1 | 《办法》对发票违法行为作了较具体的划分,对各类违法行为的处罚都较《原办法》更为严厉; | The Methods make specific classifications of illegal acts related to invoices, mete out more severe punishment of illegal acts than the original Methods; | |
2 | 第二百零六条 违反本法规定,发行、承销公司债券的,由国务院授权的部门依照本法第一百七十五条、第一百七十六条、第二百零二条的规定予以处罚。 | Article 206. Whoever issues and sells corporate securities in violation of this law, a department with the State Council’s authorization shall mete out punishment to it in accordance with Articles 175, 176, and 202 of this law. | |
3 | 第二十九条 县级人民政府环境保护部门可处以一万元以下罚款, 超过一万元的罚款,报上一级人民政府环境保护部门批准。 | Article 29. Environmental protection authorities of People’s Governments at the county level are empowered to mete out penalties under ten thousand yuan, and exceeding that sum shall have the approval from environmental protection authorities of People’s Governments at the immediate upper level. | |
4 | 第二十条违反本办法打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物的,港务监督有权责令其停止打捞作业,并可给予警告、罚款的处罚,其中已给国家和他人造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。 | Article 20. Port authority has the right to call a halt to salvage operations on sunken ships and sunken articles carried out in China’s coastal waters in violation of these Procedures, and mete out punishments of a warning or fines. Those who have caused damage to the country and others have the responsibility for paying compensations. | |
5 | 第三十三条 县级以上各级人民政府价格主管部门,依法对价格活动进行监督检查,并依照本法的规定对价格违法行为实施行政处罚。 | Article 33 The price departments of the people’s governments at and above the county level exercise monitoring and checking over pricing activities according to law and mete out administrative punishments on acts that violate the law. | |
6 | 第三十四条 对违反海上交通安全管理法规进行违章操作,虽未造成直接的交通事故,但构成重大潜在事故隐患的,港务监督可以依据本条例进行调查和处罚。 | Article 34. With respect to those operations which have violated the regulations concerning maritime traffic safety and have constituted latent threats of potential major accidents although direct traffic accidents have not been caused, the harbour superintendency administration may carry out investigation and mete out penalties according to the provisions of these Regulations. | |
7 | 第十七条 对海上交通事故的发生负有责任的人员,港务监督可以根据其责任的性质和程度依法给予下列处罚: | Article 17. The harbour superintendency administrations may, according to the nature and seriousness of their liabilities, mete out the following penalties according to law to the persons who are held responsible for the maritime traffic accidents: | |
8 | 第一百零五条 票据的付款人对见票即付或者到期的票据,故意压票,拖延支付的,由金融行政管理部门处以罚款,对直接责任人员给予处分。 | Article 106 If a drawer intentionally delays paying an instrument payable at sight or a matured instrument, the financial administrative department shall mete out a fine to the drawee and give administrative sanction to the person who is directly responsible. | |
9 | 对企业负责人和直接责任者给以行政处分,由工商行政管理机关没收其全部非法收入, | shall mete out disciplinary punishment to the responsible persons of the enterprise and to the persons bearing direct responsibility; and the industry and commerce administrative organ shall confiscate all the illegal income, | |
10 | 给予报酬. | mete out rewards | |
11 | 根据情节轻重,给予警告、通报批评、中止招标、取消一定时期投标权、不准开工、 | based on the seriousness of the case, give out warnings or mete out such penalties as a public notice of criticism, termination of bidding, cancellation of tendering right for a certain period, disapproval for commencement of work, | |
12 | 广告的经营者发布虚假广告的,消费者可以请求行政主管部门予以惩处。 | If the advertising agents run false advertisements, the consumers may request administrative departments to mete out punishment. | |
