属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 25492-1991
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-理性的声音 The Dead Sea Scrolls
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-模仿 春天第一只雀鹰
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-模仿 春天第一只雀鹰
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-模仿 春天第一只雀鹰
1 | 测量核燃料中的轴含量.戴维斯-格雷法(Davies-Gray-Methode)测定电位的过程 | Determination of the uranium content of nuclear fuels; potentiometric method based on the modified Davies and Gray method | |
2 | 戴维斯的家在一条狭长的胡同里。 | Davies ’ house is down a long narrow alley. | |
3 | 戴维斯先生每星期付我一次租金。 | Mr. Davies pays me rent weekly | |
4 | 戴维斯先生是我们的数学教师。 | Mr.Davies is our maths master. | |
5 | 丹·戴维斯获任主持一个新的讨论节目. | Dan Davies has been chosen to front a new discussion programme. | |
6 | 劳拉·戴维斯走在球道上。 | Laura Davies is walking on fairway. | |
7 | 我提名玛丽,戴维斯为总裁候选人。 | I propose Mary Davies as a candidate for the presidency. | |
8 | 一个人不能把他的糕饼吃掉之后还留在手上。--戴维斯 | One cannot eat one’s cake and have it.--Davies | |
9 | 因为戴维斯先生上班总是迟到经理解雇了他。 | The manager fired Mr.Davies because he was always late for work. | |
10 | ||1:他亲身经历了基督教和犹太教在二十世纪悲剧性的关系,这可能对他有所助益。||2:现已85岁的维尔麦希回忆说,他匈牙利裔的犹太双亲都死于大屠杀,虽然他们一家——他们并不笃信宗教——之前在一九三十年代都皈依了天主教。||3:年轻的格左被其家庭交往的天主教徒所救,接着去了西欧学习。||4:他被授予了天主教神父的职务,也在不同的天主教大学受过教育,但后来他还是回归了他的犹太传统。||5:作为一位毕生分析死海古卷的专家,他努力让尽可能多的学者能够接触这些文本——比他年轻的圣经学者们(比如英国的菲利普·戴维斯)回忆起他的这些努力时都心存感激——由他来剖析这一独特发现的精确意义和评价这一发现所引发的多个理论非常合适。 | ||1:It may help that his personal story stands at the tragic interface between Christianity and Judaism in the 20th century.||2:As the 85-year-old Mr Vermes recalls, his Hungarian Jewish parents died in the Holocaust, even though the family, which was not religious, had converted to Catholicism in the 1930s.||3:Young Geza was saved by the family’s Catholic contacts and went on to study in western Europe.||4:Ordained as a Catholic priest and educated at Catholic universities, he later reverted to his Jewish roots.||5:As a lifelong analyst of the scrolls, whose efforts to maximise scholarly access have been gratefully recalled by younger biblical scholars, such as Britain’s Philip Davies , Mr Vermes is well placed to dissect the precise significance of this unique discovery, and to assess the many theories it triggered. | |
11 | 尼克?戴维斯(Nick Davies)贾斯汀?韦伯尔根(Justin Welbergen)是剑桥大学的鸟类学专家,它们现在补充了这种遗漏。 | Nick Davies and Justin Welbergen, a pair of ornithologists at Cambridge University, have now corrected that omission. | |
12 | 尼克·戴维斯贾斯汀·韦伯尔根是剑桥大学的鸟类学专家,它们现在补充了这种遗漏。 | Nick Davies and Justin Welbergen, a pair of ornithologists at Cambridge University, have now corrected that omission. | |
13 | 为了进行它们的测试,戴维斯博士和韦伯尔根博士将几种鸟类标本放到了莺的芦苇巢附近,用来观察这些巢主人的反应。 | To carry out their test, Dr Davies and Dr Welbergen put stuffed birds near reed-warbler nests, to observe the nestholders’ reactions. | |
14 | 也许戴维斯博士和韦伯尔根博士已经注意到了杜鹃和莺正处于一个进化的军备竞赛中。 | Probably, Dr Davies and Dr Welbergen have caught cuckoo and warbler in the middle of an evolutionary arms race. | |
15 | “储恩除了辞职别无选择。”报道中戴维斯如是说。 | "Chuene may have no other option than resigning as president of ASA, " Davies was reported to have said. | |
16 | “此举是一个巨大的进步,具有象征意义,”隐私国际理事西蒙·戴维斯(SimonDavies)表示。 | "Symbolically this is a huge step, " says Simon Davies , director of Privacy International. | |
17 | “没有一个行星比地球更像地球,”现在就职于亚利桑那州立大学的戴维斯教授说。 | "No planet is more Earth-like than Earth itself, " said Professor Davies who now works at Arizona State University. | |
18 | “我对它很好奇,但是它在都市传说中掩盖得如此严实,以至于我无法肯定什么是真实的,什么是想象,”Davies说。 | "I’m curious about [it], but it’s so shrouded in urban legend I’m not sure what’s real and what’s imaginary, " says Davies . | |
19 | “阴影生物圈”的概念,戴维斯教授说,“只是一个理论而已。” | The concept of a shadow biosphere, according to Professor Davies , "is still just a theory" . | |
20 | 《卫报》一调查记者尼克。戴维斯,通过他的关系,试图在法律界掩盖事实。 | Nick Davies , an investigative reporter at the Guardian, pursued the attempted cover-up through his contacts in the legal world. | |
21 | 2002年,那时的墨文戴维斯还是渣打的行政总裁,他说客户业务将是“我们前进的动力”。 | When Mervyn Davies was chief executive in 2002, he said the consumer business would be "our engine for growth" . | |
22 | Davies当然也希望能看到方案的每项措施中都承诺减排的大概数值。 | Davies would have liked to have seen estimates of the emissions reductions promised by each measure in the package. | |
23 | Davies教授说:“外星人向我们发送特定信息的这个说法该改改了,我们必须实行新的探索方案。” | Prof Davies said: "We need to give up the notion that ET is sending us some sort of customised message and take a new approach. " | |
24 | Davies制作出了一个形似真正网站的聚合服务,向他致敬! | Kudos to Davies for making an aggregator that looks like a real website. | |
25 | IOC发言人吉塞尔•戴维斯(GiselleDavies)在一封邮件中写道:“我们不应该将奥运会政治化,无论它是在哪儿举行。” | ’It is not our role to politicize the Games, no matter where they may be held, ’ IOC spokeswoman Giselle Davies wrote in an e-mail. | |
26 | K•盖茨及L•盖茨,2007年8月10号,致乔治·戴维斯律师事务所信函所付的时间计划 | K&L Gates, 10th August 2007. Schedule attached to letter sent to George Davies Solicitors. | |
27 | Romano和Carroll都为了讨论网上数字遗产而加入了DaveDavies。 | Romano and Carroll both join Dave Davies for a discussion about online digital legacies. | |
28 | 奥迪公司的产品经理——罗宾·戴维斯可不这么认为。 | Not according to Audi’s product affairs manager, Robin Davies . | |
29 | 保罗·戴维斯:这倒是我们最不担心的。 | Paul Davies : That’s the least of our worries. | |
30 | 鲍勃.戴维斯承认,在圣经中自慰是被准许的。 | Bob Davies allows that masturbation is biblically permissible. |