属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-经济学史 Centuries of trial and
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-羽毛化石 并非鸟类独有
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-植物机器人 落地生根
1 | ||1:娜萨女士从不费心遮掩自己的偏见,这让她的故事更有可读性。||2:书中关于卡尔·马克思的篇幅甚短。马克思对自己的公正颇有信心,但他总在大英国书馆埋头读书,没有时间去好好观察身边的世界。||3:他连一家英国工厂都没去参观过,也拒绝和当时思想大家交流。查尔斯·达尔文和乔治·艾略特离他住地几英里外,他们却从未讲过话。||4:势不可挡的统计数据,足以表明工人阶级占有国家财富的份额在增长,他对此视而不见。||5:阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔与马克思截然相反,他是维多利亚时期优秀品质的化身,关心身边世界,经常访问工厂企业,环游世界新的“活力帝国”——美国。||6:他全心全力支持大众教育和逐渐改革。 | ||1: Ms Nasar’s story is made all the more appealing by the fact that she does almost nothing to conceal her prejudices. ||2: She has little time for Karl Marx, a man who was so convinced of his rightness, and so buried in his books in the British Library, that he failed to observe the world around him. ||3: He did not bother to visit a single British factory. He refused to exchange a word with the intellectual titans of the time, including Charles Darwin and George Eliot, both of whom lived just a few miles from his front door. ||4: He ignored overwhelming statistical evidence that the working class’s share of the nation’s wealth was increasing. ||5: By contrast, Alfred Marshall was everything that Marx was not: the embodiment of all that was best in Victorian high- mindedness. Marshall was alive to what was going on around him. He frequently visited factories and firms, and travelled around the world’s new “empire of energy”, the United States. ||6: He threw his weight behind popular education and incremental reform. | |
2 | 查尔斯?达尔文曾说过研究孔雀尾让他有头晕的感觉,可见想解释清楚其复杂性有多难了。 | Charles Darwin once said that contemplating a peacock’s tail made him sick, such was the difficulty of explaining its complexity. | |
3 | 据玛佐莱博士称,第一个论及此事的人是查尔斯·达尔文。 | According to Dr Mazzolai, the first person to ask about that was Charles Darwin . | |
4 | “达尔文的发现之旅在伦敦已经引起了巨大的轰动,”他解释道。 | "Darwin ’s voyage of discovery had already caused a huge sensation in London, " he explained. | |
5 | “始祖鸟”在1861年被发现,即查尔斯·达尔文发表《物种起源》后两年。 | Archaeopteryx was discovered in 1861, two years after Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species. | |
6 | 1856年8月,查尔斯·达尔文将出版物种起源的三年前。 | It was August 1856, three years before Charles Darwin would publish On the Origin of Species. | |
7 | 1858年六月,当达尔文还埋头于自己的宏篇巨著时,他收到了一位在马来群岛工作的英国自然学家的来信。 | Darwin was still working on his magnum opus when in June 1858 he received a letter from an English naturalist working in Malaysia. | |
8 | 1882年,达尔文去世时,他被公认为英国最伟大的科学家之一,并安葬在威斯敏斯特教堂。 | By the time Darwin died in 1882, he was recognized as one of England’s greatest scientists and was buried in Westminster Abbey. | |
9 | Jones说,不管发生什么,有一点是值得铭记的,那就是在很长的历史时间里,达尔文完美的理论一直被“滥用”。 | Whatever happens, Jones says, it is worth remembering that Darwin ’s beautiful theory has suffered a long history of abuse. | |
10 | 艾德里安·德斯蒙德和詹姆斯·摩尔在1991年出版了一部备受推崇的达尔文传记。 | Adrian Desmond and James Moore published a highly regarded biography of Darwin in 1991. | |
11 | 不过,达尔文对自然选择概念的描述有着非常令人遗憾的一面。 | But the concept of natural selection, and Darwin ’s own presentation of it, has one very unfortunate aspect. | |
12 | 不过,还是出现大争论,像达尔文所不知道的自我组织这样的事实。 | But major issues arise, such as the fact that Darwin did not know about self-organisation. | |
13 | 查尔斯.达尔文对于自然界的思考受到他痛恨奴隶制的深刻影响 | Charles Darwin ’s thinking about the natural world was profoundly influenced by his revulsion for slavery. | |
14 | 查尔斯.达尔文广泛阅读,从各个领域吸收知识。 | Charles Darwin read widely and sought ideas from other fields of study. | |
15 | 查尔斯.达尔文在一生中身体都很糟糕,他经常头痛、他患有皮肤病,而且他的胃也不好。 | Charles Darwin had poor health much of his life. He suffered headaches and problems with his skin and stomach. | |
16 | 查尔斯·达尔文提出了第一个进化科学理论。 | Charles Darwin developed the first scientific theory of evolution. | |
17 | 从达尔文横空出世那天起,自然世界就已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。 | Since Darwin ’s birth, the natural world has changed beyond recognition. | |
18 | 从亚里士多德到伏尔泰再到查理斯·达尔文,这些思想家对蝾螈的再生都十分着迷,尽管他们几乎不明白这到底是怎么回事。 | Thinkers from Aristotle to Voltaire and Charles Darwin have been fascinated by salamander regeneration, though they barely understood it. | |
19 | 达尔文,伟大的植物研究者之一,提出了如今名为“根大脑”的假说。 | Darwin , one of the great plant researchers, proposed what has become known as the "root-brain" hypothesis. | |
20 | 达尔文10月2日回到什鲁斯伯里做最后告别,之后出发前往伦敦。 | Darwin returned to Shrewsbury on 2 October to say his final farewells and then set out to London. | |
21 | 达尔文被邀请参加塞奇威克的地质学讲座,整个春季学期他都贪婪地就这个课程进行阅读。 | Darwin was invited to attend his geology lectures and read voraciously on the subject all spring term. | |
22 | 达尔文不是不动情感的科学家,他是一个充满热情的人道主义者。 | Darwin was not a dispassionate scientist, he was a passionate humanitarian. | |
23 | 达尔文担任过当地的行政长官(尽管常被描述为一名隐士),在自己的餐厅里申张正义。 | And although often painted as a recluse, Darwin served as a local magistrate, meting out justice in his dining room. | |
24 | 达尔文的进化论认为某一物种的技能越专门化,其进化的趋向就越明显,作家似乎不在其列。 | Being a writer is in defiance of Darwin ’s observation that the more highly specialized a species, the more likely its extinction. | |
25 | 达尔文的进化论有两个相关的部分:彼此关联,但并非不可分割。 | Darwin ’s theory of evolution has two connected parts: connected, but not inseparable. | |
26 | 达尔文的理论从“在孰生孰死的抽奖活动中,是什么将胜利者与失败者区分开来?”这一发问展开。 | Darwin ’s theory begins by asking, in the lottery of who will survive and who will perish, what determines the winners from the losers? | |
27 | 达尔文的理论认为,自然选择倾向于能够促进个体繁殖成效的特性和行为。 | In Darwin ’s theory, natural selection favors traits and behaviors that promote individual reproductive success. | |
28 | 达尔文的理论早该休矣,事实即是如此——它令现代的生物学家们既恼且羞。 | The truth of the matter, much to the chagrin of contemporary biology, is that Darwin ’s theory should have been laid to rest some time ago. | |
29 | 达尔文的理性思考促进了科学与社会的分野。 | Darwin ’s critical thinking pushed the boundaries of science and society. | |
30 | 达尔文的理由是,其他所有的猿类和无树大草原动物都面临着同样的寄生物问题。 | Darwin rejected this on the grounds that all other apes and savannah animals had faced the same problem with parasites. |