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    c. If it exceeds the deadline for making payment stipulated in the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages for overdue payment.

    3. 超过合同规定期限付款,偿付逾期的违约金。


    Article 36 Liability for breach of a freight transportation contract.

    第三十五条 违反货物运输合同的责任


    (1)Liability of the shipper:a. If it fails to arrange for a vehicle ( or ship)for shipment in accordance with the time or requirements of the transportation contract, it shall pay to the consignor breach of contract damages.

    一、承运方的责任: 1. 不按运输合同规定的时间和要求配车(船)发运的,偿付托运方违约金。


    b. If the goods are sent to the wrong destination or receiving person, it shall transport them free of charge to the destination or receiving person stipulated in the contract. If the goods are delivered after the stipulated time, it shall pay breach of contract damages for overdue delivery.

    2. 货物错运到货地点或接货人,应无偿运至合同规定的到货地点或接货人。如果货物运到逾期,偿付逾期交货的违约金。


    c. If the goods are lost or destroyed, suffer a shortage, deteriorate or are contaminated or damaged in the course of transportation, it shall pay compensation for the actual loss to the goods ( including packaging expenses and freight and miscellaneous expenses).

    3. 运输过程中货物丢失、短少、变质、污染、损坏、按货物实际损失(包括包装资、运杂费)赔偿


    d. If destruction, loss, shortage, deterioration or contamination of or damage to the goods for which the shipper is liable for making compensation occurs during through transshipment, the shipper for the fainal stage of transport shall make compensation as stipulated and then the shipper for the final stage may pursue reimbursement from any other responsible shipper.

    4. 联运的货物发生丢失、短少、变质、污染、损坏应由承运方承相赔偿责任的,由终点阶段的承运方按照规定赔偿,再由终点阶段的承运方向负有责任的其他承运方赔偿。


    e. If, during transportation that is in conformity with the law and the provisions of the contract, destruction, loss, shortage, deterioration or contamination of or damage to the goods is caused by any of the following reasons, the shipper shall not be held liable for breach of contract:

    5. 在符合法律和合规定条件下的运输,由于下列原因造成货物丢失、短少、变质、污染、损坏的,承运方不承担违约责任:


    ( ⅱ)the natural characteristics of the goods;



    ( ⅲ)reasonable loss and damage of the goods; or



    ( ⅳ)the fault of the consignor or the recipient of the goods.



    a. If it does not provide the consigned goods in accordance with the time and requirements stipulated in the contract, it shall pay to the shipper breach of contract damages.

    1. 未按运输合同规定的时间和要求提供托运的货物。偿付承运方违约金。


    b. If it smuggles or conceals dangerous goods among ordinary goods or incorrectly declares the weight of heavy goods, etc., thus causing lifting equipment to break, the goods to be broken or damaged, cranes to be overturned, or an explosion, corrosion or other similar accident to occur, it shall be liable for paying compensation.

    2. 由于在普通货物中夹带、匿报危险货物,错报笨重货物重量等而招致用具断裂、货物摔损、吊机倾翻、爆炸、腐蚀等事故,承担赔偿责任。


    c. If defective packaging produces damage and thus causes other goods or means of transport, machinery or equipment to be contaminated, corroded or damaged or causes human casualties, it shall be liable for paying compensation.

    3. 由于货物包装缺陷产生契损 , 致使其他货物或运输工具、机械设备被污染腐蚀、 损坏,造成人身伤亡的,承担赔偿责任。


    d. If the goods have been loaded by the consignor at its own special-purpose loading point or at a public special-purpose loading point at a harbour or station or at a special-purpose railway loading point, and if damage or shortage is found upon checking the goods at the unloading point, in circumstances where the vehicle was perfectly sealed or there are no abnormal conditions, the consignor shall compensate the receiving party for the losses.

    4. 在托运方专用线或在港、站公用专张、专用铁道自装的货物,在到站卸货时,发现货物损坏、短少,在车辆施封完好或无异状的情况下,应赔偿收货人的损失。


    e. If goods transported in a tank car are not accompanied by the certificate of specifications and quality or the laboratory test report, preventing the recipient of the goods from being able to unload the goods, the consignor shall reimburse the shipper for delayed unloading and storage charges as well as breach of contract damages.

    5. 罐装发运货物,因未随车附带规格质量证明或化验报告,造成收货方无法卸货时。偿付承运方卸车等存费及违约金。


    Article 37 Liability for breach of a contract for the supply and use of electricity.

    第三十六条 违反供用电合同的责任


    (1)Liability of the supplier of electricity:



    The supplier of electricity must supply electricity in a safe manner in accordance with power supply standards stipulated by the State and with the stipulations of the contract. If it has cause to restrict electricity, it shall notify the user in advance. In the absence of a proper reason for restricting the use of electricity or if electricity is cut off due to the fault of the supplier of electricity, it shall compensate the user for the losses caused thereby.



    (2)Liability of the user of electricity:



    The user must use electricity in accordance with the provisions of the contract. If, due to special circumstances, it needs to use more electricity or cannot use electricity at the specified time, it shall notify the supplier in advance. If in the absence of a proper reason for the overload of electricity or for not using electricity at the stipulated time, it shall pay breach of contract damages.

    用电方要根据合同规定用电,因特殊用 电时,应事先通知供电方。如无正当理由超负荷用电或不按规定时间用电,应偿付违约金。

