1 | (四)合作企业合同、章程中规定的其他解散原因已经出现; | (4)Occurrence of other reasons for dissolution described in the JV contract and articles of association; | |
2 | (五)合作企业违反法律、行政法规,被依法责令关闭。 | (5)The JV is ordered to close by law for having violated laws and decrees. | |
3 | 前款第二项、第四项所列情形发生,应当由合作企业的董事会或者联合管理委员会做出决定,报审查批准机关批准。 | In cases described in (2)and (4), the board of directors or joint management committee of the JV shall make an dissolution application to the examination and approval authorities. | |
4 | 在前款第三项所列情形下,不履行合作企业合同、章程规定的义务的中外合作者一方或者数方,应当对履行合同的他方因此遭受的损失承担赔偿责任; | In cases described in (3), one or more than one of the foreign and Chinese parties that fails to fulfill the obligations described by the agreement, contract and articles of association shall be liable to the losses suffered by the other party or parties that has or have fulfilled the obligations. | |
5 | 履行合同的一方或者数方有权向审查批准机关提出申请,解散合作企业。 | The latter has the rights to apply for dissolution of the venture to the examination and approval authorities. | |
6 | 第四十九条 合作企业的清算事宜依照国家有关法律、行政法规及合作企业合同、章程的规定办理。 | Article 49 The liquidation of a contractual JV shall be carried out in accordance with laws, decrees and stipulations of the contractual JV agreement, contract and articles of association. | |
7 | 第九章 关于不具有法人资格的合作企业的特别规定 | Chapter IX Special Regulations on a Contractual JV Without the Legal Person Status | |
8 | 第五十条 不具有法人资格的合作企业及其合作各方,依照中国民事法律的有关规定,承担民事责任。 | Article 50 A contractual JV without the legal person status together with all of its parties shall bear civil liabilities according to regulations of the civil laws of China. | |
9 | 第五十一条 不具有法人资格的合作企业应当向工商行政管理机关登记合作各方的投资或者提供的合作条件。 | Article 51 A contractual JV without the legal person status shall be register with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce the investment or cooperation input contributed by each of its party. | |
10 | 第五十二条 不具有法人资格的合作企业的合作各方的投资或者提供的合作条件,为合作各方分别所有。 | Article 52 The investment or cooperation input contributed by each party of a JV without the legal person status shall be separately owned by each party. | |
11 | 经合作各方约定,也可以共有,或者部分分别所有、部分共有。 | Upon agreement by all parties, the investment or coopperation input may be jointly possessed by all the parties or part of which jointly possessed, part separately. | |
12 | 合作企业经营积累的财产,归合作各方共有。 | Properties accumulated by the venture in its operation process shall be jointly owned by all the parties. | |
13 | 不具有法人资格的合作企业合作各方的投资或者提供的合作条件由合作企业统一管理和使用。 | The investment or cooperation input contributed by each party of a JV without the legal person status shall be jointly managed and put to use, | |
14 | 未经合作他方同意,任何一方不得擅自处理。 | no party shall dispose it on its own without the consent of the other party. | |
15 | 第五十三条 不具有法人资格的合作企业设立联合管理机构。联合管理机构由合作各方委派的代表组成,代表合作各方共同管理合作企业。 | Article 53 A contractual JV without the legal person status shall set up a joint management body, which shall consist of delegates appointed by each party to collectively manage the venture on behalf of itself. | |
16 | 联合管理机构决定合作企业的一切重大问题。 | All major issues pertaining to the venture shall be decided by the joint management body. | |
17 | 第五十四条 不具有法人资格的合作企业应当在合作企业所在地设置统一的会计帐簿; | Article 54 A contractual JV without the legal person status shall set up unified account books at its location; | |
18 | 合作各方还应当设置各自的会计帐簿。 | each party shall set up separately its own account books. | |
19 | 第五十五条 合作企业合同的订立、效力、解释、履行及其争议的解决,适用中国法律。 | Article 55 Laws of the PRC shall be applied to contractual JV contract on its draft, powers, explanation, implementation and settlement of disputes. | |
20 | 第五十六条 本实施细则未规定的事项,包括合作企业的财务、会计、审计、外汇、税务、劳动管理、工会等,适用有关法律、行政法规的规定。 | Article 56 Relevant regulations of the laws, decrees shall be applied to the matters of a venture that are not stipulated in this detailed rules such as finance, accounting, auditing, foreign exchange, taxation, labor management, trade union, etc. |