1 | 图1-1是酸碱平衡生理学的“鸟瞰”图,介绍了在探讨酸碱平衡问题时必须弄清楚的一些生化过程。 | Figure 1-1 presents a “bird′s-eye view” of acid-base physiology and illustrates some of the biochemical processes one needs to understand in order to approach acid-base problems. | |
2 | 一般来说,酸碱平衡代谢可以分成三个阶段,在图1-1中分成了三个水平介绍: | In general, Normal acid-base metabolism can be divided into three phases, illustrated as three levels in Figure 1-1: | |
3 | ①细胞内作为代谢的副产品生成酸和碱;②酸(或碱)的血管运输;③通过肾脏排出酸或碱和通过肺排出CO2。 | (1)intracellular production of acids and bases as by-products of metabolism;(2)intravascular transport of acids (or bases);and (3)elimination of acids (or bases)by the kidneys and carbon dioxide (CO2)by the lungs. | |
4 | 机体的酸碱平衡系统可以分成由肺脏调节的呼吸因素(图1-1左)和由肾脏调节的代谢因素(图1-1右)。 | The acid-base system in the body can be divided into a respiratory component (see Figure 1-1,left side)regulated by the lungs and a metabolic component (see Figure 1-1,right side)regulated by the kidneys. | |
5 | 细胞内碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白质的有氧代谢产生CO2,即由肺脏排出的挥发性酸(见“呼吸因素)。 | Intracellular aerobic metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins yields CO2, a volatile acid that is eliminated by the lungs (see “The Respiratory Component). | |
6 | 机体组织每天产生大量的CO2(大约1500mmol,图1-1左上)都由肺脏排出体外(图1-1左下)。 | A massive amount of CO2 [approximately 15,000 mill moles (mol)] is produced by body tissues each day (see Figure 1-1,upper left)and is eliminated by the lungs(see Figure 1-1,lower left). | |
7 | 碳水化合物的无氧代谢和蛋白质脂肪的有氧代谢产生非挥发性酸,例如β-羟基丁酸(酮酸)、乳酸、硫酸和磷酸 | Anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrates and aerobic metabolism of fats and proteins yield non-volatile acids, such as ?-hydroxybutyric acid (a retraced), lactic acid, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid. | |
8 | 虽然作为代谢过程的中间产物机体产生酸和碱,在正常北美膳食的情况下成年人一般每天产生大约50~70mmol H+的净非挥发性酸产物。 | Although the body produces non-volatile acids and bases as by-products of intermediate metabolism, the usual net non-volatile acid production is about 50 to 70mEq of H+ per day for an adult on an average North American diet. | |
9 | 病理生理过程可以大幅度地提高非挥发性酸的产量。 | Path physiologic processes have the potential to increase non-volatile acid production dramatically. | |
10 | 缓冲系统:转运酸并减轻pH值的改变. | The Buffer System: Transporting Acid and Mitigating pH Changes. | |
11 | 因为大多数细胞内代谢产生的非挥发性酸(HA)的PK值都远低于7.40(血液PH值),所以它们都被降解成H+离子和阴离子(A-)。 | Because the pK values for most of the non-volatile acids (HA)produced by cellular metabolism are much lower than 7.40(the pH of the blood), they are forced to dissociate into H+ ions and anions (A-). | |
12 | 产生的H+如是在血液中自由聚集,那么血浆PH值将大幅度地降低。 | If the H+ ions produced this way were free to accumulate in the blood, the pH would fall Dramatically. | |
13 | 因此机体提供了另外一种阴离子,一种缓冲阴离子(B-),它可以结合H+离子并将之转变成HB。 | Therefore, the body provides a different anion, a buffering anion (B-), to bind the H+ ions and to transport them in the blood as HB. | |
14 | 缓冲系统是酸或碱的“摒除”或“储存”系统,是抵御血浆PH从7.40改变的第一道防线。 | The buffer system serves as an acid or base “sink” or “storage” system and is the first line of defense against a change of pH from the value of 7.40. | |
15 | 缓冲液是一些弱酸,这意味着在PH值为7.40的时候,酸是以HB和B-大约相同的数量存在。 | Buffers are weak acids, meaning that at a pH of 7.40 the acid exists in approximately equal amounts of HB and B-. | |
16 | B-可以很快地结合一个H+,这样就降低了它所引起的[H+]的升高,并为其提供了一种在血液中运输的载体。 | The B-can readily accept a H+ ion, thus eliminating that ions contribution to [H+] and providing a vehicle for its transport in the blood. | |
17 | 通过结合H+,缓冲液可以减轻由于酸性代谢产物引起的血浆pH值的降低。 | By accepting H+ ions, buffers mitigate decreases in pH due to acid production. | |
18 | 同样,由于HB也很丰富,它可以供应H+给产生的碱,因此也可以缓冲由于碱性产物的增加而引起的pH值的升高。 | Similarly, because HB is also abundant, it can donate H+ ions to bases that are produced, thereby blunting the rise in pH associated with increased base production. | |
19 | 然而,缓冲液也有极限。随着它们被消耗,pH值变化越来越大。如果酸性产物多于缓冲离子的生成,血清就变成酸性的。 | Buffers do have a limit, however. As they become depleted, the pH changes to a greater and greater extent. If the production of acid is greater than the regeneration of buffers, then the blood becomes increasingly acidemic. | |
20 | 细胞外液中的最大的缓冲系统是HCO3-。H+和HCO3-反应后生成H2O和CO2。 | The predominant buffer in the extracellular fluid is HCO3-.When H+ reacts with HCO3-, H2O and CO2 are produced (see Figure 1-1,leftward progression of the chemical equation in the dashed box). |