ll meet up later, there shouldn’t be the problem of overload. | |
26 | 如果你有机会见到布什总统,你会针对对伊战争和他说什么呢? | If you got a chance to meet up President Bush, what would you say on the war against Iraq? | |
27 | 他们来到了一个公墓,在这里他们遇到了林肯、苏克雷和马宏。 | They arrive at a cemetery, where they meet up with Linc, Sucre and Mahone. | |
28 | 它们创造了可以信赖的在线场所。在这些场所,人们可以使用真实身份邂逅彼此。 | They have created trusted online venues where people can meet up using their real identities. | |
29 | 同时,丹和里克与艾瑞.盖恩斯碰了面。 | Meanwhile, Dan and Rick meet up with Ira Gaines. | |
30 | 同时,如果我的朋友想一起聚聚喝杯咖啡,他们可以打电话,写邮件,用Facebook,或者发短信。 | Meanwhile, if my friends want to meet up for coffee, they’re welcome to call, email, Facebook or text. |