13 | 计量监督员负责在规定的区域、场所巡回检查,并可根据不同情况在规定的权限内对违反计量法律、法规的行为,进行现场处理,执行行政处罚 | Measurement inspectors are responsible for circuit checking in the prescribed areas and places and may, within their stipulated authority, deal, on the spot, with violations of measurement laws and regulations and mete out administrative sanctions on the merit of each case. | |
14 | 强制服从惩罚或给予惩罚 | To exact or mete out punishment. | |
15 | 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府环境保护部门可处以二十万元以下罚款。 | Environmental protection authorities of provincial People’s Governments, and of People’s Government of autonomous regions and municipalities under the jurisdiction of the Central Government are in a position to mete out penalties under two hundred thousand yuan. | |
16 | 省辖市人民政府环境保护部门可处以五万元以下的罚款 | Environmental protection authorities of cities under the jurisdiction of provincial People’s Governments are empowered to mete out penalties under fifty thousand yuan | |
17 | 省辖市人民政府环境保护部门可处以五万元以下的罚款,超过五万元的罚款,报省级人民政府环境保护部门批准。 | Environmental protection authorities of cities under the jurisdiction of provincial People’s Governments are empowered to mete out penalties under fifty thousand yuan, and exceeding that sum shall have the approval from environmental protection authorities of provincial People’s Governments. | |
18 | 受权的省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局对外商投资企业依法作出没收非法所得超过人民币二十万元或罚款超过人民币二万元或吊销营业执照处罚的,应报国家工商行政管理局核批。 | Provided that the empowered provincial, autonomous regional and municipal administrations expropriate over RMB 200000 yuan of the illegal gains by the foreign investment enterprises, or mete out a fine of over RMB 20000 yuan, or withdraw the business license, they have to report to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce for examination and approval. | |
19 | 随意处罚以某人自己觉得适合的方式给予司法处罚,而不通过正当程序诉诸法律执行机关或法庭 | To mete out justice as one sees fit without due recourse to law enforcement agencies or the courts. | |
20 | 违反本条例第八条的规定,对质量检验人员进行打击报复的,或质量监督、检验机构工作人员徇私舞弊的,由有关主管机关给予行政处分;情节特别严重的,依法追究刑事责任。 | In case of violation of the stipulations in Article 8 of the present Regulations, or retaliation against quality-testing personnel, or the working personnel in quality-supervising and quality-testing agencies act wrongly out of personal consideration, the responsible authoritative department shall mete out disciplinary punishment. As regards those of extraordinary seriousness, criminal liabilities shall be investigated and fixed according to law. | |
21 | 县级人民政府环境保护部门可处以一万元以下罚款 | Environmental protection authorities of People’s Governments at the county level are empowered to mete out penalties under ten thousand yuan | |
22 | 羞恶自有报,只争迟与早。 | God mete out justice in his own good time. | |
23 | 学校不应该体罚学生。 | Schools should not mete out physical punishment to children. | |
24 | 严惩某人. | mete out severe punishment to sb | |
25 | 因近来风流冤孽,缠绵于此处,是以前来访察机会,布散相思. | The reincarnations of some former lovers have recently gathered here, and so I have come to look for a chance to mete out love and longing. | |
26 | 应当向同级或者上级人民政府的行政监察机关提出行政处分建议书,有关行政监察机关应当依法予以处理。 | they should put forward proposals for administrative punishments to the administrative supervision organs at the same level or at a higher level. The related administrative supervision departments shall mete out punishments according to law. | |
27 | 有赏有罚。 | Duly mete out rewards and punishments. | |
28 | 对手下败将他通常很宽宏大量。 | He often mete out generous treatment to those he defeated. | |
29 | 各国政府连公开地互相批评都不愿意,更别说交罚款了。 | Governments have been reluctant to criticise each other in public, let alone to mete out fines. | |
30 | 他制定了如何提供健康保险、铺路、重组学校和如何伸张正义的具体计划。 | He provided detailed plans for how it would provide healthcare, pave roads and reorganize schools, and how it would mete out justice. |