1 | 我说,我已把这些事丢在一边,开始筹划度日之计,并尽可能地改善自己的生活。 | I say, giving over these things, I began to apply my self to accommodate my way of living, and to make things as easylind, lose it quite, and sit down and weep like a child, and thus increase my misery by my folly. | |
2 | 但我仅仅欣喜一阵子而已,高兴过了也就算了。 | But it ended where it begun, in a mere common flight of joy | |
3 | 可是,在最初的一阵恐惧过去之后,关于神力和上帝的印象也马上随之消失。 | Yet no sooner was the first fright over, but the impression it had made went off also. | |
4 | 能创造万物的力量,当然也能引导和支配万物。 | For the power that could make all things, must certainly have power to guide and direct them. | |
5 | 我想不出有任何理由能推翻这些结论。 | Nothing occurr’d to my thought to contradict any of these conclusions | |
6 | 我希望世上的人都能从我不幸的遭遇中取得经验和教训。 | And let this stand as a direction from the experience of the most miserable of all conditions in this world | |
7 | 我很久没守安息日了。 | I had all this time observ’d no sabbath-day | |
8 | 我修筑的双层围墙,不仅完好无损 | The circle or double hedge that I had made, was not only firm and entire | |
9 | 我把它们放在篱笆上晒干,然后带回我海边住宅的洞室里。 | These I set up to dry within my circle or hedge, and when they were fit for use, I carry’d them to my cave | |
10 | 我不知道那是什么地方,估计是美洲的一部分吧。 | I could not tell what part of the world this might be, otherwise than that I know it must be part of America | |
11 | 虽然我也想到船建成后下水可能是一大难题 | Not but that the difficulty of launching my boat came often into my head | |
12 | 这种态度使我内心感到的由衷安慰,实难言表。 | And this gave me sometimes such secret comforts, that I cannot express them | |
13 | 如果我有迷信思想,认为时辰有凶吉,那我一定会感到无限的惊诧。 | And which, if I had been superstitiously inclin’d to observe days as fatal or fortunate, I might have had reason to have look’d upon with a great deal of curiosity. | |
14 | 即使我能躲过第一股急流,也会被卷入回流中去。 | So I had nothing to do but to get in out of the first current, and I should presently be in an eddy. | |
15 | 等他们正热闹地举行那残忍的仪式时,就向他们开火,一枪准能打死或打伤两三个。 | And in the middle of their bloody ceremony, let fly at them, when I should be sure to kill or wound perhaps two or three at every shoot | |
16 | 在鸟枪里装了一把鸟弹,都是特大号的。 | And the fowling piece I loaded with near a handful of swan-shot, of the largest size | |
17 | 任其他们按照自己令人憎恶的、腐败堕落的冲动去行事,任其他们多少世纪以来干着这种骇人听闻的勾当,形成这种可怕的风俗习惯。 | And constantly were left, and perhaps had been so for some ages, to act: horrid things, and receive such dreadful customs | |
18 | 我这岂不是自取灭亡吗?这是我当前绝对不应该做的事。 | I should only bring upon my self a certain destruction, which at present I had no manner of occasion for. | |
19 | 如果我坦诚承认这一点,读者一定不会感到奇怪。 | I believe the reader of this will not think strange, if I confess that | |
20 | 一天清晨,天还未大亮,我就出门了。 | When going out pretty early in the morning, even before it was day-light